Great Famine

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



Once upon a time, there lived a prestigious king named king Afamefula. He was known for his greatness and fair judgements. In the land of "Obodomma" things were going on well, other villagers will always wished to be like people from the land of Obodomma. Their men were known for hardworking and full of strength. Their major occupations were farming, hunting and trading. Their women were known for bead marking and basket weaving. People from other clans come in innumerable numbers to patronize them in their beads. Some of them also have good skill in clothes weaving. Their children were epitome of excellence. King Afamefula was a king known by all the clans as a fare and an honest king. He ruled with wisdom drawn from the era of King Solomon of old. When issues like land disputes come to his palace he settles them amicably and ensure no one leaves his palace in tears. His guards worshiped him like he was their God. Every season, Obodomma is recorded the highested in cultivation of crops and rearing of lifestocks. Though, they majored in farming, hunting and trading, palmwine tapping was also an added gift to most men in Obodomma just like the name implies. They ate even when they never felt hungry. When children from the land go out or visit other clans, children from other clans felt jealous of them. Their women were never known to have problems with child birth neither have they had a record of still birth. Indeed, the gods were watching over the land and all its habitation. They go out at sun rise and return at sun set unhurt. But one thing about the people of Obodomma, they never had the mind of "giving". All they had were for them and them alone. They never stretched the hands of giving. This was the flaw king Afamafula had unknown to him. His ancestors watched him, he never learnt their footsteps. King Oribo was a good king, known for his generosity and hospitable character. King Adimabua the 11, he was a man of the people. He let the entrance of his kingdom open for all clans to come and merry with them in time of celebration. King Ugoeze Was The last king who Reign for 80years before the reign of king Afamefula. King Ugoeze was known for his good and kindness towards his subjects and neighboring villages. He orders the guards to slutter animals and throw open a feast of merriment for both the people of Obodomma and other clans. This was what he was known for. Unfortunately, King Afamefula inherited good qualities of his ancestors but never spread the hand of giving to others. Those who come from other clans were made to pay heavy before dey go with anything valuable from the land. The greatest physician , Odogwudinaogu" was from the land of Obodomma. He was blessed by the gods to heal the sick with herbs and mere leaves from the bushes or forests. He was known for his great healing abilities. With all these and more bestoned on the people of Obodomma, they never extended the hand of charity. They ate and ate and ate. During cultivation, they had lots of seedlings and firtle lands that grows their seedlings in countless numbers. From season to season, farmers were cultivating and harvesting bountifully. Rain fell at its due season and so did sun. All these were happening and on one fateful season, the sun rised in west and set in the east! Things fell apart in the land and no one could get hold of the cause to the sudden misharm that befell the land of Obodomma. The king sermoned his chiefs and the priest to find a solution to the great famine that has engulfed the land. They went to different clans to profer solution to the tears that have clouded the sky of Obodomma and the thorns that have spread all through their paths in the land. The chief priest countless times called on the gods for answers yet, with all that the chief priest did, all proved abortive. None was a solution to the problem. Obodomma suffered great famine to the extent, hunters hunted their children and prepare their body parts for meal. The farmers ate the remains of their rotten yams. Their rivers dried up and fishing was a forgotten tale for those who took it as a means of livelihood. The land which was known for bountiful harvest turned into a desert. Oh! My ancestors has forsaken me! The king cried as he lay on his tattered maltrass. What has brought this great famine to me and my people? He cried. His guards, wives, palace madiens gathered in the throne room all seem confused and shattered with what that has befelled the land. villagers in their numbers began to trip into the palace to seek for help from the king who can no longer but wonder the way out of the great calamity in his land. As most of the villagers who the gods have spared their lives from hunger clustered the palace like swarm of bees, there was a dead silence as the great hunter of Obodomma walked into the palace all dressed in his hunting regalia on his left shoulder was his hunting gun on his right a crossed animal skin hunting bag and round his neck was the skull of a lion he killed with his bare hands some years ago in Anadita forest. With him was a little boy of about twelve years old who has wondered for so many years in the forest was brought alone with him to the palace "Akadike" the great hunter. He wanted to hunt the little boy down thinking he was an antelope but the boy cried out and said " spare my life" I am but a little boy wondering no where to go, no food to eat not even a roof over my small head. When the king heard all that were narrated by the hunter, he beconed on the little boy and asked him what was his name, the little boy said, " give me food for am dying of hunger! " Nothing was in the palace to serve the poor hungry boy only a piece of rotten yam. The king cried out again and again and again! My ancestors why have you all turned your backs on me and my people? At that point, the little boy fell to the ground and said oh King Afamefula your reign has been great you have had good times all through your reign but a great tragedy came unexpectedly this was to warn you that some times you save for the "rainy day " give to others so when you will be in need, you will be remembered. "Give me the rotten yam" the little boy said in a very weak voice. I will eat and be merry for my name is " Aladigomma" ( the land is now good).The king immediately, ordered for the piece of yam and after the little boy fed himself, he warn the king never to think of the present only but always think of the future sometimes it might rain when shine is expected.

He said, " Great king Afamefula, you and your people should learn from the tiniest creature THE ANTS.

In time to come, let the generations that will come after now learn from what came visiting you and your people these few years of great famine

I, Obodoadigomma has lay my life for the land to be fruitful once again!

As all in the palace gathered in dumfoundments, Obodoadigomma laid lifeless on the ground after his last words. This was a great loss! The people cried their eyes out and learnt never to wait until such befalls them again before they learn their lessons.

The king from that moment, renamed the land of Obodomma. He named it "Obodoadigomma" in memory of the little boy.

July 11, 2020 12:57

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Abigail Slimzy
13:19 Jul 11, 2020

Like the saying, " change is inevitable " Always prepare ahead because a day might come, things will turn out the way you least expected. And above all, learn to be a giver. You never can tell, you might need someone's help.


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17:27 Jul 20, 2020

This is nice and educational


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17:27 Jul 20, 2020

This is nice and educational


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