Urban legend of the diamond rose family

Written in response to: Write a story where ghosts and the living coexist.... view prompt


Bedtime Horror Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

(Language, death, Hanging, murder,)

Nothing like running away from the cops and getting away with more trouble, Zak told himself. But he herd footsteps and he looked and it’s a young woman that looks like she was about to collapsed. And she sadly did Zak didn’t know what to do but she did run over to her and help her. He saw that she had scares and bruises all over so while she was asleep, he wrapped that up for her. But when she woke up, she was confused about where she was. Ahh WHAT THE FU** WHERE AM I she said. Are you alright you passed out while running, Zak told her. As they were getting to know each other, they realized they were both in big problems. They both explain to each other their situations. Zak has been stealing a lot of goods from different towns and Hannah has constaley been excused of witchcraft. Well, I guess we are both going through something that sucks. I don’t think either of us can go back Hannah mentioned. "Well, if we're going to live in the forest part time then we'd better get comfortable," Zak told Hannah. As months passed, they were able to build a house. It wasn’t big, but it also wasn’t small. Finally, they both admitted that they both had feelings for each other, it was a little scary because neither of them has ever had a love life before. While Zak was coming in from cutting wood, he herd Hannah singing in the kitchen it put a smile on his face to see her smiling as long as she’s happy he’s happy. Hey what ya making Zak asked. Well, I chose to make soup because it’s a little cold outside Hannah replied to Zak. Zak liked Hannahs cooking some were better than others but still really enjoyed them. But sometimes they did feel like something was missing in their household. Mean they had everything you needed for a living. But that’s when it clicked, they didn’t have a child but they were a little hesitate knowing that they both have a horrible reputation in the public. But they would give the child a normal life. After months of trying one day Hannah realized her stomach was turning into a round shape and for the past month she has gotten sick. But she rember’s being told the effects of pregnancy so she called for her husband. ZAK I THINK I GOT SOME GREAT NEWS Hannah called in excitement. What is it Hannah what is so important Zak asked in a curious voice. Hannah explains everything about what’s going on and once he herd that she might be having a baby he was shocked but extremely happy. Once it was 9 months later Hannah gave birth to a wonderful baby girl that they chose to name Anna. Considering that she looked similar to her mother. They would protect her at all costs and would make sure she wouldn't end with a reuption they ended up with. She played in the garden with her parents and would even like to help in the kitchen. When Anna reached the age of 2. Zak and Hannah were surprised that they made it this far with their child. But one day when the parents were playing outside the people that have been looking for Zak and Hannah found them. Anna Was obviously confused. But Hannah and Zak knew what was about to go down and running or even fighting back wasn't an option anymore. The couple just begged that if they were going to kill them just leave Anna out of it. But they disagreed they decided to separate the family. By Hanging Zak on a tree in the woods and taking Hannah and burning her to death in the middle of town. But before they burned Hannah they forced her to watch them slit Anna's throat. Her crying in agony she didn't care if she died she lost her husband and daughter. She didn't care but if she told them that they wouldn't do it to her. But as she burned she cried and cursed the town. Now Hannah was known to normally be a ghost that liked to roam the dark and kill anyone who wouldn’t make it home before 11:00 pm. That was the same exact time she died but she didn’t die on Halloween. She just always found it fun to scare. She was excused of being a witch during the witch trials even hints why she moved to a home in the forest with her husband Zak. But Zak people were more afraid of him because he is not a ghost he is a demonic spirit that haunts the town the week of Halloween. He wouldn’t he doesn't kill teens. But he does like to luar them into the forest to make them get lost. You will know if he’s around when you hear a certain kind of whistle or 3 knocks on a tree. Oh and there daughter spirit Anna if it's closed to 11:00 pm then she will act like a normal little girl to trick people in to staying out. Basically Helping her mother (Not forced btw) kill the innocent. And you will she's near if you hear a little girl's footsteps. But if any of the 3 feel like it they will kill any day. (I didn't know what the last word of this prompt meant so I tried to comprehend it as best as I could) (Anyways here's an extra story that has nothing to with the prompt but why not add it) It's called midnight secrets

(Story contains blood, violence and, Trama)

