The Homewrecker

Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Write a story in the format of a gossip column.... view prompt


American Contemporary

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Trouble in Paradise

              Martin Conner, multimillionaire actor turned director, and his wife Melanie, former child star turned wellness influencer, have been known as one of Hollywood’s most stable couples for two decades. This makes it even more surprising that they were spotted having a heated argument at La Bourgogne on Hawaii’s Big Island last night which culminated in Mr. Conner storming out of the dining room. This was a shock to the other patrons at the upscale French restaurant.

As one woman reported to us, “Of course I recognized Martin Conner and his gorgeous wife, how could you not, but they were tucked away in the corner and we all just wanted to be respectful and let them enjoy their dinner. I couldn’t hear anything they were saying, but their voices kept getting louder until he slammed a fork down before pushing his chair back and rushing out of there.” When asked if she thought alcohol was a factor, she said “I don’t think so, it didn’t really seem like they were drinking, although now that Melanie’s site has gotten so big I’m sure she doesn’t want to be seen drinking in public. I wonder if she had been drinking at home before dinner though - my niece’s boyfriend’s brother actually worked on a movie set with Martin once and said he was a really calm, respectful person, not like a lot of the other bigshots, so this was a real surprise. It's hard to know that and assume it was somehow her fault.”

              Melanie reportedly finished her French onion soup with one hand while texting with her other hand before paying the bill and leaving. Will these storm clouds follow them home to Beverly Hills? We will keep you posted!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Melanie Conner Moves Out

              As we suspected after their restaurant spat just over two weeks ago, it seems that Martin and Melanie Conner’s 20-year marriage is coming to an end. Movers were spotted at their oceanfront estate in Malibu yesterday, and our sources tell us that all the stuff being loaded into the truck was Melanie’s. This just goes to show that some rock-solid unions come to an end.

              Melanie Conner’s publicist had no comment when we contacted her. We are still waiting for a response from Martin’s representative.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Megan Conner Back in Malibu

              Megan Conner, the 17-year-old daughter of Martin and Melanie Conner, was seen pulling into her father’s estate in Maliu last night before later being spotted at Starbucks, deep in conversation with a few friends (no one we could identify but we’re still reviewing the photos!). We have to suspect that Megan is home to help deal with the fallout from her parent’s recent celebration, although we aren’t sure what it means that she would choose to stay with her father. Is this weekend visit or will she be back in the Broadway theater world for the summer as she was last summer?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Did Ramona Mendez Split Up the Conners?

              You heard it here first – sources reveal that Ramona Mendez, the 35-year-old actress who starred in Martin Conner’s smash hit film The Farm, was seen entering the Conner’s Malibu mansion yesterday morning, and has not yet been seen leaving. She and Martin reportedly developed a close relationship while shooting, and were seen cozying up to each other on the press tour for The Farm in the fall, so it would not be surprising if a relationship had been simmering between them. If that’s the case, we can’t blame Melanie for moving out and laying low for a while, although she has continued to regularly update her healthy living blog. We reached out to Ramona’s people and will update this story if we hear back!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Megan Conner Debuts New Look in Beverly Hills

              While many young celebrities jetted to far-flung destinations for the holiday weekend and kick off of summer (looking at you Leonardo Bonelli in Ibizia!), Megan Conner stuck closer to home. Megan, who turned 18 last week, was spotted having a quiet lunch with a male companion at Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills. Megan was hard to recognize because her long blonde hair has been chopped into a trendy auburn bob! No word on who the handsome fellow is, but their body language didn’t suggest romance, and from the way Megan was pushing pasta around on her plate, she may not have been terribly happy with him. We do hope this means Megan will be staying on this coast for the summer before returning to Hotchkiss to complete her senior year of high school and respect her bucking the usual trend of going blonder for summer.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Martin Conner and Ramona Mendez Romance Heats Up

