Inspirational Creative Nonfiction

He who builds me doesn’t want me. He who buys me doesn’t need me. And he who needs me doesn’t know me. He who builds me doesn’t want me. He who buys me doesn’t need me. And he who needs me doesn’t know me. He who builds me doesn’t want me. He who buys me doesn’t need me. And he who needs me doesn’t know me. He who-- ok we get it, that's the only thing you and you're kind always say or can say I replied. The same phrase was being said repetitively and I just shook my head. My name is Mortem and what I do is encounter people halfway when they are heading to their last true home, and it's also a family business. Many people despise me and my family for what we are as they see us as true evil who only takes their family and friends away from them. Probably the only relative I have that's not hated is my cousin Somnum, who everyone loves and adores. She can be fickle at times, giving you nightmares and disturbing images, but she is our go-to after a long stressful day. And there are also my coworkers who are now here with me inside a funeral home, their job is fairly easy they mostly handle the housing process of when someone is heading to their last true home, and all they say is he who builds me doesn’t want me. He who buys me doesn’t need me. And he who needs me doesn’t know me, which gets repetitive and annoying. The big boss my employer known by many titles but I call him  Elohim and he’s the one who decides when to meet someone halfway I just have to agree. My job is immensely wicked therefore I’ve spectated many events, events that may seem uncanny to you, those events would probably be called miracles. Hold up I’ll show you exactly what I mean.

Miracles, I’ve seen all types of them from cancer, ebola, polio, ischaemic disease, etc. all have amazed me to see someone heal from or beat anything from that list, almost making me evitable. However, the one miracle that ceased to wow me was one I will never fail to remember. Baker Thompson, aspiring soccer player 18 years of age and fresh out of high school has recently been scouted by Everton a soccer team in England, he was now his family’s golden ticket to a better life. Because of my job I am allowed to shadow anyone, letting them know I am always near, never too far, always around, but never seen. Ever since a baby I’ve known this boy, I was sent to meet a few of his family members halfway and take them home on many occasions his father from heart disease, his maternal grandfather from a stroke, his second cousin from gang violence, and many more. Grandfather, Dad, and cousin were some of the closest to Baker he view them as role models, so their deaths were pretty heavy on him. Ever since then I’ve kept tabs on the boy and had no clue why I was obsessed with him. He was now on a month trial with the club and had completed 3 weeks already, was doing amazing I tell you and the boy was a hard worker, he knew what he was fighting for. After a few weeks passed the club had given Baker the green light to take one week off and visit his family back in America while assuring him they would be offering him a professional contract on his return. Joyfully Baker would be returning home to visit his family and also blessed them with the good news. Baker’s family we’re not the wealthiest they were poor, and his soccer dreams were his family's only hope for a better life which only made him a better player full of confidence and incentive knowing he can’t fail but succeed. While on the flight home Baker starts to think of how just a couple of months ago he had no future no college no nothing and now he would be soon signing a pro contract with Everton. He smiled and thought of how this was his miracle. I who was also present on the plane looked at the boy and smiled, I also was happy for him and his family. 

The boy had now arrived back in the states, at the airport his older brother who was a pizza delivery man came to pick him up. Baker very happy to see his brother ran towards him and had him in an embrace. They headed to the car while chattering and I just stood from far smiling, I was delighted for the boy and his family. Receiving an alert from Elohim my boss, I had to report to him immediately. You’ve been very busy lately, escorting many people to their last true home and yet you’ve still managed to shadow the boy, Elohim says to me. I shadow everyone, that is the job boss I replied, he looks and smile. Well I won't waste any of your time here's your assignment, he says as he hands me a blank paper with the names of people to take home and instructions, I looked at the paper and felt the whole world stopped, looking at the name I froze still like I was in the fortress of solitude, now I know what people must feel like when they get news that I’ve taken their loved ones to their last true home. Looking up to my boss, I want to say something but I can’t my job is to accept and agree. I nodded and walk out.

