Submitted to: Contest #150

The son, the family and the gangsters

Written in response to: "Write a story that either starts or ends with someone (or something) saying, “Please, don’t do it.”"

Black Crime

Please don’t do it 

Please don’t do it said the mother who’s sitting in the dark to her son who is about to leave the house in the middle of the night. My son, please hear me, don’t get mixed up in this life, it’s nothing short but life in prison or an early grave, the money is good, the clout is great, but you’ll be a fool with no escape. The son opens the door and walks through as if he didn’t hear the mother’s wise words. The mother looked at her phone to see the time and notice her battery was at twenty-five percent and her tears streamed down and fell on the phone screen. She stays in the dark to her lonesome and falls on her knees and starts to pray and beg God to not hand her a loss she can’t win back. Originally she isn’t a believer however, with the current situation she’s praying to whatever she thinks is out there. Guilt begins to hit her as she feels responsible for her son’s current state thinking how the father is in jail and she’s barely home trying to make ends meet, which is a con to the children who don’t have a role model. She thinks to herself and says from the moment your kids are born you’re afraid of how the world can hurt them but you never stop and wonder how you can hurt them, with that she falls into slumber right on the floor. The following morning the son came home and slept throughout the day, and when night time arrived he was soon ready to leave again. While walking out he hears please don’t do it, turning back he spots his mother and his younger brother sitting in the dark. Younger brother speaks up and says pops is Locked up right now bro and now you getting involved with the FK gangsters could potentially lead up to you going in as well, and there will be no father figure to guide anybody in this house. The son ceases for a second look to be contemplating then just walks to the car outside, the mother looks at her phone to check the time and notices her phone battery is at fifteen percent, so she gets up and heads to her room. Everything felt gloomy, the younger brother was still present in the living room. Sitting at the table solo, he notices a notebook and pen he then grabs both and began to write down the thoughts on his mind. Why do we go down a dark path, are we cursed to not succeed, or am I just tripping. Either way, my perception tells me differently, most of the dudes I know barely make it past the age of twenty-five, if they don't get killed they end up being incarcerated. I'm only fifteen right now and incapable of foreshadowing my future without thinking of a type of demise, I mean even the fortune teller weeps when our future was on display saying all they saw was our time glass as pistols and graves. Younger brother realizes how late it is he heads to his room to sleep for school tomorrow. After the previous night, the son came back home, slumbered all day, and woke up at night to get going. While walking out he opens the door and hears behind him the same phrase he’s been hearing for the last few days, please don’t do it, except this time it was in sync almost like a church choir consisting of his mother, brother, and this time his five-year-old sister. The preschooler child spoke, big brother mommy and brother say you’re out to do bad things, please don’t do any bad things big bro or you’ll be in trouble. The son closes the door and stays inside for about two minutes gazing at his family lost in thoughts, then honk honk he hears from the car outside brings him back to his senses, he turns around and opens the door as soon as he walks out of the door the mother picks up the phone to check on the time, and noticed the phone was dead, as she gets up to go and charge it the phone fell accidentally and shattered, now sobbing she makes her way to her room, the younger brother did the same and headed to his room not bothering about the five-year-old in the living room all by her lonesome. The five-year-old who's usually afraid of the dark this time stands without fear, she grabs her crayons and her coloring book and started to scribble. First, she draws a big pink house with a family consisting of a father, mother, and three kids two boys and one girl. And the second drawing she draws the same thing but this time there's no father. The third drawing is the same but without one of the brothers. As she begins her fourth drawing she stops not knowing who to take out. From there she leaves it on the table and heads to sleep. Now inside the car, five young men including the son began to discuss what was about to go down, tonight they'd be robbing Kelmo’s store. Arriving at the spot four of the five men In the car stepped out with guns, they went inside and had the cashier at gunpoint and demanded the money. The cashier complies and granted their request while having already triggered the alarm. Police sirens blared throughout the area, one of the guys grabs the cashier tossed him on the floor, and say you pressed the alarm to have the pigs here, the cashier scared for his life had no words. The guys looked out the window witnessing about fifteen police cars and six swat trucks. Enraged one the guys yelled grabbed the cashier and says to the son put a bullet in his brain for calling the cops. The son points his gun at the cashier’s forehead and looks at him, he could perceive the fear of God that was in that man’s eyes. The cashier speaks while trembling, I I hav have family, I have ho hopes for the future, and today was su supposed to be just a normal day please don’t shoot me I beg please, please don’t do it.

Posted Jun 18, 2022

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21 likes 4 comments

Betty Gilgoff
00:04 Jun 23, 2022

Some powerful images in this writing: the mother praying to a god, any god in her desperation; the sense of time running out with the cell phone battery dying; the child drawing the diminishing family, the uncertainty of not knowing who to leave out next; the separateness of each member in the family; the suddenness of the police arriving.

Interesting use of the prompt. Interesting how the repetition of it added to the tragedy of the entire lot.

Thanks for posting it.


Jobinho 11
01:04 Jun 23, 2022

Thank you, wow you really understood it


Erika Seshadri
21:32 Jun 22, 2022

This is a heartfelt piece of writing. The lack of paragraphs gives it an urgent feel. Well done.


Jobinho 11
22:25 Jun 22, 2022

Thank you


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