Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Center your story around an unexpected summer fling.... view prompt


Fiction Romance

Fire, Island, the best place to be during the summer. My favorite place to be. I used to come here with my family every summer. Now I'm coming here alone. It doesn't feel right coming here alone. I am making it my mission to have fun and I am going to have fun.

Wow, I can't believe Fire Island is still the same. Mama's Bakery is still in the same place welcoming visitors to the island. Mama's Bakery sells the most delicious pastries. My favorite are the eclairs. Maybe, I will have one later.

Fire Island Ice Cream Shop is where the best ice cream lives. I remember going there all the time with my father. Chocolate chip is my favorite. So many memories are popping into my head. Memories of me as a kid running and laughing, telling jokes with my father. Tears are running down my face.

Where has the time gone? Instead of taking a taxi to my family summer home, I decide to walk. I want to soak in everything. This maybe the last summer I spend on Fire Island.

So many families are at Fire Island enjoying the nice summer day. Locals and visitors are at the beach taking in the waves. I love the beach. My father taught me how to swim at that very beach where those families are having fun.

I was scared of swimming in the ocean. My father was right there protecting me. After many unsuccessful attempts of swimming, I finally learned how to swim. I wasn't afraid of the ocean anymore.

I keep on walking passing the small shops and restaurants when I bump into what seems like a rock. I look up and see a tall handsome guy. I stare at him unable to form any words. Say something Sabrina.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No problem. My name is Michael. What's your name?"

"My name is Sabrina. I better get going."

I go around Michael and walk away. I don't listen to what Michael is saying. I didn't come back to Fire Island to meet new people. I came here to make one more lasting memory.

To be perfectly honest Michael is kind of cute. Oh, who am I kidding, he was the hottest guy I ever seen. Stop it, Sabrina. You know why you came here.

There it is. The house still looks the same. My family summer home. I haven't been here since I was a little girl. More memories are rushing forward. Oh My God! there it is. The swing my father built for me,

I used to swing for hours. Sometimes my father would push me. I love that swing. I walk-up the steps and unlock the door. I walk-in and turn the lights on.

Wow, everything looks the same. The same couches. The same curtains even the same wall color. I walk to the kitchen and turn on the lights. The kitchen looks the same too. It's like time stopped and I'm back here as a kid.

First thing I need to do is go to the store and buy groceries. I leave for the store. I'm walking down the street looking at all the houses.

The houses look modern. My house is the only house that looks outdated. Anyways, I keep walking when I hear someone calling my name.

"Sabrina, we meet again."

I turn around and see Michael. I say hi to him. I keep on walking.

"Why do you keep turning away from me?"

"I'm sorry. I don't mean too. It's my first time back here in years. A flood of memories keep rushing back to me."

"No problem. Mind if I walk with you?"

I nod.

Me and Michael walk to the store in complete silence. I don't know what to say to him. He keeps looking at me and like an idiot I keep turning away from him. I'm nervous.

Right now, I'm currently getting whatever I need and Michael is getting whatever he needs. I pick up cereal, coffee, fruit, cold cuts and few other items. I see Michael paying. I stop and look at him. He looks at me looking at him. He flashes me a smile.

Even his smile is beautiful. I get on line and pay. I see Michael is waiting for me. A true gentleman. I finish paying. I walk to Michael. He opens the door for me. I walk out with a smile on my face.

"I don't know why I'm nervous to talk to you."

"I'm a pretty easy going guy."

Michael was right. It is easy to talk to him. He makes me laugh at his crazy jokes. I never laughed this hard in so many years.

Michael walks me back to my house. He asks me if I want to go out with him. I say okay. I give him my phone number. He gives me his phone number too.

I open the door to my house and walk-in. I got a date with Michael. Not at all what I was going for. Today was one hell of a first day back on Fire Island.

I came here to make one more lasting memory and instead I meet an interesting guy who I some what like. This is not what I was going for.