              Finally the update we have been waiting for: Ramona was spotted leaving the Malibu villa early this morning, possibly with another unidentified person in her car. Unless she came over for a coffee meeting at the crack of dawn, we have to assume this was a post-sleepover sighting! Reps for Martin and Ramona have continued to refuse comment, and estranged wife Melanie has been spotted exploring tropical juice options in Miami, seemingly unbothered by the events unfolding in her former abode.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ramona Mendez and Megan Conner Shopping in Beverly Hills

              Less than one week after we caught Ramona leaving Martin Conner’s Malibu mansion in the wee hours of the morning, she has been seen out and about in Beverly Hills with Martin’s daughter Megan. The women stopped for smoothies before visiting a few boutiques together but didn’t seem to make any purchases. Both were dressed casually, but Megan’s cropped tee suggested she has slimmed down a bit since her lunch date a few weeks ago, and her auburn bob remains impeccable. Now if she would just get some California sunshine, she would be back to her teen model glow! It’s wonderful to see that Megan doesn’t seem to harbor any resentment towards Ramona for contributing to the downfall of her parents’ longstanding marriage.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Over Before It Started? Ramona Mendez Spotted Cuddling NBA Star at West Hollywood Hotspot

              Just when we were forgiving her for breaking up Martin and Melanie Conner, Ramona Mendez was seen dancing and kissing NBA star Sean Robins at the opening of The Tank in West Hollywood last night! She has previously been linked to NFL player Joshua Emmanuel so we know she has a soft spot for athletes, but things had seemed to be progressing between her and Martin Conner. We can always count on Ramona for being spunky and a little bit chaotic, that’s for sure!

              Meanwhile Martin and his daughter Megan have been laying low, neither has been seen in public for the last

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ramona Mendez and Martin Conner Back On

              We thought it was over when she was spotted with NBA stud Sean Robins last month, but Ramona Mendez was seen last night having an intimate conversation with Martin Conner at the annual benefit gala for his Glowing Light Foundation. They sought each other out multiple times in the crowded room and shared a long embrace before leaving separately. Since the increased security presence at the Conner compound has limited our access, it’s hard to know if they’ve been having more sleepovers, but it’s clear there’s still a connection between them.

              Notably absent from the gala was Megan Conner, Martin’s daughter who played a major role in introducing the musical guests last year.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Megan Conner Opens Up About Cancer Diagnosis and Estrangement from Her Mother in New Memoir

              Megan Conner, Martin Conner and wellness guru Melanie Conner, started as a teen model but has since established herself as a successful novelist and sought-after script writer. She is the author of two wildly successful young adult novels, In the Canyons and Follow Me Home. We assumed her next project would be a similar coming-of-age tour of literary force, but instead received an advance copy of ABVD, her memoir. In this haunting beautiful account of resilience, she eschews the usual tired complaints about growing up with famous parents. She masterfully details her mother’s gradual descent into the madness of the holistic wellness industry, which accelerated following Megan’s diagnosis with Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 17. Her mother’s attempts to refuse the lifesaving, standard of care chemotherapy for her was the true catalyst for her parent’s divorce, not Ramona Mendez, the actress-turned-angel investor who was long suspected of having a brief but torrid affair with Martin. She reveals that Ramona is a Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor herself and was around during the turbulent time to support Megan. She refrained from setting the record straight at the time to protect Megan from having to talk about her diagnosis while undergoing treatment. In a sweet touch, this memoir (which draws its name from the acronym for the first line chemotherapy regimen for Hodgkin’s lymphoma) is dedicated to both her loyal father and Ramona.

              Heartbreakingly, in the last chapter Megan discloses that she is currently undergoing treatment for a relapse of her Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which perhaps was the motivation behind choosing now to show the public these intimate details of her life and family. We wish Megan all the best in her treatment and hope to have many more years of her talented writing to enjoy.

              We have reached out to Melanie Conner for her comments on these shocking revelations and will update you if we hear back.

June 15, 2024 01:46

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