Holiday Fiction Crime

The night was silent. Too silent, it seemed. Emma pulled her thick coat closer around her as she walked down the steps of her front porch. On any other cold night, she would be upstairs reading a novel. Likely a mystery. However, she and her friends, Katie and Leah, were meeting at the old abandoned church just down the road. It was Halloween night and they were going trick or-treating. Emma’s costume was based upon a classic detective. An old rimmed hat, beige duster coat, notebook, and an antique badge. Though in truth, she wasn’t acting. Emma was an amateur detective. Her first case, which led to many more, was nearly 5 years ago. As she continued down the street, her light brown hair blowing in the wind, she noticed someone in the tall shadows of the church. Growing nearer, she watched the person divide into two and she recognized one as her friend, Katie. The other girl seemed new. “Emma, I’m glad you made it!  This is Cassie by the way.” Emma nodded hello, then silence surrounded the small group once more. A few minutes passed then Katie asked, “Where’s Leah? Didn’t she come with you?” Emma glanced over at her, confusion written all over her face. “She was supposed to come with you.” Katie’s hand dove into her pocket. “That was the plan, but I got this letter from her just a couple hours ago saying she had changed her mind and was coming with you.” Emma took the letter and read the scribbled message: 

Dear Katie, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to come to the church with you. I was at Emma’s house and after picking up my costume from my house and she helps me fix it, I have decided to get ready with her. I hope you understand. 

Your friend, Leah. Fisher

Emma’s concerned expression spoke volumes. “Leah did not write this.” Katie seemed shocked, then doubtful. “How do you know?” She asked. Emma shrugged. “First, she never signs her last name especially in a letter to her friends, second, the last time she was at my house was a month ago, and lastly, this is not her hand writing. See how rough the letters are? Leah’s handwriting is always very neat.” Katie sat down on a nearby bench. “Do you think something could have happened to her? And if she didn’t write the letter, who did?” Emma sat beside her friend, attempting to comfort her fears. “I’m not sure. It is possible something happened. Did she leave her bumblebee costume at your house?” Katie shook her head. “No, she took it home last night after we hung out. She found a hole in it and was going to sew it.” She fell silent, then suddenly exclaimed, “Oh Emma, I’m scared! What if she got kidnapped? Or worse?” Emma spoke sharply as she stood. “Let’s not think about that. For now, let’s go carve some pumpkins at my house. Maybe she will be late.” Though still visibly concerned, Katie followed her to the house. On the way, they stopped at Katie’s to grab her pumpkin and carving knife. However, she came outside looking more troubled than before. “My carving knife is gone. I can’t carve pumpkins anymore. To tell the truth, it isn’t really fun without Leah. You guys go on without me.” She turned and went back inside, brow still furrowed. Something was troubling her and Cassie knew it. However, she turned to Emma, “Well, we could carve pumpkins at your house if you want?” Emma shrugged, “Why not, sounds like fun.” Cassie motioned with her hand. “After you.” As Emma turned around and headed towards her house, She did not see the look on Cassie’s face change to a look of hatred as she pulled out a knife. Only one person saw that look. That was Katie. She had been watching them out the window and she saw Cassie pull out the carving knife. Her knife, and look at Emma with that look. She was troubled. What had Emma done to get this girl’s displeasure? They had just met each other for the first time! She decided to follow them. Once she saw them enter Emma’s house, she waited for 15 minutes, then she ran from the building and headed towards that street. As she drew near the window, she couldn’t help overhearing a loud, angry voice speaking inside the house. It was Cassie’s voice. As she looked in the window, she noticed three people inside. Cassie, Emma, and Leah. Somehow though, Leah didn’t look right. She wasn’t sitting up looking at both girls, she was lying on the floor, like she had been dragged in, blood pooling beneath her. Cassie was sitting in a chair, sobbing angrily, and Emma was standing over her, a scowl on her pretty face, a six-shooter in her hand. Katie gasped. What was going on? She decided to find out. She opened the front door and walked in. Immediately, she stepped on something lying on the floor. It was the knife. She picked it up and looked from Cassie, to Emma, and back again. “Why is my knife here? And why is she crying? And why is Leah on the floor with blood around her?” She ran over to her friend. “Leah, Leah wake up! Come on! Wake up!” She started shaking her. “She’s dead.” Exclaimed Emma bitterly. Katie looked at her. “No! That can’t be true! She can’t be dead!” Emma huffed. “She is dead. Cassie killed her with the knife that you are holding.” Katie looked at Cassie. “Is this true? Why did you kill her! You're a MONSTER! How DARE you kill my friend!” She ran at Cassie and would have started hitting her, had not Emma held her back. “Katie, if you calm down, I am sure we can get an explanation out of her.” She looked meaningfully at the gun she held in her hand. Katie sat on the couch. “Ok, let’s hear the explanation.” Emma looked towards Cassie. “Explain why our friend’s body is lying in the middle of my living room, blood pooling from her stomach.” Katie gasped and looked at Leah. It was true. The blood she had seen was coming from her stomach. She glared at Cassie. Cassie meanwhile, calmed down and began to speak. “It all started 10 years ago, when I first found my dad. He was the best father I ever had in those years. 7 years ago, he started drinking and five years ago, he left the house and didn’t return. I didn’t think much of it until a couple of months later, when I saw an article in the newspaper.” Here she paused and pulled the article out of her purse. She handed it to Emma. Emma read the heading: Detective puts drunkard behind bars for manslaughter.

Cassie continued her narrative. “It was you who put him in prison. I wanted revenge. I knew who you were from the picture on the front, I’ve been saving it so I would know you when I saw you, and I wanted to hurt you like you hurt my dad. I came to your house because I am your next door neighbor. I did not realize it was you who put my father in jail. I wanted to introduce myself. Something felt off when I walked up the front steps and to the door. I couldn’t place it so I hid. I saw you come to the front door, open it, and run to the mailbox, leaving the door wide open. I had tape with me, so I put some over the latch on the door to keep it from locking. I saw you leave the house, and I was just about to leave as well when Leah came to the house to ask you something. I already had the knife. I knew she was your friend, so I took it out on her. Then I dragged her into your living room. I am really sorry.” Emma sighed heavily. “So am I.” Suddenly, the front door burst open. Emma stepped back and 4 burly police officers barged into the room. “Cassie Evans, you are under arrest for the murder of Leah Fisher. You have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” 

    The End

October 24, 2022 01:02

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23:29 Nov 02, 2022

Hi Grace: I was chosen to review your entry as part of the Critique circle. I write mystery/thrillers. The idea is a good one, but it is very similar to the scary movies of the 1990's like Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street etc. One important thing to be mindful of is paragraphs. Please make sure you have them! Running the story in one long paragraph is confusing. I was re-reading parts of it because I lost my place. Every time someone speaks, that is a new paragraph. Every character that speaks deserves their own space; otherwise, the sto...


Grace Olander
20:31 Dec 10, 2022

Thanks for the advice! This is actually only the second story I have completed, so I am pretty new to the whole idea. I will definitely talk about Emma's first case in the next one I do. I have never seen either of those movies, so I would not know how close they are.


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