Fiction Science Fiction Teens & Young Adult

“Ah! If it isn’t the daring and rather clumsy hero, Homerun!” A teenage girl mocked the hero below her on top of the rafters dangling her legs with a wide smirk. She has bright sharp purple eyes wearing an assortment of colored quilts tailored for jesters within the medieval era. She had afro rainbow hair and her face painted over with an absurd blinding white, roughly painted red cheeks, and overly comically black eyeliner. Their cackles echo through the halls of the funhouse just as if a pack of hyenas found something rather hilarious. She wields her own specialized clown horn and she presses it abruptly to interrupt her hyena laughter several times, annoying the mocked hero below.

“Enough of your antics, Lollypop!” The visibly annoyed hero below wielded a mechanical electrical bat, hovering metallic boots with wires strapping all around her body hooking up towards a backpack energy generator. The silent humming of the generator created a field of electricity around Homerun as she pointed her back toward Lollypop. “That is enough of your games within the funhouse, it is time you get in your little car and leave,” Homerun demanded.

“Wow, even your heroic quips need some work.” Lollypop sighs as she rolls her eyes holding her clown horn. She spun the small little red bow tie on her chest and it kept spinning. “Well! At least, it is the thought that counts!” Lollypop smiles widely as she leans off the railings and hoots stepping on the railings themselves.

Homerun rolls her eyes and growls.

Of all the small-time villains, it had to be her. Why did they even send me for this?” Homerun thought as she clicks a small switch on her strap. Homerun swooshes around the funhouse before ascending towards the now overly dramatic surprise, Lollypop. However, before Homerun could reach Lollypop, she saw at the last second, clear thick plastic wrappings that sent Homerun reeling down to the ground below. However, she wasn’t hurt as the funhouse’s floors were made the same way bouncy houses were made. This made Lollypop toot her own horn and press her big red nose seeing the new-time hero bounce up and down hitting the clear wrappings and the floor. 

For a few moments, Homerun starts to slow down as she sighs with a little red on her face. She stayed on the floor for a moment before catching her ground, hovering once again and looking straight up towards the small-time villain Homerun underestimated. Lollypop smirks with a small wave and a wink as her bowtie was still spinning from delight. From her hands, they were tucked inside of red boxing gloves.

“Look, if you aren’t up to the plate, you might want to leave before you strike out for the night.” Lollypop honks her horn out of her habit before she stops and chuckles to herself. “Did I make a better quip than you?” Lollypop annoyed Homerun.

“You just caught me off guard! Won’t happen again!” Homerun yelled out with frustration as she glanced towards Lollypop, trying her same approach with her bat raised hitting the clear thick plastic covering that stretched towards half of the room. Homerun came only close to Lollypop’s face, and Lollypop yawns patting her mouth before Homerun is sent reeling back towards the ground like a cartoon character bouncing again.

“The same joke is getting old.” Lollypop frowns as she leans on the railings. “You think the same trick would work twice?” Lollypop asked, gesturing to the plastic.

Homerun hovered once again. She snarls as she digs into her backpack. Lollypop raises a brow honking her horn as Homerun presses a button on her bat it extends out and starts to electrify the bat turning it into a stun baton. She pulls out a baseball and throws it into the air, she hits the baseball and it flies through the clear plastic into the railings cutting right through nearly avoiding Lollypop and causing her bowtie to stop spinning. Lolly looks up towards her funhouse to see a small baseball size hole through it. She glances down to look down at the railing to see the same hole. Lollypop gulps.

“There is more where that came from.” Homerun smirks, places her back over her shoulder with the gesture of a finger gun pointing at her, acting to pull the trigger with a wink.

“You think you are so cool? Well, you aren't, little batter!” Lollypop angrily grabbed the railing as her bowtie popped out and as it did, the bow tie had an extending arm mechanic. Lollypop took a big breath in and out as she pressed back her bowtie and twirls it again as another baseball shoots through the railings near her big red shoes.

“I had it up to here, Lolly.” Homerun growls as she ascends towards Lollypop again, this time, she makes enough shots through the plastic covering to tear through the plastic and on top of the railings hovering just slightly above looking straight at Lollypop. Their eyes meet with Homerun’s utter disdain and Lollypop’s closed smile.

“Give up now, this doesn’t have to be drawn out.” Homerun points her bat toward Lollypop.

“Give me a break, you think anyone goes, Oh! You are right!” Lollypop made exaggerated gestures. “No!” She honks her horn towards Homerun. “Nobody does and you know what, the only thing that is drawn out is this punchline!” Lollypop aims her gloves toward Homerun as the gloves extend at a rapid pace, arching to pin Homerun together.

Homerun glanced towards the two arching boxing gloves and just simply hovered slightly towards Lollypop hearing the sound of squeaking from the gloves colliding with one another.

“Well, at least you could’ve just-” Lollypop rolls her eyes as she is interrupted by a bat being swung into her face as she twirls in midair diving onto the railings.

“That is for laughing at me,” Homerun mutters.

“Oh, we are holding grudges now?” Lollypop smirks as she uses her scrawny arms to prop herself up and pulls out a deck of cards. “Let's play a game,” Lollypop smirks with teeth showing.

“What trick do you have this time?” Homerun posted herself in a batter stance ready for Lollypop’s next trick.

“Have you played fifty-two pick up?” Lollypop asked with a chuckle.

“No more of your games.” Homerun charges toward Lollypop.

“Guess that brings back some bad memories.” Lollypop gave a small heh as Homerun closed with her bat. Lollypop sends her whole deck of cards toward Homerun. The cards start to disappear with a loud popping noise as small fire-crackers begin to pop in the air flinging smoke in front of Homerun. Homerun runs through the smoke and the popping of firecrackers to the other side of the railings to see Lollypop missing. Homerun glances around to hear the echoes of the horn and her hyena laughter.

“Until next time, batter!” The voice of the laughing Lollypop irritated Homerun as the funhouse started up again. The colors blasted into the face of Homerun as many shapes started to move around the room. The flashing of colors abruptly changes throughout the whole funhouse and when Homerun gained her senses back, she felt lighter.

Her bat was missing as a brightly pink shadow of a figure waved in one of the mouths of clowns with the same hyena laugh before disappearing and honking her horn.

This is going to be a long night.” Homerun thought with a sigh, slouching slightly, but smirking slightly. She wasn’t as annoyed as before.

April 13, 2023 01:51

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