Bedtime Desi Friendship

This story contains sensitive content

as homeless on the street and suddenly a meet up with a stranger older male and not to keen but later we gotten to know one another as friends on the street and even helped dtox me off the alcohol and though i didnt care for his few other street buddies,though were ok so after a meal at a church me and my new good friend went to visit a local city museum and the art gallery ,which inspired my friend ato buy me a set of mindful ness colour books and as when food was very scarce at most drop in churchhalls so ron and me had to beg at shops and he encouraged sitting with a sign for help with money for food while i did my artwork in my mindfulness colour books to attract more crowds to hand overmoney fpr food,though ron kept a close eye on me recieving the donation pof money so i dont sneak over to a pub to drink well i thought two weeks of his help of staying dry and sober had helped me and more mon ey were donated through my artwork of my mindfulness colouring pages ,soon ron tiriing of the streetlife and could tell i was tiring so we went book a couple rooms in an old boarding house and still we had to scavege money o n streets i given away the artwork to attract the crowd and read books to the crowd and ron sitting across from me with his sign for help and soon i ended falling off the wagon a few times,and even when ron helped me with a housing service property first and ron moved into a unit close by and soon ended next door to me tp help me sober for good that time and it wasnt till ended in hospital and ron over heari ng tje male doctor wanted to switch off my machine assuming i was not to going to make it through and ron gotten angry yelling ni=o shes a stubborn woman and she,d besat you all and since my mum and dad located and dad threatened ;you let my daughter die ill kill you all and blow the hospital so just give some food in her am and be ok, and a few months in hospital i pulled through thanks not only for my friend but my dad and now i live in another more quieter housing ,am back into art coloring and me and ron started to see the old museum and art gallery and then stop for coffee and lunch before returningback to our own units ,and he dont have to watch me constantly and my new unit with art painting on my walls and ron b ought me a big nice painting he secretly paid at the old museum we had visited. well good times and bad time is how two good friends are meant to be and as we gotten older and older and ron had gotten ill at his old age and later died,,burt i never still went back to the demon drink i carried on strange in another ,by refusing to leave my house and as im older now and have on going care in my own unit vas i refused to enter a nursing ho e especcially not without my paintings and also i added a few bookshelves as also liked to read and how i acted strange over rons death was i hated being out in pub lic on my own as i started to have a hAtred toward being around other people,so when need to do any grocery shopping or atenda medical appointment i would only bwant to be out with my carer and when the carer finished her shift with me i would listen to sad music as i did my art and read books often staying up late to either read ,draw por paint,and sleep most through the day from a load of coffee consumption through my night of reading ,drawing and painting and i at least had my love affair at the old museum with a long time friend,bless me for ron ,if alots persons of the world would be able to treasure a friend for life,,,slowly recovered from the trauma i started backmon myb trips into the city to seethat museum with my carer and brought me home after as i kind of had an little accident at the museum and broken a major little piece of an artifact of a head sculptor so the security seeing me with a walking stick and my carer apologising and i gotten to taking the beautiful piece of that head sculptor back home with no charge at all cost,,. great full for a wonderful gift,,,the end this story may have a bit of suspense but still happy and sad and fun,to read at all times ,. would be a good holiday read ,i reckon, truest story of good friendship for a lifetime of treasured good and bad times ,,, and i lived on with still attending the old museum and that art gallery .i withthe carer,,,.into the far future till im old old and passed away,, then one day i attended an artshow i been invited to with one of my own paintings on display and won second prize money of $1000 and when asked what i,d like to do with the winning money and made the right plan to put it in a savings account for maybe toward my own funeral sometime but which wont be for a long time as from now..,maybe keep the money ifv any emergency shopping needed as hearing on news therewill soon be a crisis in the world of coronavirus which would have a bad impact of world povertyand people with not much money and All,well when that would happen and people under isolation, ,.but i keep my savings of that situation coming or not ,,,,,,so many person died during all this virus when it happened and even other people were afraid to sleep at night but slowly the chronic virus went away and we all were able to rebuild new different lives .slowly in time ,

March 16, 2024 07:50

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