Do Your Time, Before Your Crime

Submitted into Contest #138 in response to: End your story with someone saying: “What a day.”... view prompt


Science Fiction

This story contains sensitive content

Was there no way to kill Alex, so he would stay dead?

Jason leveled his blaster and shot again, hitting Alex in the center of the chest. Alex hit the lush, green grass of the park with a dull thud, and lay there unmoving. Jason waited, his arm extended straight out in front of him, his blaster unwavering.

Around him, people scattered in all directions, screaming. He knew they would call the authorities, but it did not matter because he knew there was nothing they could do to him.

Twenty years ago, after the death of his wife Ashlee, he had gone into the Do Your Time, Before Your Crime program.

Extensive research found that 60% of people who committed murder, regretted their actions afterward and wished they had sought help before ruining their lives. From these findings, the program was born and anyone considering committing a crime, could apply to the government to be sent to a penal planet for the length of time your crime incurred.

In his case, murder was a twenty-year sentence on a harsh maximum-security penal planet. While there, he was counseled weekly in the hopes that when he was released, he would change his mind, and not go through with his plan.

Interestingly, 70% of people came out reformed and re-entered society without a black mark against their names.

He, however, was in the 30% who’s hatred was so strong he never waiver from what he intended to do.

Alex sat up, and stared at Jason who threw up his hands in exasperation.

‘What the hell do I have to do to kill you?’ he demanded.

Alex got to his feet and brushed himself off. There were three smoking holes in his shirt, but curiously, no blood.

‘You can’t kill me, I’m a synthodroid,’ Alex said.  

‘A what?’ Jason demanded, confused.

‘A synthodroid,’ Alex repeated. ‘It’s an artificial body.’

Jason stared at Alex, his face blank and expressionless.

‘It’s a way of becoming immortal I suppose,’ said Alex, when Jason remained silent. ‘You see, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer three years ago. Even in this modern age there’s no cure. Instead, you can have your consciousness transferred into a synthodroid, and continue your life for as long as you want.’ Alex shrugged uncomfortably. ‘In reality, I died two years ago.’

As Alex’s words sank in, Jason’s fingers went numb, and the blaster fell to the ground with a dull thud. He moved to the bench next to him, and sat heavily. Leaning forward, elbows on his knees, he stared at his feet.

‘So I’ve wasted twenty years of my life on that stinking penal planet,’ he muttered, ‘worked my fingers to the bone, and all for nothing.’

The only sound cutting through the silence of the deserted park was the distant sound of sirens. Alex shifted from one foot to the other.

‘Umm…why are you trying to kill me?’ Alex finally asked. Jason face hardened as he lifted his gaze to Alex. ‘You know why,’ he spat. Anger flared in Jason and even though he knew shooting Alex would do nothing, the urge came over his again.

Alex shook his head. ‘Transferring a consciousness can leave gaps in your memory,’ he explained. ‘I know we were good friends, and we went to school together, and on holidays.’ He smiled at the memories. ‘And I was best man at your wedding. What a day that was. How happy you were, and how proud I was to stand next to you.’ Alex’s smile faded and was replaced by a frown. ‘I can’t remember your wife though. I have images of a tall, thin, dark haired woman. Is that her?’ A deep frown creased Alex’s forehead as he thought, and Jason found he wanted to laugh at the entire situation. Instead he stared at the thoughtful look on Alex’s face, trying to determine if he was telling the truth. In the end, Jason decided he was. No-one could make up such a bizarre story, and keep a straight face.

‘You had an affair with Ashlee,’ Jason said.

‘No,’ said Alex, shaking his head. ‘No…no you have to be wrong. I’d never do that, not to you.’ The pain in his voice matched the look on his face, and Jason felt sorry for him. He found this odd considering he had felt nothing but hatred towards Alex for so long.

He had spent the last twenty years planning this day. As soon as the penal ship landed, Jason went to one of the spaceports communication terminals, looked up Alex’s number, and called him. They arranged to meet at the park the next day, to catch up after so long. Now everything was going wrong. Jason’s shoulders slumped. Now that he looked closely at Alex, he could see that time had not changed his ruggedly handsome features. His black hair showed no signs of grey, his face free of wrinkles, and his eyes were as bright and innocent as the day they left college.

Jason sighed. ‘I found out the two of you had an affair for six months.’ He looked down at his calloused hands. Hard labor had turned his once slightly pudgy body into lean muscle. ‘I know it was partly my fault. After our little girl died, I threw myself into my work, and pushed Ashlee away when she needed me the most…when we needed each other. But we were going to put our lives back together, go away for a holiday…become a family again.’ Alex stood rooted to the spot, staring at him. ‘Ashlee was on her way to your house...she was going to tell you it was over…but she never made it...she was killed in a car accident…and it’s your fault,’ he said, forcing out every word. ‘If you hadn’t been having an affair with her...she wouldn’t have gone out…she wouldn’t have been killed.’

Grief stricken, Alex fell to his knees and grasped the hair at his temples in his fists. ‘I can’t remember,’ he groaned. ‘I don’t know why I would do this to you.’ Tears cascaded down his face. ‘Why didn’t anyone tell me what I’d done?’

Jason pushed himself to his feet, moved over to where he had dropped the blaster, and picked it up with a sigh.

‘What are you going to do?’ asked Alex, staring at the blaster.

Jason looked at it a moment. He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

‘What am I going to do?’ asked Jason. He shrugged. ‘Nothing I guess. You said yourself you can’t be killed. But I will sleep better knowing you will suffer with the knowledge of what you’ve done to me, and mine. I think maybe that’s a more fitting punishment.’

Jason turned on his heel, and strode away across the deserted park.

‘God, what a day,’ Jason muttered.

March 19, 2022 11:38

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Michał Przywara
20:39 Mar 31, 2022

This is a cool story! The title caught my eye, and I like the idea of the legal system. That alone is a neat setup, with lots of room to be explored, but then you throw an awesome wrench into the works by foiling revenge. The subject matter is tragic, but there's also some nice dark humor here. Thanks for sharing!


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Rebecca Ensign
02:13 Mar 27, 2022

Things definitely didn't go how Jason planned, did they? At least he got to see that Alex has a conscience though! I enjoyed this story very much! It was very creative and fun!


Sandra Byrne
07:26 Mar 27, 2022

Thanks for reading my story, I'm glad you liked it. Sometimes things really don't go to plan do they?


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Riel Rosehill
11:45 Mar 26, 2022

What a day... Hey, Sandra! I love the concept you've come up with, time before your crime and synthodroids! It was an entertaining read, and oh, do I feel sorry for both Jason and Alex..! PS: You had a really strong opening line!


Sandra Byrne
07:23 Mar 27, 2022

Thank you for reading my story, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Both of them lost so much, it's hard not to feels sorry for both of them.


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