Sad Urban Fantasy Fiction

Sitting here on my armchair, an aged shell of the man who conquered the world, feeling mere moments from death, I wonder if I should take one more pause in time. Freeze the world and taking another instant of many to myself.

What for?

Nobody's waiting for me anymore. There's nothing more I could possibly do, at least that I haven't already. I've achieved things that so many people could only imagine doing in the spare time they grant themselves. Things that they desire to do, but ultimately take to their grave, full of deep self resentment and regret. There's no real reason for me to take another moment.

Ah, but I can't bring myself to die just yet. I feel like I've been alive for so long that dying now seems too sudden. Especially after the life I've led. Multi time best selling author. Made so many million dollar paintings. Undefeated boxer with 70 straight knockouts. Internationally traveled around the world, from Japan, to France, to Argentina. Seen all the manmade and natural wonders of the world. Had a multi million dollar publishing and entertainment company. I've practically done it all. It can't just suddenly end.

Alright then, one last hurrah from Miles Mickelson. I rise from my chair, without worry of what time has done to my body to impede it. Let's get out of this massive mansion and venture outside. First, I'll take a second to gaze around at all the exquisite pieces I've acquired over the years, all the photos of the good days that lay around each corner...huh. That's an early one of me and my mother at a local fair in California. That was one of my favorite spots. I don't remember taking that. Let alone putting it up in this place. I would've thought I'd remember that. Now that I'm really seeing some of these, there's a lot of them from moments I can barely recall.

I'll chalk that up to old age and the senility of my brain and keep on moving. Here's a familiar sight: a frozen landscape of people walking gleefully through the street of this sunny Florida neighborhood. Never gets old. So beautiful you could paint a picture of it. Huh, that there's an idea. End my existence with one of my first loves.

Have I made a painting of this place already? I've made so many, I honestly don't know. Eh, I can do something better with this last moment of mine anyway. I'll just walk past the neighborhood, through state after state, and just think about what I could do.

I wonder if there's anything more I could write about. A small part of me wonders if I should put this gift of mine to paper. Let folks finally know the secret to my life's work. Eh, better not, the world wouldn't believe it anyway. After all, it's not like I have any way to prove that now. Everyone has already concluded I'm just the most proactive, multi-talented person on the planet.

Walking into Arizona, and there's the Grand Canyon. Ooo, perhaps I could walk within the canyon? What a way to die that would be. Standing in the middle of such a historic site. Who would see that though? What would be the point? There's gusto to it, but I'm not feeling it. I'll keep on walking. It's no bother, I have all the time I can to think about this. I must end my glorious life on a high note. Something that people can hold in amazement for years to come.

Will my life be held with that regard for-

No, can't think like that. That's ridiculous. With all I've done in such a short time given our average life spans, it'd be crazy for people to not. I have a huge following. I honestly should've ran for some public office in this country, it's that massive. Sure, I had some critics, but everyone does, no matter their talent or accomplishments.

I've given so much. Done so much. I've lived the life of kings. The kind of existence that so many crave, but so few actually grasp. I can be one of those few. I will be one of those few in history.

I'll eventually fade from memory...

All that for what? I never...

No, I earned everything I have. All the riches, my wives, the mountain of achievements, EVERYTHING. I didn't choose this power. I don't even know how I got it, but I had it. I alone chose to use it for all the feats I accomplished. It wasn't any less earned by me. Everyone has certain advantages from their birth over others. It doesn't make a difference that mine was just more otherworldly than others.

I have a right to be remembered, damn it! I should be immortalized for what I've done! I had a gift no one understands, but it was still me! All of that was me! I did those incredible things!

I did so much, and yet, when I'm at the precipice of my resting hour, the moment where people contemplate all they did, take pride in what they achieved, take pity in what they didn't, and see their life flash before them. When I have little to long doing, when I did everything I could ever want to, I find myself walking with a painful hollowness in me.

Why? I thought, and have believed, that I had beaten time. Why do I feel that it's now the opposite? It can't be. I have so much to show for myself.

Is it that I haven't done absolutely everything possible in this world? Or maybe it's that...I never earned...

Damn. There IS so much I haven't done. Even with the seconds of a thousand lifetimes, I didn't do everything I could've. Is time really going to have the last laugh over me? Did I not conquer the world?

No. Of course I have. I won't let time take me. I can't. I'm the most successful human that's ever lived. Unrivaled in achievement and power. I can't let time drag me into the beyond with the same empty pit inside as everyone else. I have a way!

I'll stay here. Frozen in time. I'll never let it go on. I'm just going to be here in this permanent portrait of a world stuck in one solitary point. The only one left truly alive in it all? Me and only me. The man above all. Just me. Just...

Why am I crying...I'm the man with all of time in my grasp. I'm the man who did practically everything. I'm the man with so much to show. I shouldn't be weeping right now, I'm the greatest. My life is unparalleled to anyone. I...

Is this Sand Dollar Beach? I...think it is. I can't believe I remember this place. That all feels like eons ago. Before I...even...

I miss you, mom.....

June 04, 2024 07:23

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Martin Maynard
03:15 Jun 05, 2024

As usual, you have dragged me, kicking and screaming, through those things called emotions again. I'm not crying, you're crying. Good read!


Aidan Romo
03:19 Jun 05, 2024

The fact that one of my pieces elicited such a response from you.....is honestly incredible. It just gives me even more drive to keep on writing! From the bottom of my dark heart, thank you, Martin! :)


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Alexis Araneta
18:09 Jun 04, 2024

Aidan, what a poignant tale full of emotion. Love the flow of this !


Aidan Romo
19:04 Jun 04, 2024

Thank you so so much! You always have the loveliest comments! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read through my work and give such nice words! :)


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