A Thanksgiving Letter

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a story in the form of a series of thank you cards.... view prompt


Holiday Inspirational

A Thanksgiving Letter

Dorian was daydreaming of all the times in her life that she had been grateful. Her parents, teachers, friends, neighbors, family members, friends, and strangers along the way all gave Dorian what she needed to survive a specific time in her life.  Anguishing over the fact that she had never really expressed her gratitude in writing, she decided to write a Thanksgiving letter full of thank-yous to share with her family and friends.

Dear Family and Friends,

I am grateful for what you have given me throughout this journey called life, so I decided to write this letter to celebrate all of you during this season of gratefulness.


Memories of the joy you gave me

As I searched my soul to find my place in this world

I give you my heartfelt gratitude 

Thank you for your encouragement, which gave me strength.

Crossing the Finish Line

Thank you

For the many breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you provided me

As I toiled to complete my dissertation.

Sticking with me and lifting me up.

I’m grateful


The sun will shine, the moon will glow,

Ocean waves will web and flow 

Our friendship will endure.

Forever together

Your belief in me is overwhelming

Thank you for your devotion

 Papa J

A freakish fall

A fractured foot

Surgery…plates and screws

Doctor visits,  physical therapy. 

You chauffeured me with kindness. 

I am forever grateful.

A Cloud

A cloud of uncertainty rose above me

But you were there, bringing blue skies again. 

I just want to say… Thank you.

You Rock

For the long walks and the many long talks 

that gave me clarity and understanding,

For the shoulder, to cry on…with you, I couldn’t have made it. 

You Rock!

My Cousin

To My Cousin LaQuita

April our birth month…born in the same week

We're connected

No matter the circumstances,

Your gentle spirit never ceased

Soft-spoken, kind-hearted

Taking every day in stride

Thank You for being You

For the beautiful birthday cards

Glad you were my Cuz.

I’ll miss you


As I stumbled…you were there to catch me

As I trembled…you were there to strengthen me.

The sight of my crumbling love affair caused me to doubt

Your encouragement was steadfast

Your positivity gave me support…Thank You 


When the door closed on going into the Navy…I cried

When the door closed on going to Yale…I cried

When the door closed on becoming principal…I cried

When the door closed on me conceiving…I cried

When the door closed on getting that cottage on the lake…I cried

Through all my tears, you were there to give me hope

Thank you, heavenly father, for your grace.


A marriage dissolving, scared for what to come

Threatening words, afraid

Out of the house, not knowing what to do

Where will I go?

Thank you, Judy, for making your house my home

Thank you for caring and protecting with wisdom

With insurmountable kindness and love

I’m grateful

Thank You, Good Samaritan

A busy Maryland expressway…alone

Bumpy sounds repeated

Oh No, could it be

Yes… a flat tire

Calm yet Panic rising

The Good Samaritan pulled over

Thank you for waiting with me

Thank you for caring about the safety of a stranger

Thank you for being you 

Ms. Martin

You never gave up on me 

Always pushing me to do my best

Thank You for the pushing

Cheering me on to finish that self-reflection

Thank you for the cheering

Confident in my future success as a writer

Thank you for the confidence

As I write this, it is because of you

My writing is because of you

Thank you, Ms. Martin, in believing in me.

A Friend

It’s with humble gratitude my friend

You saw me through when the rent was due

Lost and confused about what to do

Giving me the funds so I could continue to live

Giving me hope that…life would turn around

I appreciate you so, more than you will ever know

My Friend

Encouraging Words

A promise broken…questioning why

Confusion…but wait

Words of wisdom spoken

Words of understanding come through the fogginess

Forever grateful for the clarity

Because of you and your encouraging words

Vision is clear, and moving on

I humbly say…Thank You


Full of sadness

My furry companion, Jazzie

With her little paws and button nose…, she was gone

Your sunflowers put a smile on my face

Your sunflowers rejoiced in fond memories of Jazzie

Your sunflowers sang to me

 Every petal of gold brings healing

Thank you

A Letter

A jolt..life has changed

Stricken with grief

My Mother gone

A letter from a sixth-grade student

“ I know your Mother was proud of the daughter she created”

Tears flowed for the memories of my Mother 

Tears flowed reading the condolences 

Grateful for the words of a 12-year-old boy

Comforting Support 

Through the falsehoods hurled at me

You gave me comfort and support

Through the meanness of legal threats

You gave me comfort and support

Through the potentiality for financial hardships

Distress caused by my brother

You gave me hope with solutions

Always there to comfort and support

My heart overflows with love

For my ‘spiritual brothers”

Thank you 

The Caregiver

A greeting with a smile

A warm hug

A meal prepared with care

You’re my caregiver

Rolling me to the porch

Sunshine to embrace

We listen to nature’s music

You're my caregiver

My medications 

My comfy blankets

My wraps for my head

I am comforted

I am blessed

Thank you, caregiver, for making me feel part of life

Thank You, Mom

For your love 

For your laugh

For your beliefs

For your teachings

For your joys

For your convictions

You made me who I am today

I sing your praises

Now and Always

I love you

Thank You, Mom

I hope everyone enjoyed reading my Thanksgiving Thank You letter and could identify which thank you card was written with you in mind. I am forever grateful.

Peace, Love, and Blessings,


After emailing and, in some cases, actually mailing her Thanksgiving letter, Dorian packed up her car with her labradoodle, Petunia, and headed for her uncle's farm in West Haven, Connecticut. There was a chill in the air, and they were forecasting snow, but Dorian was excited to exit the city for the tranquility of farm life. Taking a lunch break at a cute deli on Highway 5, Dorian decided she could finish her drive before the snow started. With only 2 hours to go, the flurries began, and so did Petunia’s barking. The snow was picking up quickly, covering the roads with a blanket of white. Dorian listened to the weather report, which told of dropping temperatures. All of a sudden, a truck swerved into Dorian’s lane. She swerved to the right to avoid the truck going into a wooden fence and the lake below. Dorian didn’t make it to her uncle’s house. Dorian would write Thank you cards no more. 

Life is uncertain, and the journey unknown, so find time today to say thank you in your own way.

July 31, 2024 18:43

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