Christmas Christian Happy

On Christmas Eve December 24th of 1999 was when it all started. See this day was suppose to be a happy and amazing day for the families in California. When kids are allowed to open one present that day. But what people didn't know was that something big was coming. And it was going to change everyone's Christmas. Here's how it all happened.

It was late-night Christmas Eve when a mother of 4 including a newborn, went downstairs to fix the baby a bottle. But when she went to turn on the lights there was nothing. She didn't know what was going on. So she went back upstairs and checked the other lights, Nothing. So she woke up her husband and told him that the lights are off. Leaning up whipping his eyes saying, " What did you say?" The lights are off, the lights are off. The husband got up and tried the lights, Nothing. The husband then said " I don't know what's going on and then they heard voices coming from outside.

They looked out the window and seen that all their neighbors were all outside. The husband told his wife to go and check on the kids while he goes and sees what's going on. The husband went outside and started asking questions but people didn't have an answer. But then a man from across the street came over and said "I heard on the radio that a big storm is coming in, that's why the power is out. The husband thought to himself, what are we going to do?

They have no power and just a little food to last for a few days. The husband went back to his wife and told her everything. We don't know how long we will be without power and we only had enough food for a few days. So now they had to come up with a plan to see how they were going to survive. Even with their 4 kids. So the husband said that he was going to try and go to the store to get a few more things. The wife said okay but come right back home and he said Okay.

The husband put on his shoes and his coat and walked out the door but not before he told his family that he loved them and that he will be right back. But not knowing how bad it had gotten out there in t7he streets. The husband driving and looking at all this chaos that is going on around. He just prayed that he come and go safely. The husband made it to the store and all most everything was gone. So he started to grab what he can for his family and luckily there was baby food left for him to get. Once he got what he can, he headed back to his car. Safely back in his car he started it and drove off to get back home.

Once he got back home his wife was so happy to see him. The husband said this is all I could get my hand on. People were running left and right grabbing everything that they can. When the husband looked at the clock, it was almost Christmas. The husband said that "I know that this Christmas is not the same as the last but longs as we keep our faith in God everything will get better. They sat there and seen that the clock hit 12 and waited for the storm to come in and hit the town. California has not seen a storm like this in a long time. It was so scary that all they could do was get on their knees and pray to God.

The storm came and started to flood their house and they were scared. But out of nowhere, the water started to leave their house and go to the next. The husband said, "That's only God keeping his promise. So when everything was said and done the family went outside and see what the storm has done to the neighborhood. It was so scary for them to be in the dark for that long and not knowing for how long. With God's grace, we were able to save a lot of important things but we still don't have any power. The husband said, "Having God in your life makes Christmas the same and as long as you're with your family.

Now it's time to let the kids open up their presents for Christmas. The neighbor said, "Yes that's right. So the house with less damage, that's the hows that all the family went to and let all the kids open their presents. This just going to make us closer the husband said and everyone agreed. Now that they came back to real life they realized that they still don't have power. So what they did was come together and brought everything to one house. Days and weeks without power passed and suddenly the lights came back on. The husband said, "See, I told you that God will bring us light.

God has a plan for everyone and our plan was to come together no matter what the case may be. We survived this blackout and storm through God and helping each other. Now, this day is to rebuild and become new in the name of God. The husband said, "That thing could have been worse but we have each other.

We rebuilt and everything is starting to feel more like family around the neighborhood. Blackouts can't stop people from coming together. This was our test on how we were to come the husband said. The wife said, well we know who saved our lives and we can only give thanks to our Heavenly Father God. You might think that every ending is bad but with God every ending is good. After a while, people have changed and done things differently in their lives. And it is for the better.

May 01, 2021 10:23

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Bonnie Clarkson
20:24 May 09, 2021

I liked the plot and that you involved God. But I kept stumbling over the grammar. I suggest Hemingway editor or ProWritingAid. They have free online versions.


Lakendra Jackson
22:16 May 09, 2021

Thank you. I was looking for a place like that.


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