"Broken Heart of Red"

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write the origin story of a notorious villain.... view prompt



This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

While revenge might provide a temporary sense of satisfaction, it often leads to feelings of bitterness and emptiness. You may be unable to heal emotionally if you are focused on negative emotions. You may end up compounding your grief instead of alleviating it by seeking revenge.

One who understands this idea well is Marco Prince, a baby left at the hitman guild Dragon Tail and taken in to be raised. Despite being trained in a world of vengeance and violence, Marco learned that true healing comes from forgiveness and moving forward. His story exemplifies the transformative power of letting go of grudges. He would try to give others chances even if they wanted to hurt him; he always fought to take his foes down but never ended them. This made him the guild's personal punching bag, leading to frequent bullying. However, there was no such bullying from a girl his age called Ally Newfoster, the child of the guild leader, Guy.

Ally's kindness and compassion stood in stark contrast to the ruthless mentality of the other guild members. While others saw Marco as an easy target, Ally treated him with respect and empathy, often stepping in to defend him from bullies. Her behavior highlighted the possibility of a different path based on understanding rather than aggression. Ally's example inspired Marco to try to find his own way. He developed a newfound self-confidence and would try even harder to keep his ideals alive.

To leave the guild together, the two take on odd jobs together. While making enough money to keep their ideas alive, they took on odd jobs. From partners to lovers, they're truly ready for the future. Guy gave the two his blessing. He did not like Marco but saw that he made his daughter happy. He knew Marco was good for her and trusted her judgment. He wished her all the best and hoped the relationship would succeed. Even with the bittersweet ache in his heart as he let go of his little girl. He realized that part of loving her meant trusting her to find her own path.

Watching her embark on this new journey, he hoped Marco would cherish and protect her as much as he always had. But they wouldn't make it far as four warriors covered in knight armor came out to attack the two teens. They tried to fight back but were quickly overpowered, slashed up left and right. Marco received a large scar on his eye and lost his right foot and left arm, leaving him on death's door, while Ally's life and body were taken away entirely. Leaving nothing left of her.

Despite being put on bed rest for 17 days, Marco barely fell asleep as he walked back to the guild. He was plagued by nightmares, filled with haunting whispers from the woods. The rustle of leaves outside his window sent shivers down his spine, reminding him of the dark secrets he could not escape. In the Whispering Woods, where ancient trees whispered dark secrets to each other, Marco's descent into madness began. Once a member of the Dragon Tail Organization, the 15-year-old assassin's humanity was extinguished when his girlfriend, Ally, fell victim to the rival guild, Sword's End.

Marco would get out of bed and ask Guy to train him. Marco was determined to avenge Ally's death and gain the power to do so. Guy reluctantly agreed to train him, and Marco became an assassin. Grief and rage turned Marco into "The Butcher of Whispering Woods." He was sucked into power and revenge. His anger was fueled by dark magic and twisted training. As Marco's skills improved, his sadistic tendencies grew. His obsession became the fear of feeling weak and helpless as he embraced the terror he inspired in others. Unexplained horrors ensued: disembodied screams filled the air, trees moved independently, and the innocent wandered off.

Trees conspired against those who dared enter the woods, helping Marco's malignant reign. The brutalized corpses were testament to his unsurpassed brutality as his legend grew. Some villagers whispered about Marco's supernatural abilities, how he manipulated the shadows to hide, and how he drank blood with his blade. From the darkness of Whispering Woods, he was born the Shadow Reaper. It was one fateful evening when Marco's domain came into view. Investigators had different motives, so there were a lot of them.

Arin, the enigmatic scholar looking to find out what fuels Marco's power, and Jax, the rugged adventurer driven by morbid curiosity, round out the cast. As they went deeper into the woods, they realized it wasn't the darkness that was scary, but the monster it had created. It seemed like Marco's prey, the "Four Hunters of Good," were connected to something mysterious.

Curious, the group followed Marco's trial. It took them through serene Whispering Woods, lively streets of England, arid deserts of New Mexico, vibrant urban landscapes of Japan, and the verdant expanses of New Zealand. They encountered members of the Four Hunters of Good at every turn, each telling a heartbreaking story of Marco's losses. They ended up in Queenstown, where Emily, the leader of the Four Hunters, sought refuge. An unrelenting thirst for revenge had driven Marco to follow her clandestinely for months. Marco appeared from the shadows, poised with his blade, as the group confronted Emily.

The two's clash was endless, lasting from 2 PM until 10 PM that night. The once powerless young man overcame his foe, screaming like a beast. Emily, however, didn't give up and saw her only way of winning was to cut off his other arm again, but being prepared, he had replaced his wooden arm with an iron one, which broke her sword, leaving her finally without a weapon.Emily's eyes widened in shock as the fragments of her shattered sword fell to the ground. Desperation etched across her face, she scrambled backward, searching for any means of escape or defense. Her confidence shattered along with her weapon, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

Marco smiled as he advanced toward her, his metal foot connecting with brutal precision. Kicks struck her head, chest, legs, arms, and even her toes with a sickening thud. A final, decisive blow was dealt with a cold, unrelenting gaze. With her last breaths, she revealed the secrets of her guild. With the light fading from her eyes, her lips twitched with a faint smile, knowing her revelations would cause chaos. It was at that moment that she found a twisted sense of redemption and hope.

The shocking twist was Emily revealing Sword's End guild wasn't better than Dragon Tail Organization. They waited for villains to manifest, then used them as pawns in their game of good vs. evil. Ally and Marco were sacrificed for a good story. Emily's grand narrative tragically doomed the Four Hunters of Good to martyrdom. Marco's world fell apart when he realized the vendetta was a sham. Marco promised to take up the title of Endbringer if hunted down. Jax, Arin, and Emilia described a deceitful web spanning continents. Their revenge dance beckoned them to join Marco's darkness.

Seeing everyone as his foe Seeing everyone as his foe, Marco's trust shattered completely. His guildmates, once the closest thing he had to family, were mere pawns in a grand scheme. The knights, who pretended to be paragons of virtue, only sought to boost their own legends through deceit. Marco decided to embrace the title of Endbringer as a means to reclaim his agency and to exact vengeance on those who manipulated him. The title symbolized his resolve to dismantle corrupt systems that used people like him as tools. He aimed to expose hypocrisy and bring the true villains to justice with every step he took. The Endbringer title embodied Marco's fight for justice and reclaiming his agency.

August 09, 2024 18:45

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