Fiction Friendship

     “Morning.” Lilly said as her roomate Izzy came in.  

      “Morning? More like night.” Izzy snorted. 

      Lilly took a sip of her coffee and Izzy put a chicken in the oven. Neither girl really knew much about the other. They had a mutual friend and landlord, who had decided it would be funny to make 2 girls fresh out of school who didn’t know each other and had opposing schedules sign the same lease. 

    “How was the night?” Lilly asked her roommate. 

    “Great.” Izzy replied and grabbed a soda. 

     “Worked a 4 hour night shift, saw that new movie, and bought a chicken.” 

     This was their daily thing. Lilly slept during the night like most people, while Izzy worked nights and slept during the day. Technically they shared a room, they were just never there at the same time. Neither would exactly consider the oher a friend and they wouldn’t exactly say they weren’t. Their lives overlapped for probably only 2 hours each day. 

     “Oh that new movie?” Lilly asked. 

      “Yup. The one with the thing, based on the book.” Izzy replied. 

     “Oh. I wanna see that. No spoilers please.” 

     “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 

     The oven beeped saying it was up to temperature. Considering they barely saw each other neither exactly knew what to say. 

     “Um…anything crazy happen?” Lilly asked. 

     “Nope. Well someone did try to buy a soda with game money.” Izzy said. 

    “You work at an airport.”

      “I know! That’s why it was so weird.” 

     The two girls could not be more different. Izzy had wild curly red hair, green eyes, and freckles. Lilly had dark skin, straight black hair, and brown eyes. Izzy loved night time, Lilly was scared of the dark. Izzy rocked leather jackets and mismatched colors, Lilly wore plain boring clothes that always matched. Izzy loved meeting all kinds of people, Lilly was very shy. Lilly worked at a library, and Izzy hated reading. The only similarity they had was their love of music, and even that was completely different. Izzy liked rock and Lilly liked classical. Lilly played piano and Izzy rocked the guitar. 

    “So, wanna jam?” Izzy asked. 

     “Jam?” Lilly asked. 

     Izzy rolled her eyes and got her guitar. 

     “What would we play?” 

     Izzy started to strum a tune on her guitar. 

     “Oooh. I kinda like that.” 

      Lilly then ran to her piano and picked up the tune. Sometimes they played their instruments together, you know, when they managed to find a song they both liked. So far they had exactly 3 songs they both liked. They played all 3 songs then sat staring at each other for a few minutes, until the oven beeped telling Izzy her chicken was done. Lilly was a vegetarian. 

      Izzy got her chicken out of the oven and ate it. Her favorite food was chicken. Lilly grabbed her favorite book and started reading it, while Izzy devoured her chicken. 

     “Oh I love chicken.” Izzy started to sing. “I love chicken. Ooh la la I love chicken.” 

     Lilly sighed. 

     “Trying to read here.” She said.

      Her roommate’s singing turned to humming. 

     Lilly looked at the clock. Still half an hour before she needed to leave. She took a sip of her coffee. After Izzy ate all the chicken she wanted, she put the rest in the fridge. 

      They had an agreement. Half of the fridge was for Lilly and the other half was Izzy’s. 

     They attempted conversation again, which ended after 2 sentences, before Lilly had to leave. 

     Izzy plopped in front of the TV. A few hours later she went to bed. She got up just as Lilly got home. 

     “Hey. How was the day?” Izzy asked her. 

     “Good. Guess what, someone tried to buy a soda with game money.” Lilly told her. 

     Izzy burst out laughing. 

      “What did they look like? Maybe it’s the same person.” 

      “Tall, brown hair, brown eyes, man wearing a backwards baseball cap.” 

     “Yup that’s him.” 

     Both girls burst out laughing. 

     “That guy is so weird. I wonder if he knows Brad.” 

     They laughed again. Brad was their landlord. 

     “So, anything else happen?” 

     “No. Not really.” 

      Lilly started cooking her meat free supper, while Izzy grabbed herself some cereal. 

     “Wanna play? I heard a song, I think you'd like.” 

     Lilly said after her dinner was in the oven. Izzy just shrugged so Lilly started playing it on her piano. Izzy picked up her guitar and joined in. They played until they ran out of songs. 

      By then Lilly's dinner was done and she put on a movie. It was a boring Hallmark movie, but Izzy watched it because she didn't have anything else to do. Her ride, Brad's wife, wasn't getting here for another half hour. Izzy would prefer to be watching a Sci Fi/thriller. 

     After finishing her cereal Izzy ate some cold chicken. She really liked chicken. She put her feet on the coffee table and ate her chicken. 

     Lilly kicked her feet off. She didn't like feet anywhere but the floor. Izzy never wore socks and Lilly said she didn't want her feet anywhere near her. Izzy sent a glare in her roommate's direction. Lilly gave no reply. 

     “I would like a dog. A little puppy.” Izzy said. 

     Lilly gave her a look. 

     “I would like a cat. Isabella do not come back with a dog.” She said. Izzy shrugged. 

     They disagreed on most everything. Izzy got herself more chicken, after finishing the one in her hand. 

     “I had a pet chicken once. I don't think the chicken wants to be eaten.” Lilly told her. 

     “Well, good thing it's dead, and doesn't care.” Her roommate retorted. 

     Lilly sighed. 

    “You eat a farm worth of chicken every week.” 

     Izzy pretended not to hear that. Instead she just took a huge bite of her chicken. Lilly rolled her eyes. Trying to convince Izzy not to eat chicken was like trying to convince a toddler that cookies were bad for them. 

      After a few minutes Izzy’s phone rang and she grabbed her stuff and left, telling Lilly that her ride just got here. 

November 17, 2023 23:21

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