"I've said too much." He doesn't believe me when I tell him what it is I am trying to convey with my limited vocabulary.
"Can you at least try and tell me what it was that you saw?" He asks me.
"I told you the first time and you threw it back at me as if I was a lunatic bent on being put in a straight-jacket. What makes you think I have anything else to tell you." I ranted at his effort to get me to tell him again a story that he clearly did not believe and I was not going to give him the satisfaction of telling it all again as his face looked on in complete disbelief of my story. It was humiliating. I have been sitting here for hours and we were getting no where with this.
"But you haven't told me anything yet. I need this to make sense on my report."
I squirm in my seat and look at him with rage. "I've said too much already. You can take it up with your superiors. You don't believe me and did not listen when I told you what I saw. I am not going to repeat it again. Get someone in here who will listen and I will tell them everything I know. Until then you get nothing. Did you hear me, you idiot? And by the way, I need to go to the bathroom."
"You can use the bucket in the corner if that is your desire. You are not leaving this room until you answer my question. My superiors have given me the go ahead to grill you as I see fit. You don't get to dictate the terms here I do. Now, from the top, once again, What did you see?"
My brain goes numb as I stare at this imbecile who doesn't believe me. "I told you that I am not saying another word to you, until you send me someone who will listen. Do you speak English?"
"You can sit here all day long as far as I am concerned. I'll be back when you are ready to talk." He got up and wandered over to the door and knocked. The door opened and he stepped through, leaving me in solitude. I go over to the bucket and look around for cameras and deciding that just because I couldn't see them didn't mean they weren't there. I pick up the bucket and take it back to my chair at the table. Hiding my bottom half from sight under the table, I wriggle out of my pants and squat, relieving myself in the bucket. The smell is atrocious as I pull my pants back up. I sit the bucket by the door so that it will be the first thing he sees upon returning.
A couple of hours passed, or so it seemed, I was getting hungry and used that feeling to calculate the passing of my time here.
"Hey! Hello?! Can I get something to eat?! I'm starving in here!!" I yell out because I know how this works. They are watching me on a secret camera or they are on the other side of the door waiting for me to break. That is how it works on the cop shows I watch.
The door finally opens again and he comes in carrying a tray of food. Specifically a turkey sandwich with chips and a cola. He looks down at the bucket and pushes it out of the room with his foot and closes the door.
"It's about time. Do you always treat your guests this badly? Or do you not like me?" I say sarcastically.
Sliding the tray over to me, he sits down and watches as I devour my meal and slowly savor the cola. I try to ration the drink, not knowing when I will get another opportunity to wet my whistle.
"I am sorry, I haven't been the best host. I think we got off on the wrong foot. Can we start over? Tell me please, what did you see?" He asks oozing with a charming, I want to be your friend, tone.
Not giving in to his dulcet voice, I answer with venom in my tone.
"I do not see your superiors anywhere in here, so the answer once again is, no, I will not tell you what I saw, when I saw it, or anything else pertaining the events that have landed me here. Go stick that in your pipe and smoke it." I say as I take another sip of my cola. He slaps it out of my hand and I regret that I did not drink it all before angering him.
"I didn't mean that." He says apologetically to me. "I will get you another." He rises from his chair and heads to the door and looks back at me with a strange look on his face.
My tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth by the time he returns with another cola. This time he has two cans of the cola and I quickly take and inhale one of them and leave the other unopened in front of me.
"My superiors are angered with your failure to talk to me and have decided that they will have to intervene. I am sorry that I antagonized you when we met and I am sorry that their tactics are going to be very much what you would not wish on your worse enemy. Just know that I tried for your sake to understand what you saw and regret what you must now face." He walked to the door and knocked and waited for the door to open.
"If I tell you everything again will you actually listen this time and believe me?" I asked, suddenly afraid for the first time since I had found myself in this room. There was something about the way he said what he said and the look of sorrow on his face tinged with a little fear.
"I will." He said enthusiastically as he turned back from the door and sat down, I told him everything and answered questions he asked in the middle when he didn't quite understand what I was saying. When I had exhausted all my words on him, he finally got up and walked to the door. He knocked and the door opened immediately and he turned back to me with a sad smile on his face and said, "Thank You."
The door was left open and I hesitantly got up and walked to the door. The corridor was empty and there was no one in sight of the door so I cautiously made my way down the corridor. As I passed by a window, I looked out and realized that I was not in Kansas anymore. Not by a long shot.
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I love the mystery here and the ambiguity of the situation. Very dream like. I think you could strengthen some sentences by describing things a but more visually. For example instead of "the smell was atrocious " you could say something like her eyes watered and she gagged when the smell hit her". And instead of "inhaled the cola" it could be "crushed the juice from the can like it was an orange".... things like that create strong visuals. Hope that's helpful! :)
Thanks for the feedback. I do have trouble expressing myself with imagery.