
Lord Alfred Pearce was a wealthy nobleman in the 18th Century England. He was known for abusing and humiliating anyone that came into contact with him. The poor soul who got the brunt of his brutality was his gorgeous, sweet wife Rosanna. They were sworn to each other when Rosanna was just sixteen years old and Alfred was twenty-nine. Alfred had already had three wives before dear Rosanna. All three wives had passed away, all of the deaths being ruled "accidental". The surrounding village had their speculation of Lord Pearce's involvement, but nobody would ever dare to come forward and accuse him. Everyone feared him. Once the two were wed, Rosanna was terrified of her new husband, she had heard the whispers of the wives before her. It sent shivers down her spine whenever she saw her betrothed. Every man that Rosanna came into contact with was smitten with her, she would giggle with them, her blonde hair cascading around her. Her actions would lead to nightly beatings from Lord Alfred. He would call her the nastiest of names and then force himself upon her. Alfred grew increasingly impatient with her, for after a year of marriage, she still had not produced a child. He had beaten her bloody when she suggested he was unable to produce children, since his previous wives never became pregnant either. The left side of her face bruised, dried blood on her pillow, she knew she had to save her own life and get out. Rosanna, now seventeen, grew progressively alarmed by his increase of violence. She had a gut feeling that she would be the next of his wives to disappear from this world. She had to get out. She had known of an elderly woman nearby who was rumored to be a witch. Perhaps this mysterious woman could aid Rosanna in finally being free. She crept out of the estate at nightfall once Alfred was fast asleep in a drunken stupor. Rosanna walked through the gates and out onto the road, making sure she moved quickly and quietly. The woman lived down the road a bit, on the outskirts of the village, bordering the forest. Rosanna kept walking and soon saw a small white smoke stack in the sky, and then a small cottage glowing in the distance. Rosanna's pace quickened, excitement coursing through her. She practically ran up to the small cottage and knocked on the door frantically. A frail woman answered the door, "May I help you?" she asked the young woman. "I need your help, may I come in?" Rosanna asked, breathless. The woman nodded and let her in. Rosanna told the old lady everything from start to finish. The old woman listened intently, nodding and gasping in shock. At the end she took Rosanna in her arms and gave her a warm hug. "I can help you." She said, softly into her ear. The old woman made Rosanna a cup of pink tea. "Drink this my dear and everything will be over with Alfred, you will be free." She told her. Rosanna didn't hesitate and drank the tea in one swig. The old woman took the empty cup and told her "Go back to your home and make love to your husband, afterwards chant these words: "Saor mi, saor mi" three times" Rosanna thanked her and hugged her goodbye. She returned to her passed out Alfred and did just as the woman had said and made love to him, he was half asleep, but didn't fight her. Once finished she leaned down and kissed him saying "Saor mi, saor mi." three times. On the third time Rosanna's eyes went white and her body went rigid. In a trance she walked over to the window and jumped out, falling to her death. Her naked body broken and her blond hair spread out around her. Rosanna was free from Alfred at last, just like the wives before her.

August 12, 2019 02:36

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