Carla, Judd, Jennifer and Allen were best friends. They had been friends since grade school and over the years grew quite close. So much so they shared a 4-bedroom home. That evening they were all out celebrating their first year of living together and when they arrived back at home, there was a package setting on the front step.
Upon seeing the package, they abruptly stopped. None of them had ordered anything so they were all wondering who it was for and from. Before they took another step, they looked around to see if there was anything out of place or suspicious. But everyone had already gone in for the evening and nothing seemed disturbed. Now stepping forward they saw the name tag and the three looked at Jennifer. In big bold letters were written the words “Jennifer Baker”. Unfortunately, there was no return address.
“Are you sure you aren’t expecting something?” Carla asked.
“Nope.” Jennifer began, “I haven’t ordered anything in while.”
“Wonder who it could be from?” Judd chimed in.
“Well, we can’t just stand out here staring at it, lets take it inside and see what it is.” Allen said.
“It is Kind of creepy if you ask me.” Jennifer said looking up and down the street once again.
But there was still nobody there.
“I suggest we take this and go inside instead of standing out here staring at it.” Allen said bending down and now lifting it as he tossed it up in the air before catching it. “After all, there is no ticking.”
“No ticking is good, a huh,” Jennifer said as she reached for her keys and pushed it into the lock and turning it. Once inside she began turning on lights as the other three followed. When Judd was the last through, he closed and locked the door behind him before joining the others in the dining room.
When he got there Allen had set the box down and Jennifer had gone into the kitchen.
“Coffee’s on.” Jennifer said as she came back in joining the others.
“Cool.” Carla said as she stood at the table with the others looking from the box to Jenn and back. “So, you have any idea who would have sent you a gift.”
“Nope, no clue.” After a few moments Jennifer took a deep breath before she reached to pull the string untying the bow. Next was the lid, which she lifted slowly and placed it to one side. Because they didn’t know what to expect, they all slowly leaned in to look at what might be inside. When nothing jumped out or moved within the small confinement, Jennifer began to cautiously remove the tissue paper that hid the boxes contents.
But that didn’t reveal much except that there were three items each wrapped in their own tissue paper. Well, there were two wrapped and one decorative envelope with her name on it.
“I’m officially intrigued, and still a little creeped out. But I want to know who sent this. And why.” Jennifer said reaching for the note. Once in her hand she turned it over and over and lifted the lid. She then pulled the slip of paper from within.
“You have been chosen-”
“Been chosen to do what?” Allen said, frowning his brow.
Clearing her throat Jennifer continued, “You have been chosen to enjoy the wonders of unending desires. Along with the magic wand you have also been given the catalyst to one of your addictions- Caffeine. With this cup and wand, you will never be without caffeine.”
“That doesn’t seem like a bad thing,” Carla said.
“But be careful, you can also use the wand for other things, but don’t let the power go to your head.”
“Like she has ever let power go to her head,” Judd added looking at the note addressing whoever sent it.
“Bottom line,” Jennifer continued “Enjoy your life a little more than you have. You can be wound too tight at times.”
Brad Williamson
Setting the note and envelope aside she began reaching in the box and pulling out the items.
“Who is Brad Williamson? And why is he sending you things?” Allen asked lifting the note and looking at it.
“I have no idea who he is or why he is sending me packages I did not order.” Jenn said unwrapping the first item slowly. The first item was a beautiful blue coffee mug. The next one was a wand. Which had been beautifully carved. But there was nothing else in the box, no instructions or book on how to use these things.
“How do they expect me to use these things, if there are no instructions on how to do so?” Jennifer said. However Allen being the free spirited guy he was had picked up the wand and after taking a closer look lifted it above his head and mad his first command.
“Ice cream soda”
“A hum,” Jennifer said clearing her throat again and hold out her hand. “It does say I was the chosen one.”
After placing the wand in her hand Jennifer spoke.
“Ice cream sundae.” Boom an ice cream sundae appeared.
“Cool! Try again.” Carla said.
“Pizza.” Instantly a pizza appeared in the center of the table all nicely sliced.
“Sweet!” Judd said.
“Cup of coffee.” Jenn said and right before their eyes the blue cup filled with steaming hot coffee.
