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Coming of Age Creative Nonfiction Drama

“We’re running out of time!” Juliet shouted as she directed her words to her lovely cocker spaniel companion, Rocky.

“My life seems pretty much numb, I cannot find the right path my dear Rocky what should I do? It’s so frustrating how it feels to be left behind in life, am I right?”

Juliet used to give her 12-year-old pal an immersive speech of therapy in her weekly moods and daily tasks in an extroverted but fun manner. The pacing of the days seemed to go slower as her vacation approached an end, and the real-world obligations to enter college started to invade her anxiety about what should come next in her social and professional trajectory as an 18-year-old girl in the “country club” of the new opportunities.

“Well, I have tried everything except getting a life constantly. I tried making my charcoal drawings…But I guess nobody is interested in my art commissions of pups at the moment.”

Rocky had a trance in his sleepy gloomy eyes while looking at her ways of giving laps around him. Her cozy and minimalistic bedroom placed the perfect charm of artsy vibes in the white walls, greyish bed sheets were the colors with such simple touches of hers in the organization of the portraits, furniture, and clothes she kept. Rocky, despite his long and caramel ears, could not hear much for the last years in this called old age of retirement; his disposition while being with her in his authentic laziness of such a lad dog pretty much summed up how he cared about everything she did.

“But, you know something? I have not understood yet, how all this happiness after all the great things I accomplished in my very best grades of school and family and friendship craziness have turned into a step away into the past as if they never existed now with the upcoming days. How is it? I have always been that fan of the Ying Yang theory my boy; though I don’t see that coming for me?”


After an exhausting cycle of events in her studies and lengthy sessions of concentration for exams, homework preparation, and long sacrifice of teenage significance and other doings. She finally had that summer free time she deserved after all the hard work she had been making for years. Moving to the states, meant her the compensation for what she always wanted, and enjoying a better life that could fill all that empty space in wonderful and utopian ways of charm and authenticity.

“I should open my Chill’ playlist, anyway…”

In the meantime, everything went into a better scenario, tranquility and state of mind appeared to be as soft as if no worries and conflicts were present in this world. Teleportation and dizziness occurred with the energetic power lyrics placed in her soul for a while. Changes she noted as her new life was adopting them. The drastic placement of depending on parents and finally starting to get new friendships rather than the old school females was transitioning for her own good. Although she would not change a thing of all the memories, she had with all her girl friends.

Autonomy and reliance were the new words as she started to develop in the world of the arts she always wanted to be in since she was a child. Influence and morality were her mere push-ups now in her recent mental breakdown crisis as she fought with her dad about the proper reciprocity a grown-up dad should have despite the million efforts her daughter put in her everyday existence and chores. Questioning herself about her future and romantic life was just one of the stages to start every day in the life of the future film cinema-enthusiast she pursues.

Music was not holding her back, overall her most inner desires for great things including the dream pop beats Juliet loved in this recent time were motivations to follow up to overcome that grief she felt in the ocean of confusion, loneliness, and nostalgia in her teenage and adulthood doors. Music meant just for this time and space conundrum, a sample of drugs to her soul, just as movies did to her in some sort of comfort she could not find in real life but after all, sensing everything after taking a fast breath with the sunshine rays of the leaves, all appeared connected in how similar pain and altruistic her visions were such as the voices of her music playlist sounded like. -“We are all living life so rushed!”

“No difference between us, am I right? What if, or I am right here living and wishing for all I ever wanted.” Media was a distraction for sure, but not all platforms gave a better insight for her short inspiration in her beginner practice for her next screenwriting goals.

Slowly moving her arms and hips in the sound of the edgy beats of the solo she listened, laying on the floor eminently, her hand microphone, and jumping all around the bed and floor started to feel the push in dopamine and release of dissonance. Her past friendships and memories of everlasting days in her birthplace were making her doubt her existence; only if she could handle a new path of adventures. Adulthood hit different now that everyone started their own lives by taking each way one another. How different is the priority in this modern society of romantic relationships instead of real friendships? Where has all this good valued trust of loved ones gone if no one is ever been worrying about one another? If one leaves the other, would not care anymore?

Maybe is it that we all feel lonely and think of the other person's state is the same as ours which is a reality of work, love, and self-productivity.

Well, it was just about timing and moving on in what she perhaps meant with “We're running out of time” our lives are not just one but, the endless routes we can pass with the time that has been given us will be up to our wisdom and determination.

“Now! collapse take delight in the fall” – hummed her current addictive song with that reckless feeling of doomsday.

Juliet was finishing her own concert as the world pulled itself together again, in this spinning of temporal euphoria she needed to recover to get a little dose of inspiration. While Rocky in his fifth sleep power looked calmly, it was all about time and perception of beauty in how a simple day works by the hand of the mystic presence of hope and empathy with our own kind and self.

“I think I got an idea of how to start this one writing, bunny!”

“Yep, let´s go!”

Juliet accommodated her seat, turned on her laptop, opened the notes, and started to write for minutes endlessly about all these deep thoughts she had in her recent grief, friendship, and maturity starting at its first page with a…

"We’re running out of time in this metamodern world…¨

July 15, 2022 23:06

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1 comment

Jessica Baker
19:30 Jul 21, 2022

This story definitely feels like the inside of a young adults mind, especially when starting out finding their place in the world. I liked the idea for this story, but I found it was just a little TOO fast paced. I loved the descriptions, such as of her bedroom or her dogs caramel colored ears, but I got lost in the rest of the story with the overall wordiness of it. (Not at all trying to be mean!) I think it just needs a little more editing to pare it down. Good job!


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