Rising Child*Nwa na-ebili

Written in response to: Write about a character breaking a rule, but for good reason.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Inspirational Western

     Chakpii Woo!! Chakpii Woo!! 

This is the tale, yes a tale of our ancestors. I, Papa Ebuka, say to you to sit gently as I tell you a tale!

Ngozi, my dear daughter then said to Obinna, my 7 year old grandson, to listen.

Indeed this is a tale only I know all about, the tale of Nwa Nke Uwa!

' What is that Grandpa', asked Obinna. 'It is a tale of...The Child of the World, I replied. Ngozi then turned to Obinna and said 'Let us begin our chant. Gwa m Gwa m Gwa m 'tell me tell me tell me' .' Obinna joyfully followed,'Gwa m Gwa m Gwa m!'

My story dates back centuries ago to a place one called, Ala Nke Efu 'land of the free', it was Mbinya. For generations, there was a saying passed down, it says,'Nwata na-eso ugh ga-anwu n'aka ugha ndi mmadu' 

'What does that mean papa?' asked Obinna. 'It means that a child who follows the evil will die at the hands of false people.' 'What does an eagle have to do with anything, who even made this saying?', he asked. 

It all comes from the origin of Mbinya! Be patient my child, I tell you the origin 

     There were twelve young men who ran away from their homes. They were disrespectful young men, they all got to the land and it was vacant by people. Indeed when they got their eagles roamed the land. Among the twelve boys, silently, one had a gentle heart. The Eagles were huge, indeed they were mighty. At the centre of the land, was an oracle. It glowed in the radiant sun, such an eminent energy was given off. The young men gathered as the mighty Eagles flew high above them as they went to the Oracle. The gentle boy then began to wonder, 'When we got here, the eagles, of all birds, were on land. Now they move higher up, what could be the reason behind this?' As he pondered on this, he stepped back slowly from The Oracle. As all the young men moved forward, the Oracle spoke saying 'All you young men are now the inhabitants of this land and you will work under the Eagles, indeed you'll be faithful to them.' The men laughed and began abusing the oracle and the eagles. After which, an eagle who was far bigger, with majestic wings compared to the others, came down and began using its big and thick beak to harm the men. With so much force, one by one day fell down to the hard ground. The eagle then paused before him as the Oracle said " Young man tell us your name." "Mbinya", he replied. The Oracle then continued, "Indeed your friends were very foolish and have disrespected the eagle. See Eagles test the level of commitment before engagement, it is wise to ascertain the commitment of people you intend to partner with. Establishing trust is important in relationships." Mbinya gazed in fear. The eagle moved closer and stood directly before him. The Oracle then said, " Do not be afraid, as from today you will be the King of this land and you shall rule alongside the eagle for he is 'Ugo nke na-adighi ezu ike' *the eagle that never rests*. You have been chosen due to your wisdom and character, but listen carefully, generations to come, there will be a time at which the people of this land will move away from custom and tradition." "How will I lead them?", asked Mbinya. "Don't worry, a boy, your descendant will be born. He will be *Nwa na-ebii* 'rising son'. When The Eagles are disrespected, 'ihe ojoo' *bad fortune* will be the future of the land. This young boy will fight the curse to come, his job is to await the eagle and follow th tradition of eagles!"

Indeed, after this was said, newly crowned King Mbinya, began to smile at the face of this land. As more and more people began to draw near to the land. He ruled peacefully and the land prospered. He ruled proudly like the eagle as he listened to the advice of the oracle. Years later, the success of the land became so much that greed began to swell in King Mbinya's mindset. He began to make rules about customs, about how the eagles should not be valued. The people of the kand beban having bad character, the young men went lazy and disregarded their parents, the mothers no longer loved their children, it was as if the entire system was destroyed due to one selfish and greedy king. Then, the mighty eagle came down and the oracle then spoke and cursed Mbinya and the land to be unfaithful. King Mbinya was cursed with a terrible illness as the people were confused and raged in fear. Mbinya then made this demand when he remembered 'nwata na-ebili'. He is the one who made the demand that the Child who follows the eagle will die at the hands of false people. He wanted the Child to face death , he was jealous of the boy who was to bring restoration. A day after this declaration, King Mbinya passed away, and so came the next arrogant king, King Nnedu, who was King Mbinya's son born of his third wife. King Mbinya was truly a disappointment. They all wondered how only selfish desires could change his pure heart to an arrogant and greedy king. 

" Hold on! Hold on Papa!", said Obinna. "So King Mbinya was the gentle boy, why did he change, why did he disregard the eagle?", he asked. 

