Friendship Fiction Happy

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolour, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all."                - Stanley Horowitz

Who doesn’t like the rich season of Autumn!

The autumn leaves and the cool breeze make us feel fresh and dreamy. Altogether it’s a season filled with joy, happiness and bliss. The spooky, superstitious and scary Halloween, which everyone awaits also falls in this part of the year. Therefore most people are thrilled for the arrival of this mellow season.

Autumn was also considered a great deal in the small town of Starswood, Florida. This was a town with just about four hundred people. There was word spread around the town that the renowned coffee shop of the town was introducing a new line of autumnal drinks. This coffee shop was called “Lava Java.” Everyone from teenagers to retired people went to this coffee shop, it was the hub of the town.

Katie was a sixteen year old living in Starswood . She was a food enthusiast and had special interest in beverages. She was also an introvert and did not have any friends. Her mother continuously told her to make friends and talk to more people but she seemed to be happy with the way things were going. As she read about the arrival of the new line of drinks in Lava Java in The Gazette (a weekly magazine of Starswood), Katie hurriedly conveyed this news to her mother.

She said, “Mom this is delighting news, we have to be the first ones there!.”

 Her mother replied in a rude manner , “Katie don’t you think it would be nice if you had some friends to do such kind of stuff with.”

This really hurt Katie’s feelings and she told her mother that she’d rather just go by herself than listen to her endless nagging. After saying this she stormed off and banged the door.

A week later on the day of the introduction of the autumnal drinks Katie got up early in the morning and left for the coffee shop. Unfortunately, there was immense traffic on her route due to an accident. She anxiously sat in the car hoping to be able to get a table.

But luck wasn’t in her favour that day, the coffee shop was already jam packed. This was disheartening to see for her. She approached one of the waiter’s and said, “How much time until I get a table?”

“I am sorry miss but there is already a waiting list so its not possible for at least another two hours!” he replied

“But I have to be in school after one hour, is there any way…”as she was completing her sentence the waiter started serving someone else.

Katie felt extremely sad but as she was glancing around the coffee shop, a girl just about her age said to her, “You can sit here if you want ,I’m alone anyway.”

Katie was surprised and she said, “Thank you so much!” and then took a seat next to the girl.

After a minute of silence the girl said, “Hi, I’m Beth.”

“Hey, I am Kaitlyn, but everyone calls me Katie.” said Katie.

“So what brings you here Katie?” asked Beth

Katie said “Well, I have always been a food enthusiast and as I read about the new autumnal drinks, I had to come her! What about you?”

Beth said, “Oh wow, same I am obsessed with beverages.”

Then Katie smiled at her and both of them starting looking at the menu. After a few minutes a waiter came to take their orders. Beth said to him, “I want the Kiwi Bash.” Katie said that she would take the Pumpkin Popkin. The waiter told them that due to the excessive crowd it might take some time for their order to be prepared.

In the meantime the two of them started bonding and to their surprise they both had a lot in common. They studied in the same grade, were both food enthusiasts and introverts. They talked about a lot of things. After a while Beth suggested that Katie and her together start a food blog. Katie looked a little unsure but Beth said, “Come on, it’ll be amazing!”

Katie agreed and they started planning while sipping their beverages, that they were relishing. They decided to put the first picture of the drinks that they had ordered as that’s how they began their journey.

At that very time they started making their website and discussing different of ideas.

They both were got carried away while talking and without even realising skipped school . It was a matter of time until it had been three hours since they had been sitting there.

“What should we name the blog?” asked Beth

“How about ‘The Bliss Of Autumn’?” Katie replied

Beth said, “Oh that’s perfect!”

Soon they talked about all the technical parts of the blog. Both of them were very creative so with their creativeness and imagination they did everything they could to make this blog outstanding.

As they sipped their drinks and talked about the blog, they also became friends. It was like god had planned this beautiful beginning for them. This was the beginning for their initiative as well as their friendship.

After that day every week they sat together in the same coffee shop, ‘Lava Java’ and discussed their blog and talked about different kind of things. Time flew and soon Katie and Beth became best friends. Their blog also grew to become popular, and they were awarded a prize in the next year as well.

As said by Diana Gabaldon in Outlander

“It was a beautiful, bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it.”

It was such a day when these two teenagers became friends, and started a beautiful blog, which changed their lives. The did something productive and the same time became friends for life. If you ask me, I think it was the “bliss of autumn” that made this happen from Lava Java introducing autumnal drinks to Beth getting the crazy idea of starting a blog!

October 15, 2020 06:40

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