“I could get used to this, but who sent this and why me?”
With no answers from anyone they all decided to head to bed and hopefully find answers in the morning. After of course putting the pizza away for later.
The next morning, as the four awoke, the search for answers regarding Jennifer’s mysterious gift deepened.
Everyone had gathered in the kitchen and coffee and breakfast were being fixed when someone rang the doorbell. Unsure of who it was Judd went to answer it. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. Instead, there were three more packages.
“Hey, guys, think you better get out here!” Judd called into the house as he stepped out onto the porch. As he looked up and down the street, the others were coming from the kitchen and onto the porch looking at the packages. There was one for Carla, Judd, and Allen. “What was going on? Who is sending these packages to us and more importantly why?” Allen asked.
Picking them up, they headed back int the house and closed the door behind them. Once in the kitchen breakfast was forgotten as they each looked at the boxes and opened them one at a time. They all chose Allen to go first. He pulled the box closer and unwrapped the paper and box then began pulling the contents from within.
On the top was a note which he immediately handed to Jennifer. “You read, I’ll pull the wrapping paper and contents from inside.”
Like hers there were two separately wrapped items. However instead of reading the note, Jennifer watched as he gently unwrapped the items. The first box was the size of a jewelry box. As he opened it, he saw a man’s bracelet with the word protector on the outer section surrounded by stones. On the other side was his name.
“Oh, that’s dare I say beautiful,” Carla smiled.
“What is in the other box?” Judd asked pointing.
Setting the bracelet box aside Allen picked up and unwrapped the other.
“A Cell phone?” Judd said with a scrunched-up nose.
“Maybe the note will explain.” Carla said pointing to the note Jennifer held.
“That’s right the note.” Allen said as they all looked at Jenn.
“The note?” Allen said pointing to the note.
“Oh right, the note.”
“You have been chosen-”
“Again with the word chosen.”
“A hum” She said clearing her throat, “You have been chosen to protect the righter of wrongs as she encounters those who have been misjudged and mistreated. The bracelet is the key to all the power you need. The other gift is you communication device and will become voice activated when you set it up.”
When she finished reading Allen looked at the phone. “A cell phone?”
“What did you expect a communication device to be? One of those cool walkie talkies you see on Star Trek?”
“Ugh Yea.” He said without a moments’ thought.
“Okay Carla and Judd you’re next. What did you get?” Jenn asked as she glanced at the stove and the food that was now forgotten.
Judd then looked at the remaining boxes and found Carla’s handing it to her. “Open yours first.” He said. In the same manor Carla opened hers and got a note but only one item. It was a pair of reading glasses. Quickly she opened the note and read it. “There is more to a person than what can be seen on the surface. These will help you look within and see just who they are.”
“Oh that’s not creepy at all, Jenn smiled.
“Now you,” Carla said to Judd.
He quickly opened his box and just like Allen, handed Carla the note while he unwrapped his item. It was a hat. Stylish at that. Instantly Carla opened the note. “This hat will enhance your charisma helping others relax enough to express what is truly wrong or what they really want.”
After a moment Jennifer spoke, “It looks like we all have been given our props for some upcoming event. Now to wait and see what our futures hold.”
“Well, if we are going to make that talk show, we better get breakfast and get ready.” Carla said looking up at the kitchen clock.
“Oh man, your right.” Jennifer said as they grabbed breakfast and ate. Then they hurried to clean the table and get ready. Now dressed, they got into the van and headed to the studio. Once they arrived and entered the lobby a woman looked at them smiling.
“Hi, May I help you?”
“Hi, my name is Jennifer Baker, and we are here to see Vivian Clermont.”
“Yes, she is expecting you have a seat and I’ll let her know you are here.”
“Thank you.” Jennifer said as they all took a seat.
Moments later the inner door opened and a woman stepped from within. “Ms. Baker?” The woman said looking at the group.
“Yes.” Jennifer stood and smiled as did the others.
“And this must be Allen, Carla and Judd.” She said looking at the three but focusing on Judd the most.
“The hats working,” Carla said as she leaned in and whispering to Jennifer.
“Seems so.”
“Well let’s get you all settled and ready.” Vivian said as she turned and led the four in the studio heading into the green room. While they waited to go on stage and speak with the woman who they met only moments before, they were tempted to enjoy the fresh coffee and donuts.
