Creative Nonfiction Crime Drama

By the time i stepped outside, the leaves were on fire.The dark smoke that darkened the clouds;horrible smell that filled the air as people watched from a distance.Oh no!I remained helpless as the fire continued spreading from one crop to another; tears filled my eyes watching my beautiful rose flowers burn to the ground.

"What's going on here?

"pa! Look my beautiful garden all in flames - why do they want to hurt me? "I hugged my grandpa with tears flowing down my cheeks.

I realized a hodded man coming from my backyard;rushing towards the street not to be caught.

Hey! I followed him;taking off on his heels -

Wait-I ran after him down the streets; the truck blocked me that I couldn't see where he had run to-"where did he go?stamping my foot on the ground; bending down to try to hold my breathe.The eyes that kept on staring at me;i sat quietly on a bench.

I walked down the 2nd sesame street ;there was a crowd of people.

"what's going on?i asked a lady

"a man has been knocked down by a speeding vehicle, but luckily he is still alive, "the lady said.

I tried to get through the crowd; making way through-"Excuse me! let me through, am a doctor. A man lied helplessly in a pool of blood; bending over him "stay with me-don't close your eyes. The man stared at me; pointing towards my direction.I had no slight idea what message he was trying to portray; I realized my friend Sandra was right behind me.

The man continued pointing at Sandra;his hand shaking vigorously -"m-m-m -m-the man couldn't utter a single word; his speech was stuck with a glue. I couldn't stop staring at Sandra; looking down,Sandra kept on scratching her hair.

mmmmmh! Something definitely isn't right here-helding my chin up.

"Sandra, this man keeps on pointing you-do you know him?Sandra looked directly at me with a quick response -"me! no-no I have never seen these man before.

The following day I drove myself into Winston hospital.

"That's Sandras' car -what's she doing here?

I walked into the hospital and made a stop in the reception desk-"excuse me!the accident man that was rushed here.The nurse flipped opened a big black book and looked back at me.

"Mr James must be lucky -the wife has dropped in to see him;walk down the corridor "room 104".

I walked towards room 104; opening the door -oh!you must be Mr James 'wife.The woman turned to look at me, holding a pillow in her hand. I thought my eyes were making tricks on me;the woman was none other but Sandra.


A-a-a the nurse at the reception just told me that Mr James was with his wife;so where is she? Looking around the room.

A-a-a-m -she just left a minute ago, "Sandra answered-

"what are you doing with the pillow In your hands?I asked

"oh! I was making the patient to be comfortable; placing the pillow under Mr James' head .

"khoff khak khak! !!

Mr James loosed open his eyes;coughing as I gave him a glass of water to drink.Realizing Sandras' presence as he placed his pointing finger on her.

"She paid me money to set a blaze on your flowers-

"what! Sandra -

you walked close to me and never did i realize that the devil itself was near me.Sandra crawled down on her knees;getting hold of my dress -"please sister forgive me.

"get away from me,you're not my sister-the anger, the rage was all drawn over my face;releasing my anger to her face with slaps.Sandra couldn't control her tears;weeping bitterly on the floor.Please! Philomena -I beg you don't hand me to the police,it was the devil's work;my heart was filled with fire of jealousy towards you that I couldn't extinguish it.

I felt my heart had been ripped open ; deep wound through that kept on bleeding with pain.Chain of sorrow tied around my ankle;dragging me deeper and deeper into a state of tears.

I didn't have that courage to put my friend behind bars;helding back the phone into my handbag.

"don't you realize you are making noise for the patient,"the nurse said.

sorry about that -wiping my tears off from my eyes.

I slayed my handbag on my shoulder; walking outside the room.Sandra ran after me, pleading and trying to block my way-bringing all the attention as she knelt right before me

please!please! Have in your heart to forgive me -

Tears filled her eyes;kneeling on that rough tarmac road.I couldn't stand there as I drove off.

"My child you're crying-what's wrong?grandpa approached me holding my hands.

"Pa! all along it was Sandra -

There was a knock at the door;Sandra was right there ,covered in tears.

"What do you want? rushing towards her;trying to lay my hands over her.Grandpa held my hands-"no! My child to heir is human, to forgive is divine; you need to straight all things out.I sat on the sofa;my legs was still shaking out of fire of anger.

B-but pa -

No! Pa - my child forgive Sandra and let it go.

I wasn't ready to let go;my eyes all popped out staring onto the ceiling.

Please! Forgive me-

Sandra knelt down; all she held was my legs as tears washed away dust from my feet.I held Sandras' hand, wiping away tears from my eyes-"have forgiven you.

Really! Sandra put that warm smile that she had been waiting for hours and hours;hugging me so tightly.

"I promise that will plant other rose flowers;around the compound -Sandra said as she smiled at me as we had a cup of tea together.

"My children, I see happiness have been restored once again in the house-

yes! grandpa-

we gave each other a warm hug -"she is my sister, "kissing Sandra on her cheeks.Happiness had filled the room once again.There was no fire of jealousy, there was no fire of anger;all had been put off with sweet words that protruded from our mouth.Each minute,hour we spoke love continued glowing bright like the star in the sky.

The rain started pouring outside-"is it raining?

rushing towards the door;Sandra and I danced around under the rain.

"children!you will get a cold,"grandpa continued shouting at us-

grandpa -

giggling as grandpa looked from the window;we had all been soaked with rain as we went inside the house dripping all wet.

October 16, 2020 13:15

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Therese Hudson
14:59 Oct 21, 2020

Good story, excellent work Joan Keep it up 💪 you are going far.


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Joan Opoyi
02:39 Oct 21, 2020

It's takes more effort to put off jealousy fire. It's better you put it off early or will destroy alot of happiness in your life.


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