Understood From Above

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



She gazed through the circular window at the wavering stars. The dark elemental silence of the cabin left her with no choice than to ponder upon the memory lane which she lived upon the terrains of blue marble & white swirls. The gloom of the cabin reminded her of one such day in her entire lifespan when the west side of Manhattan in New York City experienced all dark due to a power failure which left nine million people vanquished from electricity.

 The only sight which despair her in the reverie was not the blackout of power but the decease of new sky, she feared that she might not see again the glistening sun & hear the pitter-patter of the pouring rain. A sudden booming sound from above of the spaceship was enough to bring her back into the reality of space.

She tensed up a bit after hearing the sound, which suggested her that something has struck the ship but realizing the fact, what she can do about that while staying in the stowaway of ship. 

 She isn’t aware that crew is missing from the cockpit & the most astounding part is that the captain of the ship even doesn’t know that there is a stowaway in his ship, leave alone the topic of knowing that there is a girl over there also. When the cannonball of firestorm struck the ship, The crew felt that space-ship won’t outlast the blow because the alarms were beeping and the second engine got chocked with the immense damage of flaming stroke, so they quickly decided to wear the space parachute which is named as ‘sparax30’ developed in the ongoing year of 2030 only, As they decided to jump Sarah & Becky were good to go but the captain of ship Alex started to feel nauseated & got the victim of “Space adaptation syndrome” which made him vomit inside the helmet & blinded his view, but even in this situation he pushed Sarah & Becky to go and jump off from the ship & they did worryingly. 

Alex is grappling to gain a foothold but even despite of that he feels slightly relieved, after seeing later on that various sacrosanct components of ship is working decently fine. The sudden sound of thumping which was heard by the girl in stowaway was of Alex, He regained his consciousness & trying to gain the control over ship but the constant thought of what happened at earth was still nerve-racking for him.

The harrowing day changed everything on the planet of homo-sapiens which could have made endangered planet into an eradicated one. Watching that view he literally felt like, There's fire in the heart of earth and the man seems to fan it.

A day before the holocaust, the lightning strike of sun ignited heat on the lands of Texas which grew with the constant support of wind without understanding human restrictions & prohibitions & made things worse when it entered the civilized society, with no sense like humans it gradually made its way to the place which horrified billions of people across the different borders with its presence only i.e. ‘Nuclear bomb’. That climactic thing which is supposed to be kept for the protection of the country seems to have gulp down the country itself, In the far dreams of her in space, She realizes that & rhetorically questions herself ‘do we seriously need nuclear?’ In this race of power, what they forget is that ‘Everyone is unique & its okay if we can’t understand each other but to make them understand who we are that is the biggest problem.’ The lit up seen down below on the blue marble & white swirls was a nuclear explosion with wild firestorm being a partner in his crime. But a question to ponder makes her think ‘Who did the crime?’

Unaware of the stowaway in the ship captain sees his options, The boosters are ignited again to search the fellow crew members Sarah & Becky in this peculiar vaccum. In the celestial body lies a search which seeks the support which has been long forgotten. Ecstatic asteroid colored with wings opened like a vulture ready for the hunt of another prey is beaming in the space with highly equipped but yet with wounds now, Now the spaceship with staggering eyes worries about the zeal & fervor of a selfless captain who hides everything behind the control of it. Captain Alex was looking outside for future in the eternity with the eyes filled from the past. Doctors may prove that Alex was being the victim of ‘Space Adaptation Syndrome’ today but he, himself knows that it wasn’t the case of fluids getting imbalanced in his mind due to the no gravitational movements of his body.

Alex was born & brought up in the ever-chanting city of US, New York, His mother was a famous senator, a democrat who tirelessly work for the human rights & his father was a Lawyer. Things were pretty good in the house of Alex till the point his mother & father was not separated, After separation he was in the custody of his mother where he has to spend the whole time alone only because of the work schedule of his mom.

As the time passed by he got fine with this culture of the home but it all turned into a despair & changed things for him, when he got the news that his mom was travelling in a plane from New York to California due to the failure of engine the plane crashed & his mother passed away from his life. This fatal accident not only left him alone but also subconsciously left him with a scar which was difficult to overcome. For months he struggled to become normal as soon as things got settled. He put all his efforts in the studies & become one of the country’s best astronaut. But when that ferocious firestorm came towards the ship, the unforgettable memories of his mother & fatal accident came alive due to that he lost his composure & felt nauseated. This incident fits with the famous analogy right i.e. ‘Don’t judge someone beforehand unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes’, well in this case mile won’t work because he has already travelled from earth to space. After taking on his biggest fear & setting himself free Alex decides to find his crew back whereas the girl in stowaway is dying from hunger & the confined empty regions of her cabin.

Becky the other crew member has kept her in the stowaway for an experiment suggested by the head of International Space Station but it seems pretty flabbergasted that the captain was not inform about it. While remembering every details from his training & experience Alex tries hard for everything he could do & while hinging hard on thoughts. He had an eureka moment which makes him realize that in the end terminal of the ship there is visual tracker of the new technology parachute ‘sparax30, he runs after filling the details of the activated the ‘sparax30’ he gets their location which moves at rapid speed. Without any doubt he turns the ship on to the chase of his companions, going with furious speed he suddenly hits with an asteroid’s miniscule activated part & the screen doesn’t show enough damage because its on stowaway which is been kept hidden from the details. But now the situation of girl, Veronika gets really serious her head is struck with a metal cabinet placed above of her, on the other hand Alex is able to track his crew down. The difficult portion after realizing their position is to make them land on the upper surface of the ship. With the great rigor he tries his level best but while he is trying to save lives outside the ship, Veronika the one is struggling with the nauseated head & her breath. She starts to gasps but unaware of her Alex places Sarah & Becky on the above of the ship. Then after stilting them inside into the ship from one of the gates at the terminal-3, but as soon as the Becky & Sarah comes outside of the ‘sparax30’, Becky asks disturbingly with wrinkles stretching on her head ‘Do you know about Veronika now?’ & in astonishment Alex replies ‘No’ & asks her ‘Who is veronika’. Without any single breath Becky run towards the terminal-2 unlocking 7 button step to open the stowaway which looks completely shocking to Alex & as they go inside Veronika is on the floor & Alex runs & sees her, She is unconscious & she asks ‘what’s going on, what’s this place & what she is doing there?’ & without bothering about the answer he tries to save her with whatever knowledge of medication he have. After some moments Veronika opens her eyes & Alex takes a sigh of relief & feels relieved. Now Becky tells her about everything, He understands & somehow connects with Veronika & says in his mind “Even I was caged like her but not in the confined metal walls but in the fears of past, Now she & me both are set free from everything.” After couple of months things become normal on earth & they return with their with utmost lessons learnt from the above which they could not understood while staying on ground.                                 

June 12, 2020 16:37

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Zainab Jagani
13:31 Jun 18, 2020

Good lessons keep it up👏


Sarthak Murria
15:28 Jun 18, 2020

Thank-you, I'm glad you liked it.


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