The biological, electrically chemically charged organism known as human.

Submitted into Contest #167 in response to: Set your story inside a character’s mind, literally.... view prompt



Have you ever driven across the country with someone and felt you had to watch their every move? How many times have you thought, "put your blinker on," "turn off your high beams," "slow down," or "speed up"? Maybe you never drove across this big beautiful country that sparks your imagination, sense of adventure, and wanderlust. Even on shorter trips, perhaps you had these thoughts again and again without the sparkling sparkiness of a mind engaged in enthralling wonderment.

Have you ever noticed how frequently, on the second passing of that thought from neuron to neuron on its way to being spoken, the driver switches on the blinker, turn off the high beams, or adjusts velocity? (At the last possible second, hence the close observation). Fifty percent would be a flip of a coin, statistically insignificant. If it were seventy percent, you might take notice but think it is a coincidence. 

What if I were to tell you it's as high as one hundred percent? You might not yet be there. But try to notice. The more often you recognize, the faster the frequency increases. You will find one day you never have to speak a word; it can be as if when the thought is repeated, intended to travel from brain to lips, tongue, lungs, and vocal cords, instead escaping the bonds of the body and moving another's arm. Yes. That is indeed what I just said.

Humans. Although we are advanced in ego, we feel separate and superior to all things, but we have more in common with animals, plants, and trees than we care to admit. I am talking about biology, electrical fields, and measurable energy extending beyond the organism.  

The human heart sends more chemical signals to the brain than the brain does to the blood pump, despite the importance of that organ keeping the brain sparking away merrily so haphazardly. 

A physicist or philosopher may focus intensely on a single train of thought. A monk, baba, guru, or zen master may spend a lifetime attempting the art of not thinking at all. No matter how highly trained a mind may be, intrusive, haphazard, and unwanted thoughts slip in from time to time. Have you ever wondered if they may not be your thoughts at all?

Tantra. Tantric yoga is the art of spiritual sensuality and sexuality. Some yogis walk on coals, and some master a form of balance that verges on levitation. (One such yogi amazed America's Got Talent audiences when holding a simple stick, lifted his legs into the cross-legged position, seeming to shift his center of gravity to somewhere near his outstretched wrist). Tantric yogis, however, master sexual energy. A tantra practitioner may cause an orgasmic condition in another, clear on the other side of the world.

Some species of plant life have displayed similar abilities. A plant exposed to fire may cause others nearby to curl up their leaves, recoiling from the harm done to another. 

The previously mentioned America's Got Talent featured a variety of mentalists and psychics that seemed to have the ability to implant or extract thoughts, feelings, and even flavors at a distance. Clairvoyance. A term used to explain the unexplainable but sadly falls short of explaining anything at all. I have a much simpler explanation for you all.

The heart, and the mind, are not entirely self-contained. When a doctor reads your heartbeat or monitors your brainwave activity, no medal rods are jammed into soft organ matter to conduct the electrical energy. No direct contact with the organ is necessary. The standard EKG uses sticky electrode pads applied to the skin. Experiments with far greater sensitivity have detected these signals at a significantly farther distance from the organ. Yes, I am talking about the outside of the body itself.

Clairvoyants, mentalists, psychics, and the driver turning on the blinkers or off the high beams are more sensitive instruments affected by the same electrical signals.

The thoughts and emotions of others flood our reality constantly. We, the human projectors and receptors of electrochemical signals, are walking around in a subtly charged soup made up of others' thoughts and emotions. We walk through it without realizing we are in it. That is unless we do. Psychics may attribute their ability to a spirit realm or a channeled entity. (More often than not, a mild case of differential personality disorder).

We are projectors and receptors. We are sensitive to specific electrical patterns through training in reception. Likewise, as in the case of our tantric brethren, sending out a thigh-quaking sensation to a lover separated by distance, the human mind and heart can project with fine laser focus. Most of us walk around leaking, leaving our residue wherever we go. We trod through others' emotional baggage, absorbing their leaking energy fields. 

Some people are a joy to be around, and others drag you down without a sound. Instinctually we gravitate towards the former and repel from the latter. I propose that that tendency creates the particle-charged fields that surround them. It's not exactly a matter of positively or negatively charged particles. Every zip and zap of an electron that makes up our thoughts and emotions contains both. No, it's a different form of positivity and negativity having nothing to do with ionic flow streams.

The one who brings you down, who you walk away from, wanting to free yourself from their energy, needs a recharge, the person who draws you in and is a joy to be around the attention already overcharged. (If not a projector, they are avid leakers, leaving an ooze of positivity even after vacating the vicinity). The barons or baronesses of buzzkilldom are the ones who NEED you. The overcharged joy of the world needs nobody. They already attract the attention of others without effort. If you are ever in a room with both the positive and the negative, introduce them. Their destiny is to become lifelong friends. 

In the beginning, I alluded to the fact that your driver (regardless of who they are, try it with an Uber) blinks on the blinkers when your thought leaves your mind and could be one hundred percent effective. I also made the bold claim that when an idea leaves your mind, it can leave the biological, electrically chemically charged organism known as the human being. Furthermore, I provided proof-positive or reception and projection over distance. Due to the persistent nature of energy, we are also receptive to energy residues across time.

While we may be able to receive echoes from the past, projection propels outward and forward. The future is affected by our echoes of us. 

Imagine, if you will, humanity, as a whole, acted with intention. Instead of drip, dripping shadowy clouds of misery, we put all our force, all our effort, into projecting a positive thought, a positive feeling, into the energized atmosphere future generations breathe. 

One generation of biological, electrically chemically charged organisms, fully aware of their energy output potential, could have a profound effect on the future. Even one full of the tragically unaware human organisms that plagued our history.

Spark on you blissfully ignorant bags of electrochemically charged energy. Shine your light into the future with intention. At least wipe your feet before you unintentionally track in the dirt from the past. 

October 07, 2022 17:56

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