A Tango of Town's Talk!

Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Write a story in the format of a gossip column.... view prompt


Contemporary Romance

Cupid is striking hot! 

Dear readers,

Just when everyone thought we would be having a quiet summer, nope, it does not look that way, especially on Chestnut Way.

Things are heating up. Majorly, actually. And folks, it’s guaranteed to be “hotter than July!”

News has it that our “on-again-and-off-again lovebirds,” aka the mysterious Mr. M and the bright Ms. E, were caught in some kind of love triangle.

Yes, you read that right!

We all have taken notice of Mr. M’s ways: low key, speaks little, but a total party boy. Oh boy, the man can throw the loudest and most lavish parties at his mansion. If you have been lucky enough to attend one of them, you would know what we mean.

Anyways, he seems to have been caught two nights ago with another woman, late in the evening. The two looked very close. But no one knows who she was.

Ms. E was nowhere in sight. No one had seen the platinum blonde with bright neon-colored clothes anywhere close by.

So, speculations have started…..obviously!

This is what can be said for now. The new couple was seen leaving the Plaza hotel holding hands. It was close to two in the morning. Maplewood, being such a tight-knit community where everyone knows everyone, can be particularly explosive.

We asked the staff of the hotel, and the bellman was the first to respond, “With all due respect, sir, I do not recall seeing these guests leaving our property last night.” At the reception, the same response. Even among the other hotel staff—and there were many—including the housekeeping service, no one seemed to know about this mysterious woman. It looked as if she appeared at the door, they got in a car that was waiting for them, and off they went.

Oh snap! Things are heating up in Maplewood.

Dear readers,

Since our last column, no one has yet seen the mysterious woman who was seen leaving the Plaza a few days ago with Mr. M. We will now start referring to her as Ms. A. Ever since it happened, we have been asking about her.

Some people who saw them leaving the hotel lobby said she was part of Mr. M’s entourage. They had dinner together, just the two of them, and they kept holding hands throughout the entire meal. He had ordered steak and she only had a salad. But the champagne, the Dom Perignon, kept pouring. Suddenly, the waiter got a sign that they were leaving. After that, it was a blur for everyone.

Known for their loyalty to all their guests, the staff at the Plaza have been tight-lipped ever since. This was the only thing we know from them.

Since the two were caught leaving the hotel late at night, there were not many people who could have possibly seen them. Upon some investigations, there are multiple sources that came forward with a version of the story. Maplewood is not such a big place after all!

More soon!

Mystery on Acord Street

Dear readers,

The saga continues in Maplewood.

A young man driving by on the evening of the infamous night out confided that he had seen Mr. M having a heated argument with Ms. E in the park. This was a few hours before the incident. He was shouting at her and at some point, she slapped him and took off. He tried to run after her, but then gave up. Out of frustration, he was seen throwing his cap on the ground and walking to his car.

Meanwhile, one of Ms. E’s neighbors said she had seen her leaving the next morning, with two big suitcases that she could barely carry. This made her wonder what she could have been carrying and what may have been inside. Then, she assumed she was leaving town after the scandal and heading to her parents' house in the Hamptons to cool off. They owned a beach property there.

This may be the reason why a delivery man also said that Ms. E seemed to have vanished. He had tried to deliver a package at her home the day after the incident. He rang the bell several times and no one answered. Her housekeeper, who is generally the one who comes to the door, was nowhere in sight. So, he left the box by the door.

At the local Starbucks, the owner would not say a word. When asked, he could only say, “This is none of my business, but the three seemed quite tight when they last came in here to get coffee.” No one else seems to have seen them, but he is adamant this happened shortly after the incident.

So for now, all three seem to be missing in action and the lights at Mr. M’s mansion have been off. Have they suddenly left town?

Look out for our next update, soon.

When there is smoke…

Dear readers,

Just when we thought that the local news was only fake news, things are re-heating again. As the saying goes, “when there is smoke, there is fire!”

We eventually caught up with Mr. M and he has been tight-lipped but with a smirk on his face. Ms. E. seems to be frequently going to the local bookstore, skipping the Starbucks, and looking contemplative. Meanwhile, Ms. A, whose identity has now been revealed to us, seems to be the life of every social event, almost as if she's enjoying this new attention.

All of this leaves us to think, just as the local baker said, "I think Mr. M dropped something more than a muffin." Also overheard the librarian murmuring, “Books aren’t the only things checked out here!” Up to you to fill in the blanks on these comments.

When there is a way…

Dear readers,

When there is a way, there is certainly a will...and perhaps a little thrill!

Now, one might wonder if Ms. E's contemplative bookstore visits are more about chapter turning than just book learning. Or if Ms. A's newfound zest for social gatherings is a recipe for a story sweeter than any dessert the local baker could whip up. They say still waters run deep, so keep your eyes peeled and your imaginations running wild, because it looks like this tale is just getting started—and who knows what juicy details might tumble out next!

What really happened on that fateful Friday night? Only time—and perhaps a few too many espressos—will tell. Until the next slice of scandal, keep your mugs full and your rumors spiced!

June 14, 2024 22:44

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