Story that begins in the light and ends in the darkness

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: Write a story that begins in the light and ends in darkness, or the other way around.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Drama Sad

   Being in the dark when the power suddenly goes out can bring positive experiences or negative experiences based on the situation we found ourselves in. Surprisingly Good things do come out of the darkness but in this situation, I and other people had a night of terror. Where I grew up in the Caribbean we are used to having the power go out for hours and even days. For this reason, we always spend the night in complete darkness. Everyone would grab a chair to sit outdoor where they can either listen to the radio or talk to one another. f.

We get accustomed to staying in the darkness when the day ends. People usually have a candle, or lamps in their homes when they want to have a little light. It was during the darkness children have time to know and interact with one another. they played and do other games together. or some unknown reason darkness brings inspiration. Children would try to invent their own games in order to challenge one another or finding answers to riddles they would even challenge one another or do other competitions that would improve their potential.

Since everyone would be in their activities during the day, for example, the adult would be at work and the children in school. Once the children get out of school, they would then do their homework before it's dark since it is harder to read or do homework using lamps or candles.

The children would gather around to sing traditional songs. Showcase their talents or due different challenges to prove themselves good or have the ability in some different sports activities. Adults on the other hand would gather together to discuss different subjects such as religious beliefs, political positions, and more.

  Sadly, the darkness left a bitter taste in the memories of many Haitian on January 10, 2010, when the country was struck by a terrible earthquake. Everything was normal just like any other day. It was about 5:30 when such catastrophe happened. The earth shook violently under our feet. Power was out and people were crying with fear. Needless to say that most of us thought it was the end of the world. No one was prepared for this type of situation. Buildings came tumbling down, the air was filled with white dust from the building and houses that collapse.

   It was a restless night, people were filled with tears for loved ones that they did not see or for those who died. There was no rescue for those in a critical situation, not only due to difficulty to communicate, but the country was already on its knees for years when it comes to having an ambulance to help those in an emergency.

It was the most terrifying night people could ever experience so far. The other obstacles that prevent people from helping one another are that the roads were blocked with dead bodies, building that collapse, electric poles that fell on the streets, or cars that were already on the road that couldn’t go anywhere. Everyone had to stay on the street since it was not safe to go inside a building. It was so dark that one could not identify each other.

    People had to walk miles so they can reach home. If I consider myself for example. I started my first year of college. I had classes that day. My class ended a little late it was like that every day. When the earthquake happened. I was just getting out of class so I can go get a bus to get home. As I was walking it was at this moment that the earth began to shake. I trembled with fear and confusion. After I regain my strength and tried to figure out what to do, I was undecided. I wasn't sure if I should lay down on the floor and wait for the morning to come or figure out how to get home in the darkness.

Two other students and I made the decision to walk outside and try to reach home. I was bout an hour and a half away from home. We decided to hit the road. We were desperate to reach home but did not know whether I will get bad news of losing a family or having our home collapse once we reach their destination.

Thankfully no one was hurt in my family. My parents were very happy to see more than anyone else since I am the only child they had. I saw my dad and fell on his arm. I was so tired of walking all those miles but I was happy to see my family were safe.

The beautiful moon shining on people's heads was the only source of light we had that helped us see a little bit around us. When people tried to rest their heads during the night the earth would shake again and this would happen multiple times at different intervals throughout the night.

   Panic came to the people while they were trying to sleep. Rumors were running saying that the sea was rising to reach where we were staying. People, we rushing trying to get to the mountains living everything behind. As they were walking then another rumor came around saying that the river that was located in the mountain came with force in the direction we were heading. People were desperate and felt desolated. Not knowing what to do next, everyone went back to their original place waiting for what was coming next.

The sky started to shower some rain. Though it was dark we were able to see that the sky was cloudy. now we couldn't go inside our house are staying outside. Thankfully the rain stopped and everyone slept outside waiting for the day to come.It was a night of terror. Our mind was devastated, tears couldn't stop running down our chin. our heart sank. All types of fear came at once in this one night of darkness

May 02, 2021 17:32

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