
“Allison! Allison! Get down here!”

“Yes Mom, what is it?”

“You’ll never guess what we just got in the mail!”

Allison sighed, “What Mom?”

“An invitation to Kathy’s wedding! And it’s addressed to all of us so you can’t back out this time.”

“I didn’t back out last time!”

“Yes, you did.”

“No, I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did.”

“No, I… Look, something came up and I just wasn’t able to make it.”

“To your own brother’s wedding? Allison, you can’t keep backing out of events just because you don’t like someone.”

“Ah!” she spluttered, “That wasn’t the reason!”

“Allison. I am your mother, I know you better than that. If you want to miss this wedding then you better come up with a very good excuse.”

“Mom...we’re not the same people that we used to be. Kathy and I were good friends, even best friends but that was years ago! We were children, we–”

“I understand, honey, but you have to get past that. It’s as you said, it was years ago. Don’t you think it’s time for you to consider letting go?”

“Mom...not today, okay. Not today.”

“Allison. If not today then when? You can’t keep putting it off, sweetheart.”

“I know, Mom. But that’s a problem for another day. Look, I’m going to head down to the office, okay?”

Janice sighed, “Honey? You do know it’s Saturday, right? Allison?”

Already on her way on the door, Allison called back, “There’s always something to do, Mom. Maybe I’ll see if I can book a few shoots for the weekend.”

“Alright, honey. See you later.” she shut the door with a groan, “This is what I get for letting her start her own photography business.”


Later in the day while she was chopping vegetables, Janice heard a door open somewhere in the house and called out, “Allison, honey? Is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me Mom.”

“Did you get any shoots booked, sweetie?”

“No. Either no one is having any important events or they’ve already booked their photographers.”

“Oh. Well, dinner will be ready soon, okay?”

“Yeah… I’m not that hungry. I think I’ll just go to my room.”

“Okay sweetie. Think about what I said, okay?”


Taking off her shoes, Allison trudged up the stairs to her room. “‘Think about what she said’? Yeah, I’ll think about it. Ugh! I feel like she’s treating me like a child but at the same time I feel like I’m acting like a child! I’m a grown woman for heaven’s sake! I should have been able to get over this long ago. It’s not that I hate her or anything...it’s just that...well, I don’t know! The best I have is that her vibe bothers me but I doubt that Mom will accept that as a good excuse. I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and talk to her. Wedding day – here I come!”


The morning of the wedding dawned bright and clear. Sun was in the forecast with clear skies all day. The perfect day for a wedding. The ceremony was scheduled for one o’clock in the afternoon. Allison thought it was the perfect time, so that the bride and groom could rest for a bit before going out for a whole afternoon of wedding pictures before the reception at night. 

Janice laughed when Allison told her. “Oh, Allison… Always thinking like a photographer. Is it any wonder that you’re so good at your job?”

“Thanks Mom.” she said with a chuckle. 

The wedding was beautiful. Kathy made a lovely bride. Due to the fact that it was a spring wedding, the whole church was filled with flowers. Allison joked that it smelled like a funeral parlour. Janice did not think it was so funny. 

“I’m sorry, Mom. I was just joking!”

“Well it’s not funny! And very inappropriate considering that we’re at a wedding. You don’t want to cause bad luck for the bride and groom!”

“Mom, you know we don’t believe in luck.”

“Well maybe we don’t but we should respect those that do.”

“Yes, Mom.”

As they were exiting the church building, Allison remembered the receiving line. 

“Oh no! I just remembered the receiving line! I’m not prepared for this.”

“Allison, relax, you’ll be fine. It’s only like three minutes of your life.”

“Three very long minutes.” she groaned. 

“Allison! Breathe!”

She took a deep breath then let it out slowly. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Keeping her head down, Allison stepped into the line. She managed to get through the wedding party and the parents without any trouble but all too soon the bride and groom were suddenly the next in line. Continuing to keep her head down and hoping that they wouldn’t notice, she said her ‘Congratulations!’ and tried to scurry through but a hand caught her wrist. 

“Allison? Is that you?”

“Oh, um, hi Kathy.”

“Allison! It is you! How are you?”

Allison opened her mouth to reply but was abruptly cut off by Kathy. “Oh, look at the line. We’ll have to talk later, okay? I’ll catch up with you at the reception. It’s really great to see you, Allison.”

“You too, Kathy. Okay. Bye.”

Letting out a breath that she didn’t realise that she’d been holding, Allison stepped off to the side. 

Suddenly appearing by her side, Janice said, “See? That wasn’t so bad!”

“Well maybe it wasn’t but the worst is yet to come!”

“Oh don’t be so dramatic.”

“I’m not being dramatic. I’m being realistic.”


“I’m serious!”

“Fine. But I’m still saying that you have to talk to her at the reception.”

“I will. But only if she talks to me first.”


“Mom. I’m putting my foot down on this one. I will only talk and apologise if I am approached first.” 

Janice opened her mouth but Allison cut her off. 

“And no, you cannot talk to her. I’ll know if you interfere, Mom.”

“But Allison…honey…”

“Mom… No.”

She sighed, “Okay…”



Several hours later the reception was in full swing. Dinner was finished and the dessert was being served. 

Turning to her Mom, Allison said, “I’m heading to the bathroom. Okay, Mom?”

“You don’t have to tell me, sweetie.” Janice said with a laugh. 

“Mooom. It’s not like that. It’s only for if you’re wondering where I am.”

“Okay. See you.”

Walking out of the room, Allison headed to the bathroom. While washing her hands and freshening up, she heard one of the stall doors open. Glancing in the mirror she realised that it was Kathy. Allison tried to avert her eyes but was too late. 


“Hi, Kathy.”

“Allison! I’m so glad that you were able to come. I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to make it, I know how busy your life is. In fact, Eric even suggested you for our wedding photographer but I didn’t think you’d want to so...yeah.”

“Oh. Kathy, I…”

“No, don’t.” She sighed, “Do you remember when we were kids and at every opportunity you’d pretend to be a fancy photographer? You’d make us stand around the school in fancy clothes and pose so that our “photographer” could take pictures of us.” 

Allison chuckled, “I do remember that. I can’t believe you do.”

“Look, Allison, I don't know what came between us back then but can we finally let it go? Please? With today being my wedding and all, I’d really like to make a fresh start.”

“Okay. To be honest, my Mom has been pestering me all yesterday and today to make things right with you.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah, haha. And I think she’s right. It’s time. First things first, I’m sorry to have brought this to your wedding. Weddings should be happy days without stress.”


“Nope. Let me finish. Secondly, I’m not even sure that I remember what drove us apart in the first place. That being said, I’ve been holding on to it for far too long. I’m sorry. Friends shouldn’t treat friends like that. Will you forgive me?”

With tears in her eyes, Kathy agreed, “Always, Al. That’s what friends do. They forgive.”

“Aww. Thanks. Hey. Um, Kath, would you and Eric accept a professional photo shoot, for free, as a wedding present from me?”

“Really, Al? Oh, I’d love that! Thank you so much!”

“My pleasure.” Allison said with a smile, “You know, this reminds me of one of my favourite quotes. It kind of describes our friendship actually.”

“Oh? What does it say?”

“‘Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.’”

“Oh! Al, that’s so sweet. And you’re right. It does fit our friendship very well.”

May 09, 2020 02:54

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