Coming of Age Romance High School

October 1st

It's a new month and unlike every girl I don't like to write an entry every day I like to write an entry every time something exciting happens mostly once or twice every week something major must happen for me to write three times in one week every single time I write an entry for a new day except for the first day of the month I introduce myself and who I am so that way if anyone reads this in the future somehow they'll know who I am but they'll only be reading with my permission of course for example if my crush Max reads it I hope he does maybe he'll come to my Halloween party but he is also hosting his own this year unfortunately and there's huge reasons why I'm not happy about that those will be explained in further entries though

October 6th

A lot happened today but not enough to write an entry the reason why I'm writing an entry though is because October 6th is the day I realized I had a crush on Max exactly 3 years ago it's a pretty important dayso no matter what no matter if anything else important happens I always write on this day it's pretty cool but other than that nothing just a normal day I'm curious to see what next week holds I'm sure it's just going to be another boring week

Edit : boy was I wrong also I realized I forgot to put my name whoopsies

October 13th

Dear diary it's Scarlett it's also October 13th which means my Halloween party is coming up I'll go into further detail with that in my next entry but what I can say is I'm very happy to report that colorful coffee sales are off the chart they'll never get rid of that coffee even if they did I don't know what I would do with myself colorful coffee is the best coffee ever and it's sold by the best coffee chain I quickly imagine to myself what it would be like it would be like apocalypse the total end of the world at least that's what I think but I won't have to worry about it because like I said it will never come to reality never.

October 14th

Scarlett here I'm your basic girl who can't walk up to a boy and is hosting a Halloween party next week because today is October 14th my party is on October 22nd unfortunately the same day as my crush Max he's having colorful coffees for his party everyone's favorite coffee and he's my crush I'm not even sure if I want to go to my own party so there I was handing out all the invites Max came up to me and said do you want to come to my party but I quickly reminded him that I'm hosting my own although as soon as I said that I could feel my bellies regret deep inside me I want to go to his party but at the same time I'm throwing one of my own and Mom would flip out if I canceled it because it's a coveted family tradition to host a Halloween party and if we don't then my reputation will be tarnished for the rest of my life I'm that kind of person one mistake and you'll have bad luck forever so as I was saying back to the conversation after he quickly said no he said something about needing to pick up a phone call I bet he was just trying to ignore me I bet he felt embarrassed talking to me you know all boys don't have the courage to talk to girls and although girls don't want to admit it they don't have the courage to talk to boys either I know from experience I couldn't hear much of it but I did hear something it was definitely about colorful coffees I wanted to know more and I was about to ask him but I don't always get what I want it was class time the bell ring I had to my seat I stared at Max for a little did a little doodling that kind of stuff no one likes school I mean I'm sure there's occasional people out there like nerds but no one likes School I'm sure of it anyway well I was staring at Max it seems like he was panicking the first thing that came to mind was yay maybe he had a crush on me but I doubt it I know I'm truly ugly no one wants to go out with me all the other classes were just like usual they were all boring although after last period as I went to my locker to get my stuff once again Max was on a phone call with a strange man this time with a deeper voice from the phone call I learned that his brother worked at sunshine coffee the best coffee place ever the one that sells the colorful coffee I also learned that he was talking to his brother's fellow co-worker Charles I don't know what it was about though but it got me worried because he sure looked panic the next thing I knew he was writing a note and then the bell ring he shoved it in his book bag and that was the end of the school day

October 15th

It's me Scarlett and let this week's story begin,

It was 3:25 p.m. as soon as I sat down for my last class I noticed a letter was sitting on my desk and I'm that kind of person I had no choice but to open it it was a letter from my crush Max fluent how I was foolish to think that he had a crush on me all the note said was past this to Elizabeth my best friend I can't believe she would betrayed me like that have a secret relationship with him but apparently I guess I was wrong about that too apparently it was in plain sight and I just didn't notice it because I'm not one of those nerds who pays attention my grades aren't the greatest you see I'm that kind of person anyway on the back it said Sunshine coffee everyone's favorite coffee shop was getting rid of the colorful coffee everyones favorite coffee drink but why Max continued to pass this note to literally everyone in class but he passed it to me first cuz he trusted me to investigate after school he knew I would be the first to skip my homework the non-important stuff and figure out this life-changing terrifying mystery the important stuff the question is will you

So the first thing I did was March down to the coffee shop and came to Mark Cain the brother of Max the step brother that's how we knew about this whole thing I came up and said max told me that you are getting rid of the colorful coffee why and he just gave an excusethat because it was almost Halloween October 15th to be exact they wanted some Halloween theme items like the trick or treat coffee it has a bunch of treats in it but it also has a bunch of tricks including the fact that it has four cherries instead of one okay that's technically both but you get them what I'm saying they are focusing more on fall I guess that's not a terrible thing but the next thing I for sure had to do that I couldn't live without I had to ask this question would there be more changes to the schedule and if so will they bring back everyone's favorite coffee soI asked that but I also asked when exactly they're getting rid of the main coffee he said today at 3:45 it was 3:35 I had 10 minutes I sprinted back to the school slammed my face into the door and walked right into the principal office it wasn't the greatest decision of my life but I asked the principal if I could get some coffee real quick and bring it to the class I explained the situation and he still said no I noticed I had seven minutes left on the clock I begged and begged and beg but nothing happened so I promisedthat it wouldn't be messy and if it was messy I would have to clean up the whole thing plus serve one month in detention so I sprinted back to the coffee shop and there were two minutes left on the clock I asked for two colorful coffees originally I was going to get everything for the whole class but I decided the only two people should have the glory of drinking one of the last colorful coffees for a long time Thanksgiving to be exact one for me and one for my soon-to-be high school sweetheart Max

October 09, 2020 17:05

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