Allusion, Illusion, PotAtoes, PotOtoes, TomAtoes,TomOtoes.

Written in response to: Write a story where a local takes a newcomer under their wing.... view prompt


Crime Inspirational Kids

A Catch-22?

In common speech, “Catch-22” has come to describe any absurd or no-win situation.

Like the saying goes? “You win some you lose some”.


It is simple. But. It is not easy.

But for the sake of argument. Let’s explore.

Fact: To do so, to explore, requires of us all that we all have a brain.

And. We all do.

Fact: The field is level! Hurray!

Let us begin!


Let’s go!:

Allusion. Did you know? Allusion is considered A figure of Speech. In which an object or circumstances from unrelated context is referred to covertly or indirectly.

Covertly kinda sounds like a mysterious way to operate, eh? A covert operation to indirectly or possibly influence someone or something— even worse. Passing. Around and around. Never a conclusion can lend itself to ambiguity and unnecessary arguments about who is right or wrong.

Yikes! And Ugh! Why?

Because it is left to the audience to make the direct connection. The “reference”. The meanings and denotations. As an aside, but still quite related, relevant, relatable to literacy, literal, literacy.

Understandably understandable.

Literary allusion is closely related to parody and “pastiche”—which are also text-linking literary devices.

Nope. A pastiche is not a donut, crumpet or sweet-filled sweet. A pastiche is a piece of art, music, literature, etc. that intentionally copies the style of someone else’s work or is intentionally in various styles, or the practice of making art in either of these ways:


As in, and, as we learned in kindergarten: “Keep your eyes on your own paper.”

A Latin noun, Allusionem is “A playing with, a reference to. Recognizing the point of Allusion’s condensed riddle also reinforces cultural solidarity between the maker of the allusion and the hearer. Their shared familiarity with allusion bonds them.

Again. Yikes! And. Ugh!

A “playing with reference and a riddle”. Who is best and who is worst? I do NOT want to play that game ever. Competition is or can be good. When channeled properly.

If we are all the same how do we celebrate our differences? Do we all get a trophy? And furthermore. What is it about me you just plain don’t like about me? What if you just don’t want to play with me. Or I with you?

It is important to remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. That is true in a good, goodness and honest sense.

What or who does that make me?

In your mind’s eye?

I feel a migraine coming on…………

Diagnosis: Illusion?

Let’s explore.

An Illusion (noted the prefix “ill”) is a distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the mind normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation.

Again. Note the word “NORMALLY”. What does THAT even mean?

Let’s continue: Although illusions distort our perception of reality, they are generally shared by most people.

Phew! I guess that makes me “normal”.

Illusions can occur with any of the human senses, but visual illusions (optical illusions) are best-known and understood. The emphasis on visual illusions occur because vision often dominates the other senses. For example, individuals watching a ventriloquist will perceive the voice is coming from the dummy. (Dummy in this case is a wooden replica of the ventriloquist—not how you may be feeling during this exploration of liturgical excellence of Allusions, Illusions, Potatoes and Tomatoes)………

Individuals watching a ventriloquist will perceive the voice is coming from the dummy since they are able to see the dummy mouth the words.(WK)

Some illusions are based on general assumptions the brain makes during perception. These assumptions are made using organizational principles, and individual capacity for depth perception, and motion perception and perceptual constancy.(WK)

Perceptual Constancy.

Other illusions occur because of biological sensory structures within the human body OR conditions outside the body within one’s physical environment.(WK)

The term illusion refers to a specific form of sensory distortion. Unlike a hallucination which is a distortion in the absence of a stimulus, an illusion describes a misinterpretation of a true sensation.(WK)

For example, hearing voices regardless of the environment would be a hallucination, whereas hearing voices in the sound of running water (or another auditory source) would be an illusion.(WK)

Perhaps consider ditching the ear plugs….Just a suggestion……In the interest of Understandably understandable .Or perhaps you can argue vehemently the merits of inserting them into the canal which connects the brain with each side of your head. Argue in favor of them, their benefits and usefulness.

I am all ears.

But really, I am just a dummy (not a wooden one) in this department. My whole sensory capabilities center on being able to hear. To listen and to hear. So perhaps you can convince me where I am lacking.

With the space between MY ears.😳

I am all ears.

Or maybe I just need a donut. 😋To ease the pain of the empty space.

Or maybe some French fries😋.To ease the pain of the empty space.


But is it good for me? Or for you? Probably not. High energy leveled or not. Sometimes there is an argument in favor of a time and a place for facing the fact, the face to face. But there is that darn element that keeps rearing its “ugly” head.


In the Mind’s Eye by Alan Krohn, Chapter 19, pages 123-129:

Though he appeared to have ties to people, such as a girlfriend and other friends,

Early disruptions in a patient’s relationship with his mother leaves a mark, on his capacity to form and maintain relationships. Within himself, profoundly cut off from everyone and lived with a bedrock sense that no one could be trusted.

Causing a man/person to possibly and profoundly cut them self off from everyone with the bedrock sense that no one can be


My head aches. My ears ache. And that migraine is starting to come on. Again. Dizzying. Nauseatingly.

But most of all.

My heart aches. For the man, the woman, the child, the person who feels so cut off from others with a desperation to fill the empty space.

Any empty space. With something, anything. Potatoes, Pototoes, Tomatoes, Tomotoes.

SNAP your fingers. If you can. And it appears? SNAP your fingers. If you can. And it goes away?

Wish list.

Allusion or Illusion.

We may never know.

September 16, 2022 17:19

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