Romance Teens & Young Adult Friendship

Everyone could see it.

The forlorn glances from Ryker. Or the lingering touches Penelope left on the young man’s hands. And even the way the two twenty-three year-olds sat extremely close to each other when the friend group got together, but for some reason, neither Ryker nor Penelope could see how much the other was in love with them.

Well, that wasn’t the case for everyone else who observed the two.

Ella, Penny’s best friend, was the first to notice the tension between them, and then Ryker’s best friend, Alek, picked up on their friends’ feelings next.

“Penny, I love you, you’re my best friend in the whole wide world, but why won’t you admit that you are in love with Ryker to his face?”

Ella softly inquired to the red-head as she flopped onto Penny’s queen sized mattress, and the red-head sighed in exasperation while turning to her brunette best friend after setting her pencil down to give the other girl her full attention.

“He doesn’t like me like that, Ella. Ryker said so himself at the bonfire get together last month. I recall him saying, “Pen, you are a great friend. I am so glad that I have you. I couldn’t have asked for a better girl best friend.” He friend-zoned me pretty hard, El.”

Penny huffed out in irritation, then she threw herself onto her bed beside Ella, her eyes focused on the white ceiling of her dorm room as she stared at it intently, and a million thoughts began to run through Penny’s mind in that moment.

“Oh, come on! You can’t tell me that you believe Ryker only sees you as a friend, Pen! Have you been living under a rock?”

Ella protested in disbelief, laughing dryly as she fixed her shocked gaze on her best friend, thinking that maybe the red-head was bluffing, but when Penelope rolled her eyes and scoffed at the brunette’s reply, Ella realized the girl wasn’t lying.

“Yeah, sure, El.. He’s handsome, considerate, witty, and generous, and I am just me. Ryker could have any girl he wants, and I am definitely not on that roster.”

Penelope lamented while rubbing her palms over her pretty face, and as she wallows in her self-pity, Penny heard Ella snort into the air and she decided to peak through her finger, catching a glimpse of her best friend laying beside her and giggling. When their eyes meet, Ella laughs once again, reaching out to remove Penelope’s hands from her face, and Ella sighs, then kindly states that Penelope needs to be more confident in herself.

“Pen, you have to give yourself more credit where it is due. You are gorgeous, funny, smart, and such a loyal friend, who wouldn’t want you?”

“Uh, Ryker wouldn’t.”

“Oh my gosh! Pen, stop that!”

Both girls carrying on their conversation, bickering back and forth with each other all the while a similar situation is taking place across the college campus in Ryker and Alek’s dorm.

“Can you grow a pair and finally confess your feelings to Penelope, Ry? It is becoming painful to watch you pine after her and not do anything about it. Please ask her out!”

Alek complained to his best friend, observing the raven haired young man as the other distracted himself with a text book, and Alek grumbled in annoyance, then he reached over the snatch a foam basketball off of a nearby crate and the blond boy launched the ball at the other, hitting Ryker square in the back of the head.

Ryker grunted in irritation, rolling his eyes at the blond behind him, and he lifts his hand to run his fingers through his dark hair in frustration and said,

“Why would Penny want me? She could have any guy she wants, Alek! She’s beautiful and smart and she has the kindest soul to ever grace this planet, and I am just me. Plain, ol’ boring Ryker. Penny is way out of my league, ‘lek.”

“Good god in heaven, do you hear yourself? Are you gonna ignore the way she acts around you? C’mon, Ry, you can’t be that dense and oblivious! Pen is not an affectionate person, don’t get me wrong, but she will literally allow you to touch her hand or hug her without recoiling at contact. Everyone can see the love you both have for each other, so what’s holding y’all back?”

Alek blurted out, rambling on in exasperation as he threw his hands up into the air at his best friend’s deflection, and Ryker gives the blond his full attention, and inhaled deeply before replying.

“I don’t deserve her, Alek. Not one bit. I’m not worthy of her.”

Alek is taken aback by Ryker’s response, furrowing his brow as he mulls over the taller boy’s words, but the blond does not say anything else, instead he whipped out his phone and texted Ella.

Alek: We need a plan to get Pen and Ry together. I’m about to rip my hair out if this—whatever they are—continues any longer.

Ella: I think I have a solution. We’re throwing a party with our closest friends and ending this song and dance, once and for all.

Alek: Perfect

* * * *

Party planning was set in motion after that and, as Alek and Ella began organizing the perfect set up, they made sure their respective best friend would be in attendance. Only eight people would be invited, including Penny, Ryker, Ella, and Alek, and all of the individuals involved would have some part in pushing Ryker and Penelope together which would finally end the years long pining from the two.

“We have everything, correct?”

Alek questioned Ella as they made the last preparations for the evening, and the brunette nodded in conformation.

“I believe so. Now all we have to do is wait for Pen and Ryker. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.”

Ella nervously declared, her eyes roaming over the snacks, drinks, and assorted items they normally utilized during their parties, and Alek patted her shoulder reassuringly.

“It will, El. I am sure of it.”

The blond murmured while leaning in to kiss her cheek, and with that, it was time to greet their guests.

The party began pretty normally and quickly once the whole friend group have arrived, and they all made sure Penelope and Ryker were sat next to each other or were partners for games. Chatter filled the space around the group as everyone emersed themselves into conversation with one another, and as the night went on, Ella kept a keen eye on her best friend and Ryker.

The two seemed awkward and shy throughout the night, but Ella could tell that there was tension building between Ryker and Penny, and once the two other couples of the group finally retired to their beds, an idea found its way into Ella’s thoughts and she sprang up and said,

“Alek, I need your help in the kitchen, please.”

“But El—”


The brunette drawled, hoping Alek would understand what she was asking, his mouth immediately forming into an ‘o’ shape at the realization of her inquiry, and he nodded, shuffling up from his seat to follow Ella, his demeanor that of a lost puppy.

Their actions left Ryker and Penelope in the room together, both of them squirming timidly next to one another, and for a few moments, silence hung heavy between the two.



Penny and Ryker simultaneously murmured, their eyes locking together in an intense stare off, blue and green swirling with emotions as they laugh softly, and Ryker and Penny blush bashfully, amused by one another’s response.

“Sorry, sorry. You should go first, Pen.”

“No, no, you go first.”

This was it.

It was finally happening.

Their long awaited confessions will be aired out and laid bare before the other. That small, four letter word is about to escape both other their mouths, but will Penelope and Ryker be able to express exactly how they feel for each other?

Or will they chicken out and give up before ever knowing how much the other cares for them?

It is a simple, four letter word, but the courage that it takes to admit that you love someone can be harder to find than you may think.

July 20, 2024 03:15

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Cameron Navarre
05:29 Jul 25, 2024

I like that you keep the reader in suspense at the end! I’m curious, did you envision them admitting their feelings, or chickening out?


Indigo Simmons
16:23 Jul 25, 2024

I am glad you liked it! I kept the ending ambiguous because I want the reader to interpret it however they see fit, but I did have an two different endings in mind. One where the characters confess and another where they do chicken out.


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