Drama Fiction Romance

"Storytelling is not everyone's thing, it's not easy, I think all of you'll admit it", Mr. Freeman said yawning;

he was sitting on a mattress lying on the floor; surrounded by his grandchildren Sydney, Lucy, Ross and Sydney's friend Ali; Mr. Freeman was a cardiologist, a highly skilled surgeon who rarely missed his targets (as he used to call his patients); so, when he announced to take a volunteer retirement, it shocked everyone; but they didn't have to wait long for an answer; Mr. Freeman himself revealed it; "God always shows us way in life, he instructs us what to do when", he said; from his statement, it was crystal clear that God was the reason behind his saying 'Good-bye' to his forty-five years long professional career; but one thing that he couldn't give up was storytelling; it seems either he wasn't ordered by a divine power or he was not ready to break the young and vulnerable hearts of his listeners, who were obviously his two grand-daughters, a grand-son and sometimes their friends.

"Yes grandpa, we all admit that, you are the best storyteller I have ever listened", Ali said in a comforting voice; "But, your friend doesn't", Dr. Freeman glanced over Sydney's face in the light of a burning candle which was about to exhaust after a long fight; Sydney was biting her nails, looking extremely bored; now she stopped and said,"Grandpa! I only said that I don't want you to tell us ghost stories right now, we are no more school going kids whom you can frighten in the dark by narrating how a ghost looks like";

"Ok, ok.....chill, both of you", Ross tried to make peace between them. Lucy was fanning herself with a hand made tiny paper fan, she was not at all bothered about stories or ghosts; all her concerns were over her make up which, she feared , would be destroyed by the sweat coming out of her face;

"It's terribly hot, power cuts are the worst thing", she said.

"How about a planchette?", Ross boldly suggested;

"Wonderful, but it will bring ghosts in the room and Syd doesn't like that much", the grandfather gave a hoarse laugh;

"Stop pulling my leg, grandpa".

The sweet and causal argument could go on like this,but then Ali interrupted; this lad had always proven himself to be sincere, cool-minded and he could manage Sydney when she was rough, irritated and angry.

"Tell us how you met granny and your story began", he said.

"Wow, from a ghost story to a love story! I would love that", Ross stretched his body in excitement; even Lucy probably forgot about her make up and stopped moving the fan. Mr. Freeman, in his mind, thought about his beloved wife who was no longer in the world; he missed her everyday; but when he was asked for talking about her, his heart was filled with a feeling of euphoria; yes, he had a story too; though he didn't express his feeling;

"I'm an ancient one, why do you insist me on telling a love story? there is already a couple in the room", he said.

Ali lowered his eyes and Sydney's cheeks became red; though no one could see it in the dim candle light, all of them understood of which couple the 'ancient one' was talking about;

"No,no.....we want to hear your story, it's a demand", Ross was stubborn.

"Fine, then get ready", Mr. Freeman agreed at last.

"Wait, let me bring a new candle", Ali stood up.


"Well, my path of getting love wasn't very smooth", the old man started his story; the new candle was spreading light all over the room removing the deep darkness; pattering of rain was heard through the window pane.

"When I first met her, she was my intern; attentive, curious but also humorous; sometimes, she took life too lightly and I couldn't; and that created problems between us at first; she didn't like to communicate with a bossy teacher like me", he stopped, drank some water and then again began his story;

"But, as the day passed, my affection grew over her; and may be, she also thought that at least I wasn't a bad person; just a little moody and rough sometimes, just like one of my grand- daughters; however, as I said, I was being drawn to her, it could no longer be concealed from the witty woman; she had sharp eyes through which she read mine; she knew my mind but I had always refused".

"Why?", Lucy asked, she was on mood.

"Because of a fear".

"A fear?", now asked Sydney, "What fear?"

"Yes, a fear.....the fear that comes to the mind of a Jewish man when he falls in love with a Christian woman; remember, religions in those days were not so tolerant as that are now".

"Bloody religion", Ross murmured.

"I was devastated", Mr. Freeman went on;

"It was almost impossible for me to avoid her when she was in front my eyes; but I wasn't that kind of a man who ignores his job for a woman; so I decided to move to another hospital".

"And, she said nothing?", Ali asked.

"She could have but I didn't give a chance".

"Then?", Ross enquired.

"It worked, I was gradually reviving my peace of mind; only one incident shattered everything again". The boys and girls were silent.

"One day, I was informed of her accident, I rushed to her; she was senseless; God was deciding her fate as well as mine; in no time I knew that she was the one for me".

"Sounds like a fairy tale", Lucy remarked. Her grandpa smiled.

"In the meantime, I got a new job offer across border; I couldn't turn it down; it was everything that I had dreamt of; but again my love life was testing me; she said she would come with me leaving her job; "No, don't come, I love you but I don't want you to do me a favour by harming yourself", I said".

"You parted with her again?", Ross asked.

"The day came and I had to depart; I hugged and kissed her; she was in tears; "call me when you get there", she said; I left her and the hospital and headed for my new destination", the grandfather paused.

"The story could have ended here; but love is the most powerful thing on this earth; so powerful that my love-sicken mind refused to board the flight to my dreamland; I wanted to go back to her; I wanted to say aloud how much I loved her".

"Fantastic", Ali said.

"And then, I saw your grandmother; her face lightened up when she saw me, "I thought you left", she said; "I couldn't go without you",I said; "Take me with you, then", she held my hand; she had come for me and I was going back for her; none of us could deny love and so,we left together", Mr. Freeman finished his story; by the time,the room was lit by the bulbs and the fans started motioning;

"Love is always beautiful, isn't it?", Lucy asked in a happy tone;

"It's more like electricity; keeps coming and going", Mr. Freeman said and put out the candle with a single blow.

May 07, 2021 07:38

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