Dreams Need To Be Followed

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write a story from the point of view of three different characters.... view prompt


Friendship Fiction Inspirational

Dreams Need To Be Followed

Harper, Harper Shauk had a flood of tears as soon as he closed his room’s door. How could his parents argue over his future without asking him? His mother wanted him to become a lawyer, his father wanted him to become a professional athlete, but no one got to realise about his whims, he wanted to be an artist inspired by Picasso, Van Gogh and others. After crying silently for two minutes nonstop Harper stopped and went to bed still dressed. He couldn’t sleep today was the first day for going to this art club at night free of cost by Camlin. He was from a good family. No dark secrets or sort of in the family except Harper himself had joined that secret art club with his group of besties, they called themselves the doesarts they were Carter, Jacob and Georgie who just wouldn’t answer on being called George. He sneaked out of his window not too conscious because he knew that the only thing in the whole world which had the ability to wake his parents up from their good night sleep was his scream, and that was their alarm to start their day after walking for about four hundred meters he reached all of his friends. “Hey Carter, where did you buy this new hood? It is cool.” Harper said and chuckling lifting his own hood so no neighbour gets to know that they were going somewhere at half-past eleven. They hop in the van owned by Jacob who was already having a license and was presented with the van on his eighteenth birthday. They reached in half an hour. And saw that the club meeting place, equipment and other stuff were superb. They had already registered themselves online so did not need to wait in a two hour queue. The met the guide who explained them how things worked and said “If you need any help you can go to the help desk. And if you run out of ideas you can go the balcony for some naturally-coming ideas. Also we would like all of you to tell us why you came to this club and your feedback about the facility over here.” After telling her they would do that at the end of this session, they proceeded for the art room and took canvases for painting. Harper decided he was going to do an abstract art with spray paint finishing with drawing the doesarts in the centre. Georgie thought about doing a landscape with oil paints. Meanwhile Carter and Jacob decided to make the great wonder Taj Mahal, half on Carter’s canvas and Jacob was going to make the other half of it. After two speedy hours all were done (at least the four who we know.) they were told to wrap up, clean and freshen themselves. Our doesarts went back home in Jacob’s car over the moon without any help of rocket! They slept the best in months after doing such a gratifying and worthwhile. They did these sessions on alternative days with the same procedure. They weren’t so happy in their entire lives like they were on these precious moments. Soon, Harpers parents got to know when they heard of a small, tiny theft and checked the C.C.T.V. footage and could not see the thief but, saw something which gave smoke a two way ticket of going in and out of Mr and Mrs Shauk’s nose and ears. They had seen Harpers hood, for which they undoubtedly were sure because they had given it to him on last Christmas specially having his name embroidered on it. Hearing this news about his curtain hiding his secret opened his knees turned into jelly and his heart came in his mouth. He faced his parents the very evening.

Mrs Shauk started “How could you do this? Ruining your future.” she shouted, took a few deep breaths and sipping her anger in like coffee and trying to say calmly “Your patient, your peace is just perfect for your career of a lawyer if not then your uncle Fabien would have not successful I told him the same think I am telling your right now. Which kinds of pebbles have blocked your senses?” She pretty much stayed quiet for some time till his father gave him the loudest and most deafening lecture, “WHY DO YOU THINK I AM PUTTING YOU IN BASKETBALL, BASEBALL AND SOCCOR ALL THREE COACHING FOR YOU? TO SEE YOU DOING ART. LISTEN TO THIS YOUNG MAN, FROM THIS VERY MOMENT YOU ARE GROUNDED TO LEAVE THE HOUSE I WILL DROP AND PICK YOU FROM SCHOOL AND COACHINGS ARE OBVIOUS TO CONTINUE. BUT NO SEEING FRIENDS NOW, THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE FILLING YOUR POT OF KNOWLEDGE WITH ABSURD IDEAS AND PLANS.” He finally stopped and the living room was silent. Harper acted to cry so his parent could think that they had put some sense into him. He honestly was hurt too but if his would have not been there with him at that very moment he would be laughing that even when knowing that this happened at night, they did not say anything about locking his door at night or something alike. So he had a video conference with his friends at night and told them about his parents finding his secret but did not doing anything such preventing him from coming but still he would be taking precautions and patently changing his hood. He still went and enjoyed his time with his buddies. He changed his route every night he promised himself to become an artist for sure, and for sure he would declare himself to the world after declaring to his parents telling them at least once about his wishes telling them about him wanting to follow his dreams not theirs. He soon did he went to his parents’ room and said in his calmest voice “Mom, dad I want you to know that since the day I understand you speaking you both argued with each other for my future forgetting me that I too had my opinion, becoming an artist. We all differ on this point from each other but I will be artist. Not breaking my promise which I made with myself of not telling the world about my career before I told you. Tomorrow I am having an exhibition with the money I earned by selling some of my art work and would be honoured to have both of you as the grand openers.” They both agreed in disagreement. But, the next day they were overjoyed when they saw their son’s masterpieces and blessed him with showers of a happy life.” As if expected so Harper must have a great artist living a happy life.             

August 05, 2021 15:23

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