Fiction Drama Mystery

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.

Tess was so nervous she could even put her earrings in, her dress was spectacular jewel encrusted body hugging shaded in a deep burgundy shade that matched well with her beautiful ebony hair.

This was the evening she had waited all her life for and the path hadn’t been easy complete with frustrations and tears along the way. Tonight she would be in the spotlight this was her time to shine she had to keep it all together. Checking herself one last time in the mirror Tess knew she was ready. The black tie gala tonight was to honour all the New York Times elite reporters and she had been nominated for the top story of the year category. It was a thrilling story about how African women were being forced into prostitution and sold on the black market. Tess had gone under the radar on this story and insisted to her boss that she uncover the truth by actually getting to know some of these women first hand. She had the contacts and she certainly could look the part. Tess was born in South Africa in the latter part of her 25 years Tess had come to know or hear about the sexual slave trade of her born country. It always bothered her that this sort of behaviour was considered normal to officials and nothing was ever done to help rescue these women. Well times were about to change, Tess understood the challenges and adversity she would encounter she knew this would make her or break her career as a reporter. Tess had made connections with some of the women who were already part of this trade, she had gotten to know them and they had got to trust Tess and agreed to help her discover and report on how they were treated by the men who frequented them. These women belonged to not one pimp but a group of them, they were hired out to men for more than three hours at a time. They were told very minimal about who there clients would be and what was expected of them, often during the act they would be forced to do unspeakable sexual favours. If the women complained they were often beaten and chained outside with nothing to eat or drink for 3/4 days. The homes where they resided were basically inhabited, seedy and very run done. There was no escape for these women they just knew it was their life now. Tess experienced all this first hand she had to go so low to be able to get the story right, once the story went live it caused a major problem for the politicians and police involved. All of the gangs who ran these black market trades were raided many men were jailed and the women were found shelters and felt safe again. Gazing out the hotel window Tess saw her ride just pull up a black Cadillac this was going out in style. Checking herself one last time she grabbed her purse and headed out to the elevator. The driver met her and opened the back door for Tess to slide in. It was only a ten minute drive to the Opal Arena where the banquet was being held. Relaxing her shoulders Tess sat gazing out the window rehearsing her acceptance speech, for when she would win. Tess knew this was a forgone conclusion as she had been assured by a selected few from the reporters guild board that she was a shoo in. On arrival at the Arena the Cadillac pulled up at the entrance, the driver ran around to open the door for Tess, lights and cameras were flashing everywhere. Tess took it all in her stride exiting the car perfectly like a Royal. Looking over the heads of the press surrounding her Tess could just make out her work colleagues standing in the foyer. Tess made a beeline straight towards them. After the initial oohs and ahhhs were done her closest colleague Justin asked to speak to Tess alone before they went in. Justin was acting very nervous and edgy even though he wasn’t nominated for any award tonight. Tess took Justin by the arm and guided him through to the bar. Ordering a drink and then finding a quiet place to talk they sat down Tess leaning in to Justin asked what was wrong. Justin didn’t know how to tell Tess that all her dreams about receiving the award might be shattered. Justin had just overheard a group of well respected people associated with the reporters board discussing the level of corruption and abuse that was rampant after Tesses story broke a few prominent people’s lives were shattered. They were deciding the outcome of maybe dropping her story for a more conservative media coverage. Tess couldn’t believe what she was hearing no they couldn’t take this accolade away from her. It was with sheer disbelief that she would be denied the award she deserved. Tess had given this story her all. Justin held her hand in acknowledgment of her pain and anguish. Tess was angry now why had this even occurred she had been assured it was all decided. Now she couldn’t let this happen she would go and talk to the board members before the event started. If they didn’t agree with her decision she would quit that would definitely cause a stir in the media world. Tess advised Justin that she was going to find the board members and change their minds. Tess was agitated enough to destroy her own career. Justin stated that what he overheard was hear say so nothing may change. He managed to coach Tess into the ballroom walking her to their table. Smiling like she was on top of the world Tess greeted the other guest at the table. The lights dimmed and the gala event commenced. Tess was on tenterhooks and couldn’t sit still. Her heart was thumping. Now for the most prestigious media reporting accolade of the night the gala presenter stated in the microphone. The story that broke the internet, caused politicians and police to run in all directions. Yes we all know this reporter as a very tough hard nosed journalist who went through much torment and pain to bring you this story. Yes the winner of the Winter Award for journalism is……..

Miss Tess Hasler

May 15, 2024 10:29

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