
As Charles is out walking with his six year old grandson, Jerry, he asks him if he is excited about springtime. "What's springtime?" Jerry asks. Charles tells him it's when the days will get longer, which means it won't be dark so early, and it will be warmer. It may also mean that it won't snow anymore. But, that is only one way that means spring is coming. "What is another way?" Jerry asks. Charles stops, picks up Jerry and shows him a nearby tree. "See those small things on the end of this branch," he tell Jerry. "well, those are called buds. When trees start to bud, it means they know spring is coming and they can start to grow their leaves," answers Charles. "Soon, this tree and many more will be full of leaves. Also, you will begin to see flowers growing in peoples yards, like over there as he points to the patch of earth. When people plant flowers and it rains and with the sun shining that is how any plant will grow.

As they continue on their walk, Jerry notices a pile of snow beside a house. "Why is there snow at that house and not this one?" he asks his grandpa as he points. "Well," explains Charles, "that part of the house where the snow is faces north. Because the sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west, most areas on the north of a house do not get much sun, plus, those tall trees block what sun that is shining. But that snow will melt soon. Even though the sun does not shine directly on that area, the warmth in the air from the sun helps to melt it.

Two weeks later Jerry and his parents are coming to his grandparents for Easter dinner. Jerry is so excited; he has a secret to tell his grandpa. He had his parents wondering what it could be. He wouldn't tell them, just grandpa. Charles barely got the front door open before an excited Jerry says he has an important secret to tell him. Charles looks questionly at his son and daughter-in-law, but all they could do was shrug their shoulders and smile.

"What is the secret?" he asks Jerry. "I can only tell you," Jerry whispers. "Ok, lets you and me go for a short walk before dinner and you can tell me all about it," states grandpa. "Ok, let's go. Hurry grandpa," urges Jerry. Just a short way down the sidewalk Charles faces Jerry and asks, "well what is this important secret you need to tell me?" Jerry looks around and whispers, "I saw buds, lots of them; but when will the leaves come?" "Soon," Charles answers. "with lost of sunshine and a bit of rain, those leaves will sprout soon. Did you tell you mom and dad?" he asks. "No, because it was a secret," announces Jerry. "I believe now you can tell them," mentions Charles. "They must be wondering what it is." "Ok, but after dinner. I'm hungry," Jerry says. "So am I," adds his grandpa. Let's go have dinner."

"So, did you tell grandpa your secret"" asks Jerry's dad. "Yes, I did," answers Jerry. "Are you going to tell us?" asks his mom. "Not yet, I will after dinner. Grandpa and I are very hungry." "Okay, we can wait," replies his dad.

"That was a delicious dinner, mom," states Jerrys dad. "I can hardly move." "Is there any dessert grandma?" asks Jerry. "Yes, but we will wait awhile. I couldn't eat another bite just now. So, maybe you can tell us your secret," says grandma. "Please do, we're curious to know what it is," says Jerry's parents at the same time."

"Look grandpa, it's raining," calls Jerry excitedly. "Maybe some buds have grown, can we go look?" "No, no, it will take longer that this. But keep an eye on things. If it continues to stay sunny and with more rain, there will be leaves before you know it," replies grandpa. "What about flowers, grandpa?" asks Jerry. "Are you and grandma going to plant some?" "Grandma will plant flowers soon," his grandpa replies. "She plants beautiful flower beds. But it's not yet time for planting."

About three weeks later Charles gets a phone call from Jerry. "Grandpa, grandpa," squeals Jerry, "I saw leaves, lots of them, but no flowers yet. I guess that means spring is coming, right?" "It is, but it's not quite here yet," answers Charles.

"Mommy said I could help her plant flowers next week, and I could pick one just for me," adds Jerry. "Has grandma planted any flowers yet?" "No, not yet," adds Charles, "but she plans to do it next week."

"Mommy said we will be going to the flower store on Saturday where we can buy all the flowers we want. Will grandma go to the flower store?" asks Jerry. "I want to buy flowers that are my favorite color," adds Jerry. "What is your favorite color?" Charles asks. "It's purple, do they sell purple flowers?" he asks his grandpa. "I think they sell all colors of flowers," adds Charles. Mom also said I could buy a garden onnament," states Jerry. "Do you mean ornaments?" asks Charles. "Yes, onnament," replies Jerry. "What kind of ornament would you buy?" grandpa asks. "I like bunnies and froggies," adds Jerry. "Maybe both." "I think your flower bed will look great with either one," says grandpa.

"I have to go grandpa, mommy is calling me for dinner. Maybe we will see you and grandma at the flower store on Saturday," mentions Jerry. "Okay, it was nice talking to you, say hi to your parents." adds grandpa.

The next week Jerry calls his grandpa to tell him that all their flowers are planted and that he got bunnies and froggies. "What onnaments did grandma get?" he asks his grandpa. "Your grandma got bunnies," replies grandpa. "It rained last night and when I went for a walk with daddy, we saw that so many leaves and flowers grew," states Jerry.

"I guess it means that spring is finally here, right?" announces Jerry.

March 25, 2021 19:53

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