African American Artictle

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African American

In African American history it is important to believe what will happen in life and would be proceed towards an elimination. In order to do something in American history, it is important to happen and discriminate over things to do something and accomplish it. In order for something to describe and make more aware. In order for something to happen and get to appreciate something to get in a Speciality in life. In order for something to get in touch.  In order to have in life and what will happen. In order for African Americans to purchase and succeed in life. African Americans to do and purpose. When African Americans are being purchased and aware it means alot usually in order to work on something correctly. African-American culture, also known as Black-American culture, refers to the cultural contributions of African Americans to the culture of the United States, either as part of or distinct from mainstream American culture. The distinct identity of African-American culture is rooted in the historical experience of the African-American people, including the Middle Passage. The culture is both distinct and enormously influential on American culture as a whole.

African-American culture is primarily rooted in West and Central Africa, and the majority of African-Americans have ancestry among the Yoruba people. Understanding its identity within the culture of the United States it is, in the anthropological sense, conscious of its origins as largely a blend of West and Central African cultures. Although slavery greatly restricted the ability of African-Americans to practice their original cultural traditions, many practices, values and beliefs survived, and over time have modified and/or blended with European cultures and other cultures such as that of Native Americans. African-American identity was established during the slavery period, producing a dynamic culture that has had and continues to have a profound impact on American culture as a whole, as well as that of the broader world.[1]

Elaborate rituals and ceremonies were a significant part of African Americans ancestral culture. Many West African societies traditionally believed that spirits dwelled in their surrounding nature. From this disposition, they treated their environment with mindful care. They also generally believed that a spiritual life source existed after death, and that ancestors in this spiritual realm could then mediate between the supreme creator and the living. Honor and prayer was displayed to these ancient ones, the spirit of those past. West Africans also believed in spiritual possession.[2]

In the beginning of the eighteenth century, Christianity began to spread across North Africa; this shift in religion began displacing traditional in life. The African American Experience. 1608 Words7 Pages. The African American experience is one that is quite different from other racial/ ethnic groups. The majority of the first African American came over, unwillingly, on ships from various African countries. They were brought to America by white, European settlers to be used as slaves in an order for it to happen. Here are some examples: Gas Mask. Garrett Morgan not only invented the gas mask; he also developed an early prototype of the traffic signal.

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Black Lives Matter

See current research—including books, journal articles, and magazine content—amplifying Black voices and issues of race and inequality

When research addresses urgent issues of social and racial justice, the work becomes personal and no longer abstract. As publishers of some of that work, and in service to the wider community, we need to do more than merely echo the obvious fact that Black Lives Matter.

Many researchers offering responses to these issues have chosen to publish their work here, and they’ve honored us by doing so.

One simple action we can do in return: We have chosen a collection of books*, journal articles, and other writing addressing some of the issues that have led to the use of this singularly powerful statement, and made this collection available for free. Here you will find insights from current research; not least in the history and social science of racism, and police violence. This collection amplifies these Black voices by sharing their research, personal stories, and journeys.

At the same time, we hope to further support the community in both its research and larger social goals. For example, we intend to expand our content on issues around the world on structural racism, authoritarianism, discrimination and anti-Black violence, policing, inequality, health disparities, and access to justice, with the express intention of growing our content in a way that reflects current societal challenges, including those affecting Black lives. Also, we are working to improve diversity and inclusion in our recruitment of editorial advisors and boards and of staff.

For many of us—both those that are members of the community and those that aren’t—these issues are personal as well as professional. And so we dedicate ourselves to goals and actions that will—indeed—reflect the fact that Black Lives Matter.  In order to achieve African Americans and believe in their confidence, it can some what be an important things that really happen in life.  It is also important because of to the following modern and contemporary pieces by Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden, Alma Thomas, Sam Gilliam,and  Kara Walker. These people think it is extremely important to believe in African Americans, and whites aren’t being treated Africans nicely.   In order for Africans to consume, it means alot and is important for things to happen in life and Africans believe differently. In order to support Black Lives matter it is important to celebrate and treat them the same as whites should be treated. These people should be treated and described as that they are not aware over there opinion/personnell.  African Americans many of them arrived from the US in the 1800s to have an better life and get more opportunities, jobs, advantages homes and many other supplies. It is important to take it seriously and be grateful for everything we have.  African Americans are good and describing as others because it means  to describe Africans and other things describincinly.  Also African Americans have originally came from Africa and came to the US for a better life and more choices, freedom, and opportunities. In the debate over whether new states and territories should be free or slaveholding, few spoke more passionately than Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner. In this speech, delivered before the Senate in 1860 when Kansas applied for statehood, Sumner makes clear his abolitionist stance. Decrying slavery as barbaric, he criticizes various pro-slavery arguments and offers statistics to show how, in his opinion, slavery rendered the movement of live and stopped slaverly in the US.

May 07, 2022 00:25

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