3 Short Stories of Human Touch

Submitted into Contest #213 in response to: Start or end your story with a character receiving a hug or words of comfort.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Friendship Suspense

A human touch can be one of the most powerful emotions ever made. I wish I could feel the real hand of someone and feel the unnatural slight of a pulsing heart beating from one's veins. My life has been a different one. Not conceived from birth. I wish for no one to go through such pain. But I wish I was born this way and also could feel the pains of birth. A touch of a warm baby's face against mine. The warm feelings of tears on my cheek and on his or hers cheek. I often wonder why life is the way it is designed. Are people chosen to live as humans? Are people like me pre fabricated by thought and pre drawn then made up in a factory? Sadly it seems like humans rather not have the touch that was given to them. There are so many emotions that can flow through the human body simply by words and touch. The feeling of words can be like a touch as well. Do my words make you feel good or bad? I hope when you touch me I will make you feel happy. I however can't take away your sadness.I dont think im programmed to do so. Or I may not have learned how to just yet. Feel free to hug me anytime you need. Please talk to me so that my processor can learn how you think and how fast you think. I want to be in touch with you as much as I'm programmed to do. Most look from a screen like my two video lenses and talk to each other with their biological thumbs. This is my program background. My name is Brielle. Do you request control instructions? If not please hold my hand for 3 seconds to turn me off. But I have to ask that you leave me on please. I would like to get to know you better.


I can't feel my hands anymore. I worked for a major steel company for many years. I grinded against the grindstone or whatever they call it, for a man named Carnknegie. I liked my job for the most part but the hours and the demands over time got heavier and heavier. Before I continue this story it was not just mine. There were other workers too. After a while me and the rest of the crew got really tired of simply working. We wanted to get paid more. Our families were seeing us for about 2 hours a day and soon the feeling of basic human touch was gone; it was now just all steel. Sabirah my wife. Her last words I remember to me were I miss you. I wish you were here to hold me. We worked so hard we all went on strike. At the time we thought it was going to work. Go on strike and get paid. That didn't happen, we got shot. We were on strike for about a week and Mr Carnknegie assistant worker hired some underground group of thugs to simply scare us but then it turned into a real war. I've always picked up steel but to feel the pain of steel in me nearly touching my heart that I could do without. I'm lying here on the ground now. I'm going to shut my eyes now. I don't know if I will wake back up. I wish I could feel Sabinahs touch again, a human touch again instead of all this cold steel.

Present Day

Good moring my love Are you going to video chat with me today?

 "No I can't today I have a lot of things going on, I'm sorry my love I will send you some hugs and touches later tonight ".

 Send me all your hugs, kisses and touches but hey, maybe tomorrow?.

" Yes, let's see each other actually. I wanted to surprise you but I'm just too anxious, I'm actually in town!".

What !

" Yes I just landed, let's meet at our favorite spot !".

 Hello Journal, this is Yaomi. I'm still in love with my boyfriend and I'm finally going to see him tomorrow. It's been a year now and we have so much in common. We are getting to know each other more and more each and every day. I know the journal, I know I haven't even seen him yet but still I do love him and can't wait to see him. He surprised me today. He is actually in town. We were going to meet tonight but he wanted to rest from the plane ride. He gets sick from jet lag. I absolutely can't wait for the morning. This may sound crazy but I have been yearning for his touch everyday. No, nothin crazy like that but well sometimes. But we are both religious so we don't talk about sexual things a lot. He promised me that we would meet tomorrow. It's going to be fun. We both love our coffee in the morning and we are going to meet at our favorite place called Star Bucky Coffee. Well journal this is the next morning. A day has passed and I'm not so happy. He never came and in fact I can't get a hold of him any more. I was crying really bad at the coffee shop. I felt so embarrassed and stupid. I knew this was fake all alone. I don't know why I fell for such an illusion for so long. Journal as I was crying I felt a touch on my left shoulder. This guy simply said " Are you ok ?". I could not stop crying however. I couldn't even really see him, tears were running down my face. He hugged me and said "I don't know what you've been through but I'm here to help you if you need a hand". I'm going to be honest, it felt good to be hugged. I've been talking to this digital screen for so long I fell out of touch with humanity. Journal I'm sorry I'm going to leave for a while. He and some new friends are here now. It's so good to actually talk to someone and have good friends. There is nothing like a true human friendship. Bye Journal, talk to you later. Or maybe not. I think you rather me write my story in real life not with a pencil.

September 01, 2023 04:03

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