Fiction Romance

Fincher was once the most bullied kid in 5th grade. He always wore the classic nerd attire complete with curly hair, braces, a pair of glasses and a shirt with a quote from Star Wars or Marvel or some other comic. He wasn't like the other kids, and that's probably what drew me to him. I, on the other hand, was extremely popular at that time. For the wrong reasons, but still popular. Everyone had dubbed me the new girl to look out for and everyone glanced at me with that envious look on their faces, but I really didn't care. Fincher and I used to share a love for classic movies like Casablanca or Singing in the Rain and I would often find him at our local drive which played black and white films every weekend. I'd always wave to him, but he'd always wave back. I never understood my attraction to him because it certainly wasn't for his looks. I always loved him for his uniqueness. Inside, I was just a nerd who loved Marvel and Star Wars too. The sad thing is, I never got to tell him that. I never got to show him that side of me. And when 9th grade rolled around, O knew that not confessing was the biggest mistake I made, and that it was way too late now.

After Fincher returned from the summers, everything had changed. I was no longer the popular girl, and just the quirky weirdo with like two friends who always made double Dutch braids and won the Spelling Bee once! But Fincher on the other hand, he became the hot guy that every girl (and guy) had a crush on. Like literally every girl ever tried to pursue him but only that snotty Miranda was able to secure a kiss from that Greek God. No, like really. He had the body of a Greek God, the face, uhm, of a Greek God and, uh, the smile of a Greek God? It's really hard to decribe, but yeah his whole physicality was that of a Greek God. I mean, sure that was one of the most appealing thing about him at the time, because I remember he was as bright as a 10 watt bulb. But I also really liked him because he was kind to everyone around him and never stuck chewing gum under my desk, unlike Brian from Physics, his best friend. I would occasionally make my moves on him, but my flirtation got no reaction from him. He just smiled at me and turned away. I never got to see any of the stationary that I gave him again. Erasers, sharpeners, pens, rulers, all gone. But I'd take his affection over anything, even today. I use told tutor Brian in 11th grade and he even told me that

Well, flash forward to today. I matched with Fincher on Tinder today! I have called him up to meet me at the Sands Café and he only lives a few blocks away. I know, it's kind of pathetic to pursue a childhood crush, but I have been single for a year now and really not ready for a relationship with a stranger, it's always better to date someone you know. And I love walking along the beach, but it's way too hot today and I don't want to arrive sweating and running out of breath on the first date.

This cafe is, uh, neat. That's the best compliment I could think of. I only chose it because he suggested it. At least he was polite enough to ask, I just jumped at the first option out of excitement. I see this guy wearing headphones and his cap turned backwards. I can hear through his headphones, that is definitely the Barbie Girl song. Not judging, but that's definitely not him. I guess he's not here yet. His profile says that he is a 'freelance healer'. Not sure what that means. Someone else just came in! That's not him. That's a lady with big hoop earrings wearing a latex suit and carrying a dog in her purse. Have I accidentally walked onto the set of Jersey Shore?

15 minutes have passed, I'm still waiting. I guess it's okay to be a little late, he must been busy or something. And oh boy! There he is! He looks just like I remember him! That same dirty blonde hair and those hazel eyes! Ah! Someone pinch me! Is this a dream? "Alison?" "Hey Fincher!" I shout. He walks in looking around and quietly sits at the booth seat opposite me. "Quiet there, nobody calls me Fincher anymore, it's such a lame name. I go by Finn." He said. "Oh sorry, I didn't know." I said softly. He proceeds to tell me about his life and I stumble across him describing our drive in, "Wait, was it Sydney's Movies?" I subtly dropped a hint. "Yes, but how do you know that?" He said. I suppose he doesn't remember me, I'll have to jog up his memory. "I went to Morley Academy and used to go to Sydney's to watch classic movies on the weekends!" He has to remember me now. "Oh, then why haven't we met before?" Huh, guess he still doesn't remember me. "I am Aly, Alison Scott. Remember me? We both had Ms. May's Physics together?" "Um, I'm sorry, I don't recall you." "Do you remember Brian? He used to stick chewing gums under my desk?" "I remember Brian, but I don't remember anything about chewing gums-" "Mr. Duchovny's Algebra? The teacher taht always used to drench the first row with spit?" "Oh I remember him! He was so funny." "So do you remember me now?" "Um, not really." "How can you not remeber me? Mr. Ryerson, he used to give my English papers as an example to show the class that I always wrote the best stories and poems and I gave you like A BILLION PENCILS, Finn! How do you still not remember me?" "Uh, this is getting weird I think I should lea-" "Don't! This was a mistake. I should be the one to leave. Goodbye." And with that I left. I am so dumb. I really thought that he would remember me. Of course he doesn't remember me! What was there really to remember about me? My round cheeks that Ms. Burberry always used to pull? My silky, ebony hair that were pretty unique because every darn girl dyed her hair pink and purple in high school? The English essay I wrote on what it means to be a woman in today's society? Who am I kidding? There is a lot to remember about me! I am memorable. He is dumb as a sack of hair for forgetting someone like me. What the hell was I thinking?

February 14, 2021 04:15

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Mary R.
05:12 Feb 26, 2021

Here’s for the critique circle: I loved this story! It was so relatable, interesting, and empowering. I find it really refreshing to read a story where the girl isn’t automatically devastated when her love interest rejects her. It’s so impactful that she realizes that he’s not worth it. All in all, I wouldn’t change a thing! This story was such a fun, engaging read!


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Ally Kate
18:35 Feb 20, 2021

This story is super relatable. You've developed very realistic characters - I can feel the pain of her embarrassment when he doesn't remember her. But I LOVE that you end it with her literally not caring at all and recognizing that she is memorable. Nice job! Would love to hear your feedback on my story!


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