I wake-up on my second day on Fire Island excited to get to know Michael more. It's a bright sunny day. I can't wait to get my day started. I get up shower, get dress and head down for breakfast.

My phone beeps with a message. It's from Michael. "See you in 20." I hurry and make breakfast. Something quick and simple. I eat my cereal and fruit fast. He's going to be here soon. I finish eating and wash my plate.

The bell rings. Right on time. I open the door and there is Michael. Me and Michael say hi to each other. I grab my bag and lock the door.

"How was your first night back?"

I look at Michael and tell him "It felt good."

"Here is our ride."

"This is your car?"

Michael nods.

Michael opens the door for me. I get in. What a comfortable car. Michael gets in next to me.

"Ready for a fun day?"

"I am."

Michael takes off. I look out the window letting the cool breeze wash over me. It feels so good. Michael stops the car at Fire Point Harbor.

"Have you ever been on a boat?"

"Not for a very long time."

"Let's go have some fun."

Michael helps me out of the car. Fire Point Harbor has changed a lot. The boats are bigger and fancier. Michael leads me to a boat that is bigger than the rest.

I can't take my eyes off of the boat. Michael holds out his hand for me. I extend my hand to him and I get on the boat.

Michael takes me on a tour. The boat is beautiful. The boat's name is Emerald. To my surprise Michael is the one driving the boat.

"You know how to drive the boat?"

"Sure do. My father taught me."

I go out onto the deck watching the beautiful ocean while Michael begins to drive the boat. I'm not even nervous. I'm excited. The ocean looks beautiful.

After 15 minutes Michael stops the boat. He comes out onto the deck and we talk. Michael talks about his childhood. His love of music. He plays the guitar.

I talk about my childhood. The good parts only. I tell him of my love for storytelling. I stop in the middle of my story. Next thing I know Michael is jumping into the water.

I smile and jump into. Me and Michael splash around the water. Me laughing like a crazy nut. I forgot how much I love the water.

Ten minutes in I begin to get cold. Michael gets back on the boat. He helps me back on. He wraps my towel around my body. We look into each other's eyes.

"It's lunch time." Michael announces.

Michael takes out sandwiches for us to eat. We continue to talk getting to know each other. I found out me and Michael like the somethings.

We have the same taste in music and food. We both like to dance. We like the same kind of ice cream and so much more. We also love the ocean.

The sun is beginning to set. Me and Michael sit on the deck and watch. He wraps his arm over my shoulders. It's so beautiful. Minutes later Michael gets up and starts the boat up. We head back to Fire Point Harbor.

Michael drives me back home. I had so much fun. I look at Michael and I tell him "Thank you for today." Michael grabs my hand and kisses it.

"I had fun too. Are you free tomorrow?"

I nod.

Michael walks me to my door. We say good night to each other. Michael waits until I go inside than he leaves.

I don't know what this is between me and Michael. I'm scared to find out. I am going to have fun. Maybe this will lead to something good.

Over the course of the next couple of days me and Michael go out. We go to the beach. We swim together. We go snorkeling. We even build a sand castle.

Michael buys me my favorite ice cream. We share it together. Michael made me laugh some more.

Michael takes me stargazing. We lay on the sand and look up at the stars together. The night sky is beautiful. Michael takes me on night walks along the beach. Me and Michael kiss under the full moon. It was the most unbelievable earth-shattering kiss. I want more of that.

Michael takes me back to the beach where he sings to me. Michael has a beautiful voice. He writes his own songs. Under the night stars me and Michel making love. It was unbelievable. Michael was amazing.

Many more days and nights me and Michael spend together. The days we go to the beach and the nights we spend making love. it feels right being in Michaels arms.

I never want this to end. I know someday it would end but for now I want to enjoy my time with Michael. I never knew one summer would change my life.

August 08, 2024 21:23

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Kristi Gott
22:53 Aug 08, 2024

A delightful summer romance! Well told!


Melinda Madrigal
21:16 Aug 10, 2024

Thank you


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