My dear grandson, see, money and power sometimes bring put the worst in people. The eagle sensed this, it was easy because they don't waste time or energy. They saw his character changed for the worse. It's. Iike how they don't eat dead animals, they know when to say goodbye and let go. 

" So Obinna, if you ever notice someone close to you is giving off negative characters, you leave them and keep things moving, alright Papa, continue your tale", Ngozi added. " Yes tell us about Nwa na-ebili!", exclaimed Obinna. 'Alright. I will, I replied.

Years later, it truly was a bad time for the people of Mbinya. The Eagles no longer guarded the land or took care of the people. They were wayward, yet they lived in fear. Indeed, one day, there were clear and bright skies above Mbinya, the eagles smiled from the high above the land. The people thought they were rejoicing over them, but the people of King Mbinya's household knew that this was because the boy, who was for the eagles, was just delivered. They tried to hide the boy as much as possible to avoid the curse placed on him. The name of the boy was Ebuka.

"Grandpa, you named him after yourself! ", said Obinna. 

I then looked at Ngozi and back at Obinna and replied to him,"Ofcourse, let's go with that. Let's continue the story."

Sometime later, they began noticing incredible skills in the young lad, he was astonishingly smart, and incredibly strong at is young age. After his sixth birthday, there was a great outburst by the eagles because the mighty eagle had died an unknown death. Everyone pondered on what could be the cause of its death, but I tell you, after two days, a new eagle was born. This eagle had no wings! Never before had it been seen nor spoken of, but indeed the eagle boar no wings! Due to the death of the mighty eagle and te birth of this strange wingless one, the people began to disrespect them even more. They even made a new rule, that said that anyone who makes contact with an eagle will immediately be killed. At this, Ebuka's parents were frightened, it was as if the curse was coming true, and Ebuka was gravely angered. He then did something forbidden, and went out late at night to sought the wisdom of the oracle. When he left late at night, he saw the wingless eagle, he moved closer to it and with his swift and gentle voice he said to it,"Ugo na-enweghi nku*eagle with no wings*, what do you do out here at this time."

 He said this, not expecting an answer, yet, it replied and said,"There is a great uprising among the eagles ever since our mighty eagle passed and the people of this land followed their wayward ways. I tell you, we plan to kill them all!!" " Everyone?", asked Ebuka. 

"No, only those with bad character, we eagles call them, mkpuru obi furu efu,*lost souls*. It is also for nwaanyi nke rere ahu ya*women who sold their body*."

"Is there anything I can do to help?", Ebuka asked. 

There was a long silence, then the oracle began to speak, with a thundering voice, it said,"Yes, nwa na-ebili! You and this eagle can help. Tomorrow, from early dawn, you will speak to them, teach them, remind them of the origin of this land!"

"I...no we, shall do our best!", Ebuka replied.

  The next morning, Ebuka alongside the wingless eagle went to te townsquare and spoke about the history of Mbinya. He confessed that he spoke to the eagle the other night, even when he knew it was forbidden. But, when he said this, they were outraged, condemned him and were about to execute him. Then, the eagles flew down from high above and exclaimed," Let us forgive each other, only then we will make peace!!" With that, the people gazed in fear and left Ebuka alone. He came forward and even spoke about the process of rebirth of eagles. He used it to communicate with them about how many want success or change but without the sacrifice that comes with it . "A death of the old self and a new rebirth", he called it. 

The Eagles joined in and said, "End toxic relationships, toxic jobs, get rid of destructive habits and mindsets that no longer serve us!"

The people held their gaze, but after a while, they accepted it. There was eternal peace between the men of Mbinya and the eagles. The land prospered and thereafter was given the name ALA NKE EFU *land of the free*. 

Therefore young Obinna, that is the end of my tale.

"Wow, eagles are so cool Papa!", said Obinna. "They're so confident too! How do you know this tale Papa?", he asked. 

"What if I told you, your Grandpa was Ebuka", said Ngozi.

"That'd be awesome mom!", he exclaimed.

They all laughed. 

Did you know that eagles love the storm, they know the storm winds will lift them above the clouds, where they can rest their wings and become stronger.

"Challenges bring opportunities, embrace challenges and learn from them. Be strong my dear son, be like Ebuka!", Ngozi added.

Chigozie, Ngozi's husband came in and Obinna jumped to hug him and welcome him as he said,"Dad, can we get a pet eagle?."

"I'm afraid that's not possible. Did you tell him your tale...I mean the tale about the eagles and Ebuka?", he asked.

"Yeah they did", Obinna replied.

I then stood up and smiled at everyone and said to them, "Change is within our power, if we only believe!" I then asked Obinna," Do you want to fly like the eagle?"

October 22, 2021 19:42

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