Finally, the stage director came in and told them it was almost time to go on. He then asked if they brought any props, pictures, or slides that would help them explain how the habitat organization works. And what they would be doing.
Allen immediately got up and went to the bag they had bought showing him the things that could be displayed as they talked with Vivian. The stage director collected the things and left the room once again.
This time when the door opened a woman stood there with a clip board. “It’s time to go on are you ready?”
“Absolutely, lets do this.” Jennifer said as they all got up and followed the woman to the stage.
“Wait here and Mrs. Claremont will call you on stage after the commercial.”
Before long Vivian was smiling as the camera man spoke again…. “And 3 …2…1……Go.” He said pointing to Vivian once again.
“Welcome back now we are going to introduce you to four teens who are using their spring break to join the team of Habitat for Humanity. So, without farther ado here they are. Jennifer, Allen, Carla ad Judd.”
She waited as they entered and took their seats.
“So, who would like to speak for the group?” She asked looking at the four.
“I will,” Allen said clearing his throat raising his hand.
“Alright, Allen. Why don’t you first tell us what Habitat for humanity is.”
“Habitat for Humanity offers several programs from Contractor and Builder which leads to home ownership to Neighborhood Revitalizer. But our latest project is recycler. This is where we take used materials and redistribute it back into the economy. Now if you want to talk about the administrative side, Jennifer and Carla handle that.” Allen smiled.
“And we will do that after a message from our sponsors.”
“And Cut.” The camera man said as they went to break.
“Listen, before we come back on, I want to introduce you four to someone.”
“Who would that be?” Judd asked looking at her now wearing the hat.
She just looked at him and smiled. “Look, I now you four have received gifts from an unknown source. And I want to introduce you to that person.” She said looking at them all.
“You know about those gifts?”
“Yes, and as I’ve said I know who sent them.” Vivian said as a man now walked up.
“Me.” A man said now standing beside Vivian. “Hello, my name is Brad Williamson.”
Instantly, they all froze unsure of what to say.
Just then the camera man motioned to Vivian letting her know it was time to go back from commercial.
“All this will be explained in due time, but right now we need to retake our seats were coming back.”
Knowing the four wanted and needed answers to what had been happening to them over the last few days. Vivian also knew that there were others like these four who needed to be reminded that they were special and no matter what life brought to their doorsteps, they should always remember they are special, unique and capable of great things.
“And welcome back, during our break we surprised our four guests, and we want to share with you what happened. But to do that we wat to introduce our next guest. His name is Brad Williamson.”
Everyone clapped as he entered and took a seat. When he had settled Vivian explained to the audience what had taken place during the break.
“Our four were not just brought here for the great work they will be undertaking in the coming weeks; they were chosen because they represent the very core of what helping others is all about.”
The longer she spoke the more what she was saying was sinking in. And it was Jennifer who spoke first.
“In the notes we received it said we were chosen, were you the one who wrote those notes?”
“Guilty” Vivian said smiling.
“And I was the one who picked out the gifts you all received. Now do you all besides Judd have those gifts?” Brad asked.
They all pulled the gifts from their hiding places and Brad began his explanation of what these gifts meant to the holder of them.
“These objects these teens hold a special meaning to them in a variety of ways. Jennifer has a cup and wand. Allen has a cell phone and bracelet; Carla has a pair of glasses and Judd as you can see has a hat.” He continued. “Now these gifts have been sent to them for several reasons, one everyone likes receiving special gifts that say you are thought of and are special. But they are also reminders that each one is special to others as they embark on their adventure with Habitat to build homes for others. But they are also future leaders and examples for others who will come after them in the years to come. So, the items will serve to remind them in times they are weary that they matter and are important, in everything they do.”
Now speechless, the four just sat there unable to say anything. Unknown to anyone watching they all needed to hear those words and be reminded each one of them was important to someone and they so badly needed to hear that themselves.
That night as each one laid down to sleep, they found that they had a new confidence that they had not had before. One that they could carry with them every where they went every day of their lives. And as they went about their activities, they could show to others just how much they mattered and were apart of something greater and bigger than they could ever imagine.
The end
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