To whom it may concern,
I will remain nameless for the sake of my own comfort, however, I hope it has found its way to you in good health. This is day 1,628 after arriving in this place and I have finally decided to write down the thing I now know to be true. Mother Nature is a liar. She, of course, does not tell the lies herself. She uses the things we depend upon the most. She uses the whispers in the wind. The crashing of waves on rocks. The gurgling of the slow running streams. The soft falling of snow on the ground. The rustling of the leaves beneath our feet as we walk. The things that comfort us the most. She will use your friends. Your brothers and your sisters. Your parents. Your family. Your blood. She persuades you for her own benefit. Mother, as my people prefer to call her, realized long long ago, near the beginning of time, that peace held little value in terms of her own entertainment. She found very quickly that she enjoys watching us battle ourselves and each other. The shed of blood and betrayal of loved ones is far more amusing then consistent and pure love. However, witty as she is, she does not need to create a whole new lie in order to have sway over our emotions and actions. She uses the lies we inflict upon ourselves. These great revelations of mankind have never been your own. The great thoughts of time are not of you or your peoples own doings or great works. She plants these seeds in hopes of reaping chaos. She knows that by feeding us only partial truths you will hunger for quick and easy answers to satisfy your human desire to understand and know, however, I prefer to refer to it as the human error of assumption. She serves the chaos to mankind on a silver platter. Using your desire for the truth, which you either instinctively fear or lust after, against you.
People assume the scariest kind of truth is the kind that's been twisted and travels from person to person, altering each time it leaves each individual's lips. Changing and growing like a proud beast, traveling through the grapevine of people until it is hardly recognizable from what it was at its birth. However, most people are lucky enough never to discover that the scariest kind of truth is the kind that comes from the grapevine itself. Mother Nature if you will. The truths that Mother knows and chooses to alter. Chooses to twist. Simply because she wills it. Those are the kinds of things that should send a shiver down your spine. These are the words you should be most weary of. The difficult thing is, you can almost never discern when a piece of information comes from these sweet strings of lies, like a butterfly caught in a spiders web. Something that's pure and lovely and free caught within the beautiful tangles of the sticky string, not realizing the danger it's just found itself in until the dangers are right upon it and it's too late. Lucky for you I am not so easily fooled, unlike the others who have come before me. I have played Mother’s game before. There are no winners. Only survivors. So, if you really feel the need to label the author of this letter, that is what you may call me: Survivor. I hope to be able to call you the same if ever you find yourself grappling with the one who understands this world better than anyone to have walked its dirt paths or climbed its mountain tops. Mother is not someone who does things because she wants to see us thrive. We are simply another set of toys for her amusement and she treats us as so. This is why I have survived. Though she is wise she is also proud. She forgets and underestimates. She fails to remember that by chance once every so often, in your case, the Blue Lady, perhaps better known to you as the ground you turn, the water you drink; Sister Earth, produces a person with enough wit or charm or beauty to survive her games.
Oh? Has this letter surprised you once again? Did you fail to realize that Mother Nature and your beloved Earth are not one in the same? Well that, for now, my dear friend will have to wait for another time to explain. What you need to know is this: The plants and trees whisper sweet lies that our world is thriving and surviving. But they know the truth. They are resilient. Mankind is not. There it is again? Did you catch it that time? Those partial truths that Mother Nature chooses to share with us. She puts us at ease with her bits of information, failing to warn you of the danger presented alongside it. Nothing is ever as it seems, Remember that.
Why I chose to write this, I don't know. Maybe a part of me believes that things could be different this time. Though I know that things will never change. Not unless you have found yourself caught in the midst of it of course, as I have. I would apologize for my vagueness in my writing, but I know better than anyone, as should you now after reading my letter, that with knowledge comes power and, as most people forget, often stupidity. Well, If you've read this far I'm assuming it's because you are still searching for some bit of truth to cling to. Some last hopeful piece of a dream worth fighting for. Something worth working towards. I will leave you with this; our universe is vast and Mother Nature has won before. That's how I came to find this place, Sister Earth, I mean. If you do not open your eyes I will be forced to watch the repetition of history here as I did in my last home. I'll leave you with this final piece of advice: Be careful where you lend your ears as the forest whispers sweet nothings softly into your ears. As Mother soothes you into believing that all is well. You must discover for yourself what needs to be done in order to save your sweet Earth.
Until the end,
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