There once was a girl named Hannah, she was just a normal girl. Most people love to take advantage of her. She was so gullible but had the biggest heart. Everyone found her gullible because she would get scared out of nowhere or would just do other kids' schoolwork. But little did she know her luck was going to change. Because a new boy came to school and girls were wanting him badly. Hannah was seeing everyone gather around in one area crowding to see the new guy. Hannah tried her best to get through but there were too many people. So, she gave in and ignored it as always having to be left out. That is until she was sitting at lunch one day and saw the guy she was amazed of how beautiful and handsome he was. She wanted his number but was scared because she had been in previous relationships. So, she tried to ignore the feelings she was having and went with her day. She constantly walked back and forth trying to get him off her mind. But she just couldn’t so there was only one thing to do. It was to go up to him and tell him the truth. Even tho it might hurt when she gets rejected, she Know's she had her tried best. Hey, I'm Hannah and I think you're really cute Hannah said in a very blushing manner. Oh, thanks for the compliment and um I don’t know you, but we can start off as friends if you want, the boy told her. I would really like to actually thank you Hannah thanked him for not thinking she was weird. So, the two went off as friends and actually pulled it off. Hannah found out that his name was Zak and that he really wasn’t really that social. He wasn’t a big people person. Which Hannah was alright with, she had wondered if she had finally found someone that loved her. But she looked at Zak and realized that fangs when he smiled but it didn’t scare her, she didn’t mind. She wondered if he was a vampire tho because just recently, she was warned that someone at her school was not human. She would promise to keep it a secret for Christ's sake she wouldn’t mind if he turned her into a vampire. It would probley hurt at first, but she would brush it off. Why do you have such sharp K-9 teeth that look like vampire fangs Hannah asked. She thought she was going to lose a friend after that question, but Zak came clean and told her the truth. I’m a vampire as you can probley tell, Zak replied. Zak goes on to explain how he ended up like this and how he wishes he was just normal. Wow I I'm sorry I asked I will never or at least try to never say something that will make you uncomfortable again Hannah promised. Zak laughed. Most people say that and then it’s back to hiding alone in the dark foggy woods, Zak told her. Hannah thought of something, but she was scared to ask the question. Well, you're not going to be alone, you can bite me, and we can run off to the foggy woods together, Hannah recommended. Zak looked at her like she was crazy, there was no way he was going to bite his best friend. Hannah didn’t want to go back to being alone and shoved around like she used to be. I’m not doing that to you Hannah you mean way too much to me and I don’t want people thinking I'm a horrible person Zak told her. Hannah realized he had a good point plus there would be bruising from the bite. I’ll put makeup on the bruise then no one will notice that you bit me Hannah said desperately. Zak did see that she was desperate, and he could use someone of his own kind, so he agreed. But they couldn’t do it at the location they were at, they had to go somewhere private. So how bad is this going to hurt Hannah asked. Think about it as two thick needles going through your neck. Hannah didn’t find that helpful. Now after this you are going to feel dizzy so make sure to put pressure on your neck until the bleeding stops, Zak told her. They did it on the count of 3 and it was misery for her, but she told herself it would be worth it in the end. And it was but she did get extremely dizzy which Zak did warn her about. But obviously, like always, Hannah is not the kind of person who likes to listen. The next day Hannah was feeling a bit better even tho she just got bit on the neck by her boyfriend. Hey Zak, where are you Hannah asked out loud. Zak appears out of nowhere. AHH, you scared me Hannah yelped. Sorry honey Zak replied. It’s alright, I know you didn’t mean it Hannah said in a joyful voice. Let’s go out for breakfast, that would be a nice outing, don’t you think Zak mentioned. Hannah agreed and they went out to grab something to eat. Zak wanted to teach Hannah how to turn into a bat that night. So he asked her she was a little worried at first but then she tried it. She was having the time of her life flying around with Zak, she never thought this could be fun, but it was a little scary too. When they got home, she asked her husband what if they tried to start a family. Zak found that not a bad idea considering they have been together for a while. So, they tried for a whole week and finally Hannah was pregnant. The only problem was they didn’t know if the baby was going to come out as a vampire or a human. But there was only one way to find out. And that was to have a baby. When Hannah remembered she had to wait 9 months she was upset but she should have seen this coming. (9 months later) Hannah finally had the baby and if was a beautiful baby girl and she definitely came out as a vampire. Zak and Hannah were in love with her. They chose to name her Anna because she looked like her mother. As the years passed the family was happy. Until Anna was playing in the yard and Hannah kept begging for her to come back to reapply sunscreen. But Anna refused she thought she would be fine and that her mother was being over dramatic. That’s until she started not to feel good Hannah and Zak rushed over to her to get back into the shade. But it was too late, Anna had already stopped breathing. The couple was devastated. Losing their 2-year-old daughter. They were not going to try for anthor kid because they loved Anna too much it would feel like they would be replacing her. (Story inspired by Vampire book) 

October 22, 2023 18:52

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