Adventure Christian Inspirational

Secrets That We Keep

It was a hard life. No one said it was going to be easy. We chose it for ourselves. There was no going back. We made a commitment. Now we had to live up to it.

At first it seemed surreal. We had heard about something, someone, that would someday come along and change our world. Could it be possible this was truly it? Is this what our ancestors have been foretelling and preparing us for our whole lives? Could it be happening in our lifetime?

Most of our folks weren't sure either. They thought we were foolish youths simply trying to shirk our duties, ignoring what needed to be done at home, delaying becoming productive members of the community. Sneaking around, meeting in secret, playing like we were important keepers of ancient truths. Unwilling to share facts but alluding to some impact filled event that would shatter all formerly known beliefs.

First of all we had to spend a great deal of time simply learning. It was more intense than being in a school room. We had to eat and breath and live with our leader the whole time. Give up our professions, give up our possessions, leave our families. Get along with each other no matter how diverse we were.

And we were different. Even though mostly from the same linage we all had our faults and our prejudices. We came from different backgrounds and social standings. Somehow we needed to recognize we were now all in the same boat. Wealth meant nothing. We all became beggars relying on the goodness of others to provide for our basic needs.

We aspired to be like our leader. He had no favorites. The ones that wanted to be held as greater than another needed to humble themselves and become the least. That was a difficult lesson to learn especially if one was used to being the oldest wisest brother in his family. Someone everyone was expected to look up to. That status didn't hold a candle to the wisdom imparted by our unassuming mentor.

When we began we sought to meet in secret. Behind closed doors. Curtains drawn. Room lit only by candlelight. Or out away from the city altogether. In dells, behind groves of trees, beyond prying eyes. Time would come soon enough to share our growing knowledge.

There was no doubt we needed to be careful. The oppressive government forces we lived under were always on the lookout for subversive activities. Soldiers patrolled and spies could be implanted anywhere. Even our protective local authorities who should have been supportive and understanding of our ultimate mission showed tendencies of jealousy and mistrust.

Rules, rules, rules. Every which way you turned you were in danger of breaking someone's rules. Why even merely feeding one's self could be a punishable offense if not staying in the bounds of strict bylaws!

Change was needed. Change was coming. We were armed with the truth. We were ready to be heard.

Miraculously, when the word started leaking out people were drawn to it like bees to honey. Hungry for hope, hopeful for relief. Help and healing could be had simply for believing the best was still to come.

Overwhelming floods of humanity converged on our small band of students expecting us to be the teachers. So teach we did. We taught the new rules laid out by the leader. Simple, common sense rules designed so all could live in harmony.

All along the way our taskmaster taught us more. Sometimes he used riddles, little stories to make us think for ourselves to see how the lesson would apply to our daily lives and remain timeless for future generations. Sometimes it seemed he could read what was in our hearts, knew when we understood or were still struggling to grasp the concept.

Sometimes he appeared to be so much more than a man yet that was hard to believe. After all I saw him get angry, I saw tears in his eyes. I knew when he was hungry or needed a rest.

But he was a powerhouse. Endured so much pressure even from folks that knew him well. Once when we visited his home town he made the priest in charge angry when he pointed out a fact. We had to spirit him away for fear of his life. The townsmen even pulled out a rope they were so upset with him.

After that it seemed he was always trying to prepare us for his death. Like he could predict it. Knew how it was going to come about and how we would be affected. And how it would then be up to us to carry on with his message.

Later on he pulled me and a couple other fellows out of our larger group and led us up a mountain side. There the strangest thing happened. I'm not pulling your leg here. It was mind blowing and awesome.

We were tired from the climb and resting up. We awoke to blinding light. It was coming from our master's face! And his clothes shone an extreme whiteness, too. Can't really describe it. Like nothing we had ever seen or can compare to. Suddenly he was talking to two other guys. They hadn't come with us so where did they come from and who were they? What did it all mean?

I don't know how but it came to us these fellows were from the past. Long, long ago. Moses, who gave our people the laws we follow, and Elijah, a prophet that never died but was taken up in a cloud.

I was dumbfounded. All I could think to say was something like, “It's good we are here. I wish we could stay here forever. If you want, I will put up three shelters. One for you, one for Moses, one for Elijah.”

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the heavens, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him.”

The three of us fell with faces to the ground in awe. When Jesus touched us we looked up and saw He was alone and back to normal. But He warned us not to tell anyone else of this event until after His death.

If there was ever any doubt as to whom this teacher truly was it was put to rest on that mountain side. He was indeed true man yet true God. The promised Messiah sent to save the world.

June 06, 2024 21:54

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Trudy Jas
01:48 Jun 07, 2024

From a different perspective and timeless


Mary Bendickson
03:04 Jun 07, 2024

So true.


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