
Everything I’ve been through. All that I have done. Of all days. This had to happen on the one day I’ve finally been able to get out of bed for more than just classes.

I went to the library, my favorite place. They have a small cafe in the corner, with the huge circular windows next to them.

This area in front of the cafe, it didn’t have chairs, or tables. It had beanbags and lap tables. Due to price cuts last year, this was the best they could do. Some rowdy freshmen broke the tables and chairs, they did get expelled and forced to pay for what they broke.

The on campus concealer for each grade pulled students in and asked what they should do. They were asking on the request of the dean. Trying to figure out if the students would want to do a fundraiser, fair, or for them to act like they didn’t make us take out extreme dept for a single semester.

Before the day was up, a lot of us jokingly agreed on saying that we would only do it if we got bean bags and lap tables. Apparently, so many of us had said this, jokingly of course, in the session with the concealer, that they took it as is and did just that.

We were in fact surprised when they went through with it.

Though, that leads to now. I was doing my online assignments. Slightly dosing off. It was 2am after all.

When all of a sudden, the ground dropped out from under me. The drop was a bit far. I certainly can’t climb out, but the bean bag was enough cushion to make the fall not hurt. The lap table on the other hand, had enough back lash to not only rip the bean bag, but also smack hard into my legs.

“That’s diffidently going to leave a bruise” I winced.

A quick recovery later, I see the so called beans from the bag spilling. Legs of the table slightly stuck inside.

I sighed “Ha Ha! Fine You got me! Now Get Me Out!”

My voice bounced on the barley lit walls. I’d be lucky if I could even see my own feet, let alone anything else in this room. The only remotely “good thing” that came out of this was the echo. It just tells me there isn’t much in where I am, or at least nothing that would take in the sound.

I cursed and grumbled, my legs cried in pain, as I got off the bag. Almost tripping as my leg caught on one of the holes.

“Hello?!” I screamed.

I couldn’t even tell if I was facing the right way. It was too dark and there was too much echo. My voice bounced off of every wall.

As I started what I thought was forward, my socked foot bumped into something light. I bent down and picked it up.

“What?” it was a piece of paper.

Feeling the paper, it was rolled up. My finger glazed over something slightly circular and waxy.

“So, an old time scroll?” I knew that wasn’t worded right.

I was going to say medieval, but decided against correcting myself. Opting to walk back to the laptop for light, and popping the seal.

You’re not supposed to be here, but I can’t lead you out. I’ll let you have this one easy, the rest wont be breezy. If you wish to be free, a wish you get three.

“A.. Riddle? Okay. This is by far the weirdest thing that has happened to me. And I once saw Jake kissing his sister under the stair way” I moved to sit closer to the bean bag.

It said it was easy, and most of it rhymes. So, if I’m not wrong, if I can rhyme the rest I can figure it out.

Easy is breezy, that cuts off that. Free and three, then there is here and out. So, here near?

Something near? If you wish to be free, a wish you get three… A genie lamp? Either a genie lamp or a water fountain- Fountain! Out spout! Okay.

Now I’m just “looking” for either a lamp or fountain.

After a few minutes of searching aimlessly for one of the two, or a wall. I had no luck. It was once I got back to read the rhyme again, that I realised I could use the laptop light to look around.

No sooner did I pick up the laptop, did I find an old non working fountain.

It’s stone was cracked, moss and ale long dead, and bug exoskeletons strewn about.

“So… What now?” I asked the fountain.

Unsurprisingly, It didn’t speak back. I then set around it, trying to look in every crook and carny I could. Taking a few laps around it, trying to find anything I missed.

I saw it. Another small piece of paper trapped under the fallen top in the base of it all. I shifted my laptop to one hand, tore off the jacket wrapped loosely on my waist, and laid it on the fountain. Then placed the laptop on top.

Stepping carefully into the fountain, I kicked the rock away. Jumping back to make sure nothing would pop out at me.

When nothing did, I took the similarly wrapped paper, popped the seal and read it.

Nicely done. I’ve had my fun. Turn to your left, you won’t meet death. You’ll meet his friend, just go to the end. Don’t jump because of the fiddle, it will give you, your next riddle.

I sighed.

“How much more of this am I going to have to do?” I whined, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

I have exams tomorrow. I don’t have time to be messing about with escape rooms and mysteries.

Having enough of this before I even started. I snatched up my laptop and jacket. Then stomped my feet like a child, all the way to a broken door.

I yanked it open with a force that pulled it off it’s already broken hinges. A few gasp could be heard. Turning my attention away from the fallen door.

I saw not one, but two people. These very two people just happened to be my boyfriend and best friend. More importantly, as I looked around the room it was brightly lit.

A medical light choppily taped to the ceiling, grass and stone as a floor. The walls were stone, decorated in vines and flowers.

Through the biggest small crack in the wall, it looks like it’s attached to the garden.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Sara shouted as she covered herself, face flushed.

I turned my attention to her, flabbergasted. When I looked to Ben his face was bright red and he wouldn’t look at me. His hands were doing something behind Sara, specifically right where her bra clasp would be.

“I would hope not! He’s your brother!” I finally said, laughing as I said it.

November 07, 2023 06:13

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