Drama Crime Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

The first I noticed of my surroundings was fingers with blood red painted nails on the volume dial, turning it, in what seemed like slow motion, in an anti-clockwise direction, in my direction. The music blaring from the car radio, drifted away to nothingness, swallowed up by other sounds as I looked from the window. First the engine, roaring as her foot pressed down on the accelerator, pulling us even faster, even further along the M….what M was it….M3, M25? I had no idea. I couldn’t even recall how long I had been in the passenger seat.

Then the sound of the tyre’s. Their rubber gripping the Tarmac. Not the black, smooth Tarmac that could send you drifting in and out of dreams as your head rested on your hand, which In turn rested against the cold glass of the Window. No this was the greying, white surface which had a sound of clunk-clunk, clunk-clunk as the wheels passed each joint in the road.

Then her voice.

Frantic…No. Desperate.

“You understand right?….tell me you understand. Come on tell me, God-damnit tell me.”

Yes desperate.

I felt light headed and had difficulty thinking let alone understand.

Looking across, I sensed a tension about her. She was constantly chewing her bottom lip also painted a blood red and her eyes were unblinking, staring ahead into the distance, far beyond her hands that now gripped the steering wheel as if we were on a white knuckle ride.

“Who are you?, have we met before?” was all I could think of replying.

She continued to look ahead, as though oblivious to my answer.

I waited.

I was taken aback by her reply and sat upright in my seat, studying her as the shockwave of her answer hit me, trying to comprehend the words that came from those red lips.

“Your wife.” she answered.

She was attractive, no doubt about that but her hair was unkempt, as if rushed. Like she got ready in a hurry and left it un-brushed after pulling the white lambs wool sweater, she now wore over her head. Her skirt was floral, maybe Laura Ashley and I put her age in the mid forties.

“My wife?” I laughed, I’ve never been married.”

She shot me a ‘what the hell are you talking about’ look.

“It’s not funny, why do you think I broke you out of that place?”

“What?” I asked, “Broke me out? From where?”

“The institute of course, oh you wont remember will you? Its the drugs you were fed, the Benzodiazephines. They messed with your mind, your memories.”

“Your probably thirsty, that’s the after effects,” she added, “there’s some water under the seat.”

She was right, I was parched. I felt around on the floor searching for the water and wondered why I felt so calm. Here I was in a car I didn’t know; on a road that was leading to god knows where and with a strange woman who claimed to be my wife.

The water felt good. It was cold, refreshing and I’d drunk half the bottle before she spoke again.

“The kids are fine, they’re safe.” she said.

I played along.


“Ah yes,” she replied, “you won’t remember them either will you? Susie and James, our two terrors.”

She seemed to relax a little as she spoke about them.

“You know I love them don’t you James? she added.

I didn’t and couldn’t even remember my name until then, but now I know. I’m James.

“Of course.” I replied.

Something in the back of my mind said Stockholm Syndrome. ‘Form a positive relationship with your captor.’ Was I a hostage or husband. I didn’t know.

“So is that what you want me to understand? Why you broke me out.” I asked.

“Yes, you shouldn’t have been in there, your innocent. I knew that James, I stood by you.”

As I contemplated her reply, I looked out at the passing traffic and wondered how many others driving along this motorway were in this situation as me and were they also guilty of something they new nothing of?

Breaking from my thoughts I saw a junction ahead, J13 M27 West Southampton Docks and Bournemouth or M27 East Southampton and Portsmouth.

“Innocent of what?” I asked.

“Serial Murder James, they said you murdered whole families, five families in total. I never believed them James, you need to understand that.”

We headed West. We were going coastal.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“know what?”

“That I’m innocent?”

“We have been together a long time. I know you.”

“But I don’t know you, I don’t even know your name.” I replied

I doubted myself.

“Or I don’t remember.”

“That’s the medication,” she said, “it does that, it’ll all come back James. I promise.”

I hope so, I thought, I really do.

“So your name?” I asked.

She laughed.

“Oh Silly James, its Laura.”

She was relaxing further, keep talking, get her on your side.

“Where are the kids Laura?” I asked.

“I told you they’re safe.”

I noticed her hands tighten on the wheel.

“That’s great, so they’re round your parents?”

“No they’re dead.”

“My parents?”

“James, they died long before mine, the kids are fine I promise. Now let me get you to somewhere safe.“

I watched her drive, staring straight ahead, intent as a smile formed on her lips.

“Where no one will find you.” she added.

“Where exactly is that, Laura?” I asked.

“Gad-Cliff. It’s where we went on our first date. It was lovely James, we had a champagne picnic and everything.

The name rang a bell from somewhere, maybe we did go there. Maybe she is my wife and I am a psychopath.

“I wish I could remember Laura.” I told her.

“You will I’m sure, once we’re there. Why don’t you sleep for a bit and I’ll wake you when we do.” she suggested as she turned the radio back on.

“I could actually do with a nap.” I agreed.

I leant back in the seat and let my eyes close. With the music playing and the motion of the journey, it wasn’t long before I drifted off.

It was summer in my dream as I walked along the cliff top. I watched and smiled as Laura ran ahead with the two little ones. They laughed hysterically as she made monster noises, chasing them, trying to grab them.

“Don’t go to near the edge.” I called after them.

“Daddy, daddy mummy’s getting us.” they giggled.

“Daddy, daddy……daddy……”

They were getting to close to the edge. I ran, but the faster I ran the further they got, their voices fading.

“Daddy…..dadd…….da…..James Appleton was last seen….Daddy….Dadd….yesterday.”

They were nearly at the edge. I had to get them, I had to run faster. My legs ached, they hurt with every step and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it, bang…bang…bang.

“Daddy help us.”

“It’s believed they are heading to Dorset.”

I woke with a start.

“We’re hear James.” she laughed.


Screams came from the boot.

“Daddy please help.”

“Escaped psychopath Laura Appleton is believed to have kidnapped her estranged husband and children.” the radio blasted.

“Daaddddy.” they screamed as the car sped over the top of Gad cliff.

October 04, 2024 17:50

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