Accidental Encounter

Submitted into Contest #260 in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt


Contemporary Romance

Kate is crouched, her back to the door, doing the most dignifying part of her job- cleaning dog pee. Working at the Bork Day Play and Boarding was supposed to have been a temporary job; However, when her boyfriend of 5 years decided she “had zero personality,” she was left homeless, humiliated, and broke. All her coworkers despised her as if her life couldn’t get any worse. She’d never been good with other women but was never hated. Truth be told, in high school, she was semi-popular. Girls would fawn over her natural copper hair, green eyes, and clear, freckle-covered complexion. It was only at sleepovers and after-school hangouts that Kate’s true socially awkward colors would shine through. She was never invited twice.

The bell to the door chimes, signaling a customer. Kate doesn’t bother to turn around, knowing Samantha, the receptionist, will check them in. Her ears perk up at the sound of the voice behind her.

“I’m here to pick up my sister’s dog, Rex,” a deep gravelly voice says. Kate glances over her shoulder, nearly tumbling into the enormous puddle of urine. He. Is. Gorgeous. The man is around six feet tall, judging by how much of him she can see over the counter, with dense black hair lazily pulled into a bun. His thick-rimmed glasses give off a nerdy vibe that directly conflicts with the black ink covering the majority of his pale neck and arms. Kate turns away quickly before he catches her staring.

“Rex…Rex…ah, here we go. Wait one second while I get someone to fetch him for you,” Samantha tells him in that annoying baby voice she uses for customers. Kate is nearly finished cleaning up the bulk of the pee when she feels a foot hook under her shin, pulling her leg out from under her. She has barely enough time to catch herself, but the remaining wetness on the floor causes her to slip and mop up the remaining pee with her brand-new white shirt. There’s a condescending note in Samantha’s voice as she says, “Oh, sweetie, you really shouldn’t crouch behind the door like that! I could have broken my neck, tripping over you! Be a dear, and go grab Rex from the back, please.”

           Kate gingerly rises to her feet, feeling the bruises already forming on her elbows. Now she’ll have to face that beautiful man smelling like a porter potty. Great. Defeated, she walks to the back and places a collar around the breathtakingly beautiful red husky, Rex.

“Your color is just like mine,” She coos to the sweet dog, scratching him between the ears. Sighing, she leads Rex to the front, where the man stands patiently waiting. His eyes meet hers, and he smiles, revealing a dimple on his left cheek. Her knees wobble a bit, and she knows her face is going pink. Keep it together, Kate, you’re 26 years old, for god’s sake. The man takes the leash from Kate, looking at her quizzically.

“Hey, you dated Ashton, right?”

           Ah, perfect. Just her luck, he knows Ashton! They were probably bandmates- Kate had a type.

“Um, yeah. We broke up about a year ago.” Kate said. “You play with him, I’m guessing?”

He snorts, “Hell no, that guy is a dick.”

           Shocked, Kate barks out a laugh and then covers her mouth quickly. It’s been ages since she’s laughed. “Yeah, he is, actually.”

The man’s eyes are like charcoal looking into her own, but instead of being menacing, they dance with laughter.

“I went to school with Ashton. I saw pictures of you two on Facebook and couldn’t believe he landed a woman like you. I’d love to hear how you broke his heart sometime,” Carson laughs.

           Kate’s first thought is that he’s mocking her, but saw no malice in his face. She’d been treated like crap for long enough to tell when she was being played. She prepares to end the conversation by telling him to have a nice day when, instead, she says, “Buy me a drink tonight, and you will.” Ummm, flirting…really? She was flirting, or at least she’s pretty sure she was.

Carson’s smile grows wider. Oh my God, he’s got two dimples.

“It’s a date, then. Want to meet me at Jay’s around 10?”

           Completing a quick calculation in her head, Kate makes sure she’ll have enough time to shower and put on a little makeup before meeting him. “Can we meet at 10:30?” she asks.

“That’s perfect,” Carson says. Well, I guess I better get Rex home before my sister sends out a search party. I’ll see you tonight…”

“Kate!” Kate says way too loud for the small room, realizing she never actually told him her name.

With a final flash of a grin, he’s gone.

12 P.M.

           Kate and Carson had spent the last two hours bonding over their mutual love for metal music and their mutual hate of Ashton. Kate, possibly too full of liquid courage, finally told him about the breakup with Ashton and how she’d been described as “characterless.” To her disbelief, Carson didn’t find her boring at all. He laughed at all her jokes and listened intently to every word she said. They talked for another two hours before the bartender knocked loudly on the bar top, informing them that the bar was closed.

           The pair emerge into the damp summer night, arm in arm, stumbling slightly. In the parking lot, they pause at Kate’s car, reluctant for the night to end. Carson pulls Kate towards him as if to kiss her but hesitates.

“I know it’s crazy, but it’s like I’ve known you forever.”

Kate’s lips part, preparing to tell him she feels the same, but she robbed of her chance. Two blinding white lights appear out of thin air and a thunderous crash shatters their perfect night. The sound of a horn drones incessantly. Two bodies lie intertwined beneath bent metal, their blood pooling as one in the glow of the moon.

July 22, 2024 16:14

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