Solving a murder in a small town

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town.... view prompt



I live in a small town where people talk too much and don’t listen very often. I didn’t really care about the topics they were talking about, because I wasn’t interested in gossip, other people problems and their judging.

One day, everything changed. I was in a bar, sipping my morning coffee and reading newspaper, when I heard from an old lady that there was a murderer in town. It was a small town, so anybody became very suspicious. Suddenly I didn’t trust anybody.

I decided that I’m going to solve this case, so I went on a little adventure.

I remembered the old lady saying that the person was probably a man. But I wasn’t so sure. It could be a woman who just wanted to take her power back. And why I thought of that you may ask.

Murderers are intelligent and women’s in this town were well educated and smart, while mans were just searching the power and wanted to make a lot of money. They weren’t smart, they just wanted to look smart.

I took my backpack and putted my camera in it. Before I catch murderer I need proof. If I was the murderer, where would I hide? The forest. Nobody ever goes there, because everybody thinks that there could be some witch in it. I know, it’s very stupid. So the smart person I am, I went in the forest. Alone. Without warning anyone. But you know, I was going on an adventure.

While I was walking I had a filing someone was watching me. I felt shivers down my spine and I heard noises. But I was in the middle of the forest, of course I’m going to hear noises, right? I was scared. Something bad could happen to me and nobody would even know. My eyes were full of fear and my body was blocked. My mind was telling me to go back and to stop investigating on the murders, but I couldn’t move. And suddenly I felt a hand on my mouth and someone pressing their body on mine. I tried to scream but I couldn’t. I looked at the person and it was just my boyfriend.

"Are you insane Max? You scared me!" I yelled in his face.

"Come on baby, calm down. I just wanted to make sure you were safe." He said.

I hugged him and told him what I was doing in the middle of the forest.

"You can’t catch a murderer, you don’t have any experience.”

“Well yes, but you make experience by actually doing things. And right now, I’m searching for some clues. You can stay and help me find her. Or him. If you want."

He decided to stay and help me. First clue I found was a jacket covered in blood beside one tree. The blood was still fresh. Next to that jacket there was a knife covered in blood.

“Lucy! Come here!” called Max.

He found some t-shirt covered in blood. Both items could be from a victim. Next to the t-shirt there were footprints, so I started to follow them. They leaded me to an old house. I turned around and Max was gone.

“Max! Max, where are you?” I yelled.

No answer. I called him on the phone. Still no answer. I started searching him. I followed his footsteps and finally I found him beside the river.

“Max! Oh my god! You scared me!” I said and hugged him from the back.

“Nice to meet you, miss Adams. I was just wandering when are you going to find me.”

My eyes were wide open and I let go of the man. He turned around. He was identical to Max, but it wasn’t him.

“Who are you? And why do you look like my boyfriend Max?”

The man started laughing.

“Oh honey. I’m a lost twin of Max. Pleasure to meet you, I’m Henry. The forgotten one, the one nobody talks about. And now, that I killed all this people, the town is finally going to talk about me. All the attention is going to be on me.”

“You are killing people just for the attention?”

He started running towards me and I screamed and just run away. He was just few steps behind me, so I ran faster. I was calling for help, but nobody could hear me. Suddenly I saw Max in the distance. I yelled his name and he turned and saw me running.

Max suddenly realised what’s going on and started running to save me. He stopped his twin from killing me and they started to fight. I tried to take them apart, but I couldn’t . I called the police and send them my location.

The police came and they arrested Henry. Before they putted him in the car, he looked at me and smiled.

“Some day, you are going to be one of the victims too miss Adams.” He said and the police closed the door and drove to the police station.

“That was definitely not the adventure that I expected. And how come I never knew you have a twin?” I asked.

“What are you talking about?” Max asked.

“What do you mean what am I talking about? You saw him.”

“Honey, I think you are going insane. Here take this pills.”

Suddenly I woke up. I was in my room, with my lovely boyfriend beside me and the sane mind in my head. That was a really weird dream.

But the dream made me think that I should really go on an adventure. Maybe is just my

subconscious telling me that my life is boring and I need to spice it up with an adventure. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do, I’m going on an adventure, just not in the forest. I think I should listen to my dreams telling me that’s a bad and probably dangerous idea.

I’m finally going to listen to my dreams and go somewhere I have never been before. I could go to Italy and finally visit Rome.

“Hey Max, we should go to Italy!”

September 22, 2019 20:27

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