Secrets and Mysteries Revealