The Mysterious Son of O’Brian Brian

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story about someone who keeps coming across the same stranger.... view prompt

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I felt as though I knew what to expect when I walked into that grocery store but who is to say it was a coincidence. A man who stood six feet tall and with a chiseled features stood a little way away, I could have sworn I mistook this man for my long-lost uncle. Anyway, it wouldn’t matter because he wasn’t, and I did not need to dwell on his whereabouts. Right now, my focus was on living a simple life and contemplating what I wanted to do as a career, that was my goal and I would be damned if I didn’t stick to it. As I left the grocery store with what I came in for I saw the man one more time, but I didn’t stare, and I paid him no attention. When I got home that night after I had made a trip to the bank to deal with my finances, which were not looking so great I decided to start a blog and just write about my experiences, see if it would go anywhere. Who knows, it may very well end up as one of those famous blogs you see nowadays. So, I sat down by my computer and pulled up a site that I thought was suitable enough for this experiment and got typing. I thought why not start off simple and discuss today’sweird encounter with my long-lost uncles look-a-like. 



Hi all who will eventually read this blog, I am Kendal RyanBrian and I want to start by saying that I have a very interesting life that I want to share with you, whoever you end up being. For instance, today I… let me rephrase that. First, I should probably tell you about my family before I rush into things, my family was killed late August when I was 21 and I have been living alone since then. Still lived in their house for awhile before it got taken away and sold. Anyway, they died in a plane crash that, surprisingly, I was not on and so I was saved. Although I had one relative who was said to be still alive: my long lost uncle O’Brian Brian who had been travelling a broad at the time, but when I looked for his contacts or anything that I could reach him with nothing turned up and I was stumped. I asked his well-known friends about him, but they had no idea either. That is how he became my last living relative and my long-lost uncle, yet to be found. Now, back to today, I was shopping at a grocery store and out of the blue I thought I saw him, it was certainly a younger and more handsome version of him but this man looked identically like my uncle, only my uncle did not have a tattoo of a dragon crawling up his right arm. But the resemblance was uncanny, and I could not believe it at first. I ended up following him through the store until I had to leave, and it was exactly like I was looking at a look-a-like of my uncle. 


After I finished writing the blog and turned off my laptop and got ready for bed, there was nothing else left to do. Although before I went to sleep, I pulled up a photo of my uncle on my phone and compared him to the man I saw today at the store. They were both exactly like except that my uncle was sporting grey hairs and was starting to grow in a scraggly beard. The next morning, I left to go find work in the city, it was not easy, but I eventually found a job at an old pub that needed a waitress badly. I got to know my other colleagues and discovered that there was a man missing from work that day, who had not shown up for more than a week now. I let go thinking it was not for me to worry about. The next couple of days were simple, got up, thought of something to write for my blog, came up blank and then went to work. Work was easy, all I had to do was greet customers and clean the tables, simple. A few days later I walked into work and right before me in a waiter’s uniform stood the man, I saw a week ago, he stood taller than I remember and had bright green eyes which I hadn’t caught before. That was partially because he was staring at me as well. I flushed and rushed downstairs to change, what a coincidence to run into that man again. When I gathered myself together, I got changed and went back upstairs, though the man was gone. Later I asked a colleague where the man had gone, and they said that he had probably left because his shift was over. I smiled and said thank you, though as I made my way home, I could not stop pondering on the resemblance of this man to my uncle. That night I wrote another blog post because now I realized I would right about this mysterious stranger again, for it was the only topic I could think of.


Hi again, I have yet another tale to tell you today. I ran into the stranger again and was again shocked by this man’s resemblance to my uncle. Although the only difference I could find was his dragon tattoo and his bright green eyes, my uncle had light blue eyes, so I know it was surely not my uncle. Also, my uncle is far older than this man, anyway I saw this man again at work today and we just stared at each other. Is that strange? 


I shut off my computer and got ready for bed, still thinking about who this man was and what his story was. I was gaining more interest in him as the days went by and found myself looking for him everywhere. This went on for some time, possibly over a few weeks until I finally saw him again. This time I was walking down the street attempting to look for a place to eat when I saw him on the other side of the street. He did not see me, but I could not stop myself from staring. There he is again, and this time he was with a young girl about six years old who was looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. Who was she to him? His daughter maybe? As I was staring at the man and bumped into someone and started apologizing profusely because I had spilled his coffee all over him. At that moment the man noticed me, looking at me in a curious manner. I glanced over at him and rushed away not wanting to embarrass myself further. For the rest of the day I couldn’t stop thinking about what the man thought of me and it made me come up with idea after idea about what we would say to each other if we ever got the chance. That night I wrote in my blog again about the same thing and this time I had gotten a couple comments on my last post. A few of them said to quit talking about this guy and write about something else and others were interested in seeing a photo of this man to see if they knew him. I decided I would find out who this guy was and send a picture the next time I posted about him. I could feel the eagerness of my viewers in wanting to know who this guy was themselves. As I got ready for bed looked at the picture of my uncle again and was baffled by the exact likeness between him and this mysterious man. The next few passed in a blur, I went to work, picked up groceries and went home. Each night reading the new comments on my two posts. Although the comments were the same, being either to quite talking about this guy or send a photo of him. When I went into work the next day, I asked about the guy I saw a week ago and a colleague of mine said his name was Alexander though she didn’t know his last name. When I got home, I read the comments again and they were growing more aggressive, demanding that I provide proof that this man even existed. The couple of days I got more and more eager to see this guy again and I started getting overly paranoid. Finally, a few days later I walk into work and bump into him. I apologized profusely and he smiled “it’s fine,” he said, “just watch where you’re going next time,” I felt baffled by his kindness for this was exactly what my uncle would have said. Later that day I took of photo of him without anyone noticing and smiled to myself. That night I posted the picture onto my blog. 


So, I have his photo to share with you and just want to say that I will no longer be posting about this man because clearly you don’t want to hear this. 


I felt a bit sad to be ending the discussion of this man, but I knew it was for the best. A few weeks passed and I did not see the man again. One night as I was browsing on my computer a checked my blog out of the blue and saw that someone had commented something interesting. A man named Samuel Brian said that he knew this man as his brother and I gasped, because that would mean that Alexander was related to my uncle and it also meant to my uncle had had two sons: Alexander Brian and Samuel Brian. 


April 14, 2020 19:45

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1 comment

Ciaran O'Neill
11:17 Apr 23, 2020

I enjoyed how you had the characters thoughts flow in stream of consciousness - It made the story an engaging read!


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