Short Story: Sydney & Fernando

Submitted into Contest #40 in response to: Write a story about two people who meet and become instant friends.... view prompt



It was like any other day. Sydney was in her house, doing whatever she needed to do on her laptop while her mother was at work and her father setting up his usual electronics. He was quite a nerd when it came to that kind of stuff but that’s why the family always depended on his help with any technology work. Sydney was currently coloring in her coloring book while listening to some classic oldies when she heard her father call her name from the basement. She made it down the basement when she noticed a setup with a computer and cameras of some sort along with a masked-headset.She asked her dad what the equipment was for as he continued to set up the equipment. He explained that this was a Virtual Reality (VR) headset. The more he explained more about it, the more intrigued she became. After some time, the VR was finally set up and she couldn’t wait to try it. Little did she know what effects this could have on her.

After playing some action games, Sydney then came across a multiplayer game called, Rec Room. According to the description, it was a socializing game along with some mini games such as paintball, quests, bowling, etc. This definitely brought interest in her and decided to download it into the laptop. She made her account and designed her character which she named, Rosey. After all, her middle name was Ann-Rose and she has always loved any name with “Rose” in it. Once she was in the game, she already began making new friends. Since she never had friends in her personal life, this was like a breath of fresh air for her even if these people were just online friends. As time went by, she began to finally feel happy. Her close friends were Pooks, Tripp, Maddie, Johnny, and Tyler. They were all in a friend group which eventually became real on Snapchat with their group chat. Days go by and she continues to make friends as well as developing a crush on a guy she met that was named, Logan. They became friends slowly as well as turning their friendship into something more. It was amazing for her in the beginning. She even got introduced to a new friend that was named Fernando. Them two however, instantly became friends.

Even though she and Logan get along greatly, she couldn’t help but notice just how quickly things progressed between her and Fernando. Their connection was nothing like she felt with anybody even Logan. Yes, they were together. But she couldn’t actually talk to him like she can with Fernando. Logan began to barely talk or hold conversations with her anymore which really hurt her. For her, it was like he became a whole different person. Not the person she began to catch feelings for. Yet he continued to drag her along. She didn’t know what he wanted from her. Maybe wanting to feed into her desperation for a relationship? For attention she has never received throughout her life? She couldn’t help but blame herself. Rec Room was like an escape for her. An escape from her reality. Yet things began to turn out horribly wrong for her. Toxicity started to get worse and worse as days went on. She started to regret everything. Her only source of happiness became the complete opposite. Of course, she appreciates having her friends by her side, especially Fernando. But life changed. Her feelings got burned into ashes. Waterfalls continuously fell out of her eyes. She knew Rec Room and Logan were not the same as they used to be. But she knew there was nothing that could be done. She knew that every event that she has witnessed were red flags but she chose to ignore them. She couldn’t help but feel the need to give up. All her hopes will rise up but then fall like autumn leaves. She cried so many tears yet it was still not enough to stop them. Rec Room became a curse for her. Nothing but a toxicity excuse of an online source. Although she may regret every decision she made herself, she will never regret meeting Fernando.

Sydney and Fernando grew closer and closer everyday. Although he made her happy, she couldn't help but still feel that same pain of regret in her chest everyday. All she felt was shame and sadness which Fernando hated. He only wished her happiness yet it wasn’t enough for her mentality. Sydney wants nothing more than to move on with her life and focus on her current personal life with her friendship but she misses her other Rec Room friends deeply. However, after months of constant communication and laughter, something absurd happened within her body. She couldn’t help but notice just how appreciated she began to feel with Fernando. Hearing his sweet words every part of the day. Hearing his corny yet creative jokes that made her laugh. Hearing his compliments that made her feel beautiful like never before. He filled in that lonely dark spot within her heart. She could only guess one thing that she felt; happiness.

One night, Sydney was panicking about the possibility of having eye surgery due to the bump she has on her right eyelid. She’s never had surgery before so it made her anxiety worse. She was texting Fernando about it and he knew how bad her anxiety attacks can get so she immediately received a phone call from him. He said nothing but comforting words which ultimately calmed her nerves. Throughout that night, they talked about their feelings involving their relationship. She recalled how passionate he was towards her that got her heart beating what felt like a thousand miles. He described how different she was from other girls he knew and how beautiful she was inside and out to him. In that moment, she knew she Appreciation. Contentment. Everything she never felt about herself before. Until him. Yes, they were once strangers that became instant friends. Little did they know it would develop into something more.           

May 07, 2020 16:21

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