3 birds with one Stone

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Write about someone finally making their own choices.... view prompt


Friendship Inspirational Romance

I was an average person who lives far away from the city. Peaceful place with out the sound of moving cars, machineries, trains so therefore a place with no pollution. It was my grandmother's place in the province. I've decided to stay here to escape from reality whereas people judge each other. People take advantage to the others. People who are abusive.

People who will only think of their self.

The green fields of this place always reminds me of solemness and calmness. Sometimes I wander on the fields to see what the other people are doing. I felt inlove on this place even the first time I finally take a step on this place.

When my Grandmother is still alive, she taught me a lot of different things to be learned in life. She tells me stories about her past and also She tells me stories about my parents when they were young.

Every single day is a treasure to me.

Every new mornings is a life lesson.

Every sunrise is a blessing.

Every sunsets is a preparations.

Not until one day when my mother sent me an invitation to move back to the city to proceed on my studies.

I am college student now. I need to focus on reality and for my future. I need to leave. I need to fight again. My prepations is long enough. My break is over.

I always keep telling myself that one day, Time will come, I need to leave this place because theres a battle I need to participate.

I am afraid to leave this place.

This place has a lot of memories to me.

This is place is considered as my safe zone.

God has a lot of plans for me.

But things were really not meant for me.

I am not worthy to live on a place like this becuase this place is almost perfect when you want to be alone.

This place is like heaven, whereas not even a single problem may exists.

This place is beautiful based on its simplicity.

You can only hear a birds singing, the wind's gentle breeze. The green leaves of trees that is waving.

A perfect place to live peacefully with harmony.

It was 1 A.M in the morning when i decided to move out. My car was almost on its limit in terms of the capacity because of my things and stuffs but I've decided to make the passenger's sit vacant behind me.

It was raining heavily when I reach the main road. Travelling 10 miles away from the city with a heavy rain is difficult. You cant even see clearly the road.

While I was driving, I saw a waiting shed. On the waiting shed, I saw three people standing.

The first person is very familiar to me, it was my bestfriend who save my life once near death.

The second person is an old woman who needs a medical attention instantly. I felt sad because I remember my Grandmother to this old woman.

The last person is a beautiful girl which is my ideal type of woman, in short she is my destiny. I know this is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" as what the others said. This opportunity cannot be wasted.

My car was on its limit and I can carry only one person.

Decision making is very necessary on this kind of scenario. I need to think wisely.

My mind is telling me that "I must take my bestfriend to pay my debt when He save me near my death".

My conscience tells me that "I must save this old woman and bring Her to the hospital immediately".

My heart says "I must take this woman, she is my destiny and its a once in a lifetime opportunity. I must not take it for granted".

My mind, conscience and heart is fighting because deep inside me, all of them has the valid reason why i must choose them.

I need to choose wisely.

My mind is struggling of whom will I'm going to choose.

Until I heared a familiar voice that is talking on my mind saying "My son, remember when you are young? Your father always tells you that hitting two birds with one stone is possible, you only need confidence and trust on yourself."

I opened up the door of my car and walk closely to my bestfriend, "Here is the key, take this old woman to the hospital immediately. I will contact you later on when im on the city later."

My bestfriend took the key and the old woman sit on the vacant passenger sit and rushed to the city.

I was standing by the waiting shed with the girl looking at me consciously. She asked me why did I do that?

I simple answered her, "Its okay if my bestfriend will took my car, I know that he can be trusted. Its okay if the old woman is sitting on the passenger's sit, She needs medical attention immediately. That is what they called "hitting two birds with one stone". And as of now, I am going to hit three birds with one stone. I will patiently wait here with you until the next bus will arrive.".

The girl looks amazed, and we started to chat about everything in our life.

God's perfect plan is always perfect, you just need to trust Him. Helping the others with out thinking a credit is still the best. True friendship needs trust. True help doesn't need a credit.

You only to trust God, because God's will is always effective.

You dont need to be alone.

You must put your self on the other's shoe to fit in.

You dont need to know everything.

You are not perfect thats why you need mistakes.

You need mistakes to learn.

You need to be stronger.

You dont need to doubt upon opening every doors of opportunities.

We always have a room for learnings.

Trust yourself forever.


May 23, 2021 07:31

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19:29 Nov 08, 2021



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Iris Orona
20:11 Jun 02, 2021



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