“Saying goodbye – Sushant and Anika “
“Goodbye “ – is a very heartbreaking word. Its not easy to say Goodbye, but as they say “every cloud has a silver lining” same way Goodbyes also have something “good “ about them. Sushant and Anika were two such lovers. They had met at a coaching institute and it was a love at first sight for Sushant. Sushant greatly adored Anika. Though, she was not interested in him initially that much , but he appeared to be “quite a decent guy “ to her. He was quite helpful too as he used to help her with her notes, any kind of aid she required pertaining to her studies, he always stood by her.
With time, both of them became very friendly with each other and Anika too started enjoying his company. Love takes time and though initially it lacked the spark, later the relationship picked up very well. They started spending more time together, apart from study time as well. They used to go for shopping, restaurants, long walks and even for movies together.
In fact , they both grew so fond of each other that they wanted to get married. They had enrolled for a course in “Human resource “ management together. They exchanged notes and studied together as well. With constant hard work and determination they cleared their course with flying colours and got employed in good companies. Though being together, their personalities differed greatly, Anika was more of an introvert , shy kind of person who could not get well along with people, on the other hand Sushant was more outspoken, smart as well as bit shrewd too.
He used to visit Anika’s place regularly but never used to invite her at his place. However, on insisting he took her to his place a couple of times. Sushant was quite a bright employee and due to his performance his name once got nominated for a month’s training abroad. This was somehow a depressing news for Anika as she was too attached to him. But Sushant consoled her that he would call her regularly , and would write emails to her. She felt relieved on hearing this and agreed to his leaving for abroad. While leaving, he had come to visit Anika at her place and even Anika and her family wanted to see him off to the Airport and had got a bouquet for him but due to dearth of time it could not somehow materialize.
Anyways he left for abroad, and coincidentally ANika’s birthday was on the following day. To brighten her day up , Sushant asked his mother and sister to wish Anika on her birthday so that she feels a bit better and they called her up on her birthday and wished her . Anika somehow depressed , had to continue going for her work . She used to feel very lonely as she would miss Sushant a lot . She even lost weight as she wasn’t able to sleep properly nor eat properly. Though, Sushant used to call up regularly still Anika missed him very badly.
The whole month somehow passed and Sushant returned back. This brought back the happiness in Anika’s life which so much rested on Sushant’s presence. Anika somehow noticed some change in Sushant’s behaviour after his return as it appeared he did not miss her as much as she missed him. He showed her some pictures clicked from his trip which had a couple of girls hugging him and posing close to him and he looked very happy. Every relationship has its sweet and sour flavours so this relationship also was not void of it. Though the couple was truly, madly and deeply in love with each other and were also looking forward for marriage, off and on some fights started picking up between the two of them.
The main reason seemed to be Sushant’s over possessive and jealous nature. Gradually he started treating Anika like an object that he possessed and did not like her to intermingle with others. He on the other hand had many girls as his friends to which he seemed to have no objection to. Also, it seemed that Sushant’s mother was not very fond of Anika and always used to poison his mind against Anika. The main reason was that Sushant was from a very humble family and did not earn much as well, so his mother wanted him to get married to a girl of her choice after he got settled. Her plans were quite different for her son, she would often call up Anika and misbehave with her as well, kind of threatening her to leave her son. But, Sushant was somehow fond of Anika and did not want to give up on her. His domination over Anika was somehow bothering Anika and her family. There was a relative who used to often visit Anika’s place, it was their cousin. Sushant used to malign Anika’s name with her cousin. Though Anika tried to convince him that there was nothing between them however, Sushant was not convinced. He accused Anika meeting her cousin in Sushant’s absence and that their intentions were mallified.
An incident once took place in which Sushant came to Anika’s house all furious , maligning her name with the other guy and banged her house door and created a scene. Anika’s family had enough of it and went to Sushant’s place to confront his parents. As both of them were keen on getting married such kind of behaviour created a rift amongst them. Though Anika’s family did not want to break Anika’s heart by saying “No” to their marriage they tried to give it another shot.
Relationships are very sensitive and need to be constantly nourished with love and care, however it seemed that both of them were losing trust on each other. To spend life together seemed to be a distant dream now. Still, Anika as she loved Sushant did not want to leave him and she tolerated every allegation and blame that she was blamed for , from him and his mother. On a occasion she also tried to mend things between them when she along with him and his sister went for shopping to Delhi Haat. Sushant seemed to be very caring for his sister and ignored Anika. This behaviour of his was quite strange as sometimes he appeared to be very caring , at other times totally indifferent. He also used to lie to Anika about his whereabouts and used to threaten her that if she did not stop talking to her guy friends, he would leave her forever and settle abroad.
When things turn sour they do. Sushant was always jealous and doubted Anika with her cousin and other guys. He used to spy on her regularly and check her cell phone without her permission. No matter how bad Anika tried to make things better, they just got worse. And finally the day came when Sushant was as usual fighting with Anika over the phone, when her mother and sister overheard him. After the call was over they asked Anika as to why was she was trying to mend a relationship beyond repair. They explained to her that blinded by love she was not able to figure out what was going on. Following this conversation, Sushant as usual came to Anika’s house to settle with her. This time, Sushant had a very serious altercation , a few heated arguments and exchange of words with her family. As it was a last straw on camel’s back, they decided to call it off and say this painful relation “Goodbye” once and for all . Though it was on a bad note, everything seemed to end for good as Sushant and Anika’s relationship ended once and for all, never to be revived again. Every love story need not have a happy ending but somehow bad endings also have something good in them so it was goodbye for good!!,.
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Nicely written. I like the flow of the story.
Thanks dear
Very good read. Flowed well.
Thanks so much
A very well conceived write up on the complexities of a relationship...keep writing...👏👏👌👌
Amazing story! You are such an underrated writer! Keep on workin' and soon you'll get the recognition you deserve!
Thanks so much ! That's a lot of appreciation and made my day God bless
No problem. God Bless you, too!
Very Heart Touching , Good Story.
Thanks 😊
Go ahead with your writing.keep it up.
Such a sweet story, Alka!! Loved it! This story is really captivating to me!😊
Keep writing and have a great day, Alka!❤️️❤️️
Thanks so much
Relationships are so unpredictable. Good job of showing this.
Yes ...