
                           A CHANCE ENCOUNTER.

      Cora was impulsive, thinking ahead occasionally her plans worked to her advantage. There had been times when she had been left disappointed. Today was going to be different, with no job and time on her hands. She had met the man of her dreams by chance in the new revamped coffee bar in town with the sparkling neon lights and soft classical music playing. It made one feel positive that something would happen to bring them closer together. Romance certainly had to be in the air.

  At last he had noticed her sitting in the corner of the room. Did she stand a chance with him? She kept her brown hair short. Although there where the odd specks of grey showing through at the roots. Her figure had developed a life of its own, but loose-fitting tops with flowing skirts helped. She smiled thinking about their future together.

    It had come as a surprise just has, she felt that life was passing her by there seemed hope? He had signalled her out. Has he approached the table Cora had a strong urge to reach out to him. Seeing him in the street had bought out desires she had not

felt for a long time. A closeness as if no one else existed and an intimacy that she had long forgotten about. Getting on with life after the sudden death of her mother. She had found it difficult to form relationships with others.

Cora would go along with things she didn’t agree with just to keep a relationship going. Now he was sitting opposite her looking intently at her with those dark brown eyes, taking in every word that she uttered. They had the same hair colour and eyes. Their mouths where shaped the same. He was the right height and build to match her expectations. There had to be a connection.

  It was fate they both liked dogs, and enjoyed travelling abroad. Dare she say they had a lot in common, would she break the spell by suggesting that they take his dog for a walk one of the Sundays? It seemed an option would it be too soon to suggest this?

He hadn’t mentioned a wife or a girlfriend just mentioned in conversation that he had someone to walk the dog. He wore an expensive grey suit, maybe Iain had an expensive wardrobe of shirts she could run her fingers over. Better still if she could spend the weekend at his place. There she was thinking ahead again?

  There was the sudden urge to press her knees close to his under the table. He must be picking up her aura by now. The drinks where paid for. He escorted her outside. He had a nice Sierra car gunmetal in colour compatible with him. Cora felt safe with him. Has they

 drove past familiar cottages and places she had seen before, now looked different. The conversation continued. Cora felt delirious with desire, for him. Where was he taking her? Would they stop for lunch? What lay beyond the bridge and the approaching patch

 work of green fields.

 Her thoughts had run riot, brimming with ideas of what they would do together. At last after months of waiting he had acknowledged that she existed. It was by accident that she had found his house

 imagining how she could adapt to his life style. She had not thought about him being married or having different views to hers. He had to be hers? It had to be fate? Cora had read the horoscope page in the Times Newspaper. That someone would come into her life from afar.

 He was pulling the car into the kerb. The kiss was going to be full on the lips. Her eyes closed has she felt his warm breath on her face and neck. His hand touched her shoulder a shiver ran down her spine, she felt fragile.

.=Suddenly his expression had changed the brown eyes that looked so warm and friendly, in the coffee bar had became cold. She did not like the way that he was looking at her. She felt like opening the car door and running away. He reached over and locked the car door, what was he saying, not what she had expected. Please not like this he had to understand that she had waited all her life for him. Imagining for months how it would feel to be close to him.

Now he said to, leave him alone, to stop following him. Showing her a card with his photo on. Iain was a police officer.   She had been in the coffee bar by accident, and just passing by when she saw the gate to his house ajar. Just to look inside what harm could it do? To desire someone, Cora had so much love to give. leaving those notes for him to find, as a reminder that she was waiting for him. Why had he paid for the coffees and took her out in his car if he had not felt the same way.

 After months of desire, this was the result a great disappointment. He had discussed her with his colleagues at work; maybe they had laughed and joked about her. Now she felt her cheeks being to glow bright crimson. What a fool she had been. All that longing to be part of his life had made her feel like a child wanting sweets that she could not afford.

Iain had helped her from the passenger side of his car as Cora's tears had flowed. Watching as the car had become a speck on the horizon. How did she know he was a police officer? He could have invited her into his house and got the dog to stand guard while he sent for assistance. A smile came to her lips she would get her roots tinted and book a cruise to the Bahamas.

There was always hope for a better future she still had the money from the sale of her mother’s house sitting in the bank. Who knows who she would meet on her travels? Thinking about exotic places, Cora headed towards the travel agents.

May 26, 2024 02:54

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Rabab Zaidi
03:06 Jun 02, 2024

Really sweet. I like the way expectations are built up.


Christine LW
18:40 Jun 02, 2024

Thank you so much, being lonely can make people react in strange ways. At least she felt more postive about the future towards the end of the story.


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Jim LaFleur
09:57 May 26, 2024

Your descriptions of the settings and characters are so vivid, they transport the reader right into the scene. It’s a beautiful piece of writing!


Christine LW
19:16 May 26, 2024

Thank youoh so much Jim, glad you enjoyed Chance Encounter.


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