Romance Sad

It was February, valentine's day is tomorrow. My boyfriend Jake and I were going on a date, to where we first met. But something was a little off, at first when valentine's day was coming he started to distance him self from me. And soon my sister Lila, wasn't talking to me, at first I didn't think about it. But then a few days ago my heart shattered into a million pieces.

February 11, 2020.

Today was grey, everything I looked at was grey and dark. My heart was shattered into a million pieces, it was like glass then it broke. Today, was the day when I found out my sister had betrayed me. My boyfriend Jake and I, we were dating for about 1 year. And valentine's day was coming soon. So I decide to take him onto a date to where we first met. But that will never happen, because he and my sister both, betrayed my love, loyalty, and trust. They said that they have been seeing each other for a few months now, and that Jake was just using me. They said Lila was pregnant and that they were sorry for keeping it away from me for so long. so ever since that day, everything was grey, dark and dull. My heart is still broken and I still feel empty.

Today is dark and rainy exactly how I feel, there is usually birds singing but, instead there was nothing but silence. I still feel broken over what happened, two days ago. Tomorrow is valentine's day, but yet I have no one to go with anymore. I truly thought that Jake was my one and only, but I was wrong. I trusted Lila all my life, ever since we were little. No one would ever had thought she would do something like this, but yet she did. And now I hope she is happy and Jake too. Because now I feel numb from the pain and I feel sick from not eating. I wish this never happened but it did, sometimes I think that this is just a dream and that I will wake up soon, but it is not, and sadly I don't think I could ever wake up.

Today is valentine's day, I decided to go for a walk and clear my mind from what had happened. So I decided to go to my best loved park. When I got there, the trees where decorated and pink and red ribbons and hearts, and the path way was covered in rose petals. It was like you were in heaven. The park was filled with a bunch of cute couples, some where walking there dog others were talking, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a guy asking his girlfriend to marry him. She looked so happy and I was happy for them even if I didn't Know him. I still feel sad and empty but I just keep telling myself, Jake just doesn't know what he is missing on, when I first arrived to the park I couldn't help but smile. There were beautiful blue birds singing, and the smell of love was in the air. All my numbness was melting away. As I kept walking I saw Jake and Lila on a hill laughing together. I felt like crying but instead I just walked away, there are plenty of guys out there, and one of them is for me. As I kept walking, I saw a squirrel run across the path, and go up a tree, then there he was, a tall handsome stranger. He was walking his dog, and stopped and said hi. I felt like dying, he was so cute his short black hair and his hazel nut eyes. He has the perfect smile to. He offered me to go with him to a small coffee shop, I agreed and went with him. When I first stepped in, I felt like I was home. It was nice and warm, and it smelt like fresh cinnamon buns. We took a seat over by the fire and we started talking, soon I felt like I was in love again. And soon it was half past five. So we both went to dinner and I explained to him what Jake and Lila did. He too said it was not fair, and was wondering why he would do this to such a very warmhearted woman. When he said that it made be blush. And soon before we new it, we kissed and said goodnight. he had my number and I had his. Then he texted me saying if I was free tomorrow and asked if we could get together again and I could meet his family. So the next day, I went over to the coffee shop and waited, and waited and waited some more but then I got a text, and couldn't help but cry. It turns out he was married and had six children. And want's again I was a fool for falling in love so quickly, I was want's again betrayed from love, then I found out that Jake and Lila had put him up to this. And Lila said that she was doing this because she wanted me to feel the pain that she was in when I was always happy and she was not. In a way I do feel bad because this was not they way to be happy. You should never betray your sister because one day you may need her or any family member. And they won't help you because you betrayed them.

So this story is about how a sister betrayed her other sisters trust loyalty, and her love. You should never do this to anyone because they could do the same back to you and sadly this is not a good thing for any family because it could rip apart one, I am Abby Burton and I am 13 years old and I am the one who wrote this, thank you.

Abby Burton.

February 03, 2021 15:33

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