A couple of days passed and I was back to shadowing Baker, he had been doing good, his family was overjoyed and soon he’d be returning to England. I watched as an old friend call him to head to the park and play ball one last time. Baker was ready to go he borrowed his brother’s car and drove off just with me and him and the car. While in the car I remembered the task I was assigned and imaginary foreshadowing Baker’s future, of how things were going perfect and soon it’ll be Disaster. Baker’s blasting Savior by Kendrick Lamar while I’m lost in thoughts, we’re currently at a red light on the highway ramp bridge close to the edge. Out of nowhere, another car side-ended Baker's car and smashed it against the bridge railing which broke in half causing Baker's car to fall 20 feet on the highway on top of another car boom, and soon the other car up top falls on Bakers Car boom.

The Lord gives and the Lord takes, blessed be the name of the Lord. The Lord gives and the Lord takes, blessed be the name of the Lord. The Lord gives and the Lord takes, blessed be the name of the Lord. Baker’s mom has been chanting that forever now as we wait inside the hospital. Everything felt gloomy now, Baker’s whole family was present, then the doctor finally walks out and speaks to the mother. Baker is finally awake now, I noticed the doctor talking to him telling him everything’s fine and he needs to go back to sleep. About an hour later he woke up again, and the doctor invited the whole family inside to see him. The doctor starts to speak to us. Baker will be fine, with a couple of broken bones that'll soon heal nothing too big, but I'm afraid it would take a miracle for him to get back on a soccer field in a short amount of time as he is now as an MCL, PCL and Meniscus injury. Baker looked like his whole world obliterate all his family had the same look, their golden ticket had been ripped in half. The doctor once again spoke, the best thing we can do is have him do physical therapy for a few months and then we’ll know for sure, the family members had a small glim of light on their faces, now realizing there may still be hope and now they all would be praying for a miracle.

Baker was now out of the hospital and every day slowly he was getting better, and I was with him almost every day. Baker had made contact with the soccer team to explain the situation and they had given him a limited time to better or they would have to reject the contract. The desperation of Baker and his family was as high as Mount Everest, begging God for a miracle. I watched as they became super religious hoping for a miracle like how a blind man gained his sight back. The family was attending church ten times a week, not missing one service. Baker himself started his therapy and had gotten a lot better. The day came when Baker had to be cleared or his contract was futile. The whole family spent that whole week praying for the miracle and they were confident that God would answer their prayers. I, Baker, and the whole family headed to the clinic to see the physical therapist. Once we got there, the therapist invited Baker for his final evaluation. The therapist then invited the whole family to give the final results. Now the therapist speaks up it's truly a miracle that Baker will get better, however, he won't be cleared today, it'll take him more time to be able to play again maybe a year or even more. The Lord gives and the Lord takes, blessed be the name of the Lord, says the mother. Baker and the rest of the family looked lost for words, his second cousin speaks up, man all of our prayers begging for miracles and nothing happened, the brother backs him up yeah all that was time wasted. Then all together they started to talk aloud about how miracles aren’t real and their family is the least lucky. I was getting aggravated about how ungrateful they were, so I finally revealed myself. I start to speak, The miracle you people were praying for happened before you started praying for it. Baker got side ended his car fell over 20 feet onto the highway on another while the first car that hit him fell on top of him after that. And here he is still standing, is that not a miracle enough. I’ve seen some uncanny events while being what I am and Baker's accident is top ten on that list, his accident made me seem evitable, and in this life only me and taxes are inevitable. I AM DEATH.

July 02, 2022 03:19

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Kevin Marlow
05:48 Jul 03, 2022

The story is there, I practice cutting, and trimming. Repetition drives home your point, but don't underestimate your reader, they can sense subtleties. The message is clear, if you like writing to blogs, break up the paragraphs, it reads better in smaller chunks of text. I would like to read more...


Jobinho 11
02:16 Jul 04, 2022

Thanks, and yes I'm looking to follow your advice and better


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Katie Smiles
17:16 Jul 02, 2022

Nice story; the family couldn’t see the true miracle. From that Accident, he shouldn't be alive, but yet he is.


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Betty Gilgoff
04:48 Jul 02, 2022

I like your story Jobinho. It's different for sure but is told from an interesting perspective. I like how you describe the meeting halfway to take people home. I'd punctuate differently but what you do has a nice rhythm to it that still worked for me to draw me in to Baker and his family and their wanting, needing a miracle. That he lives at all is a true miracle indeed. Thanks for sharing it.


Jobinho 11
15:37 Jul 02, 2022

Thank you, and yeah my punctuation skills suck, I'm actually now learning how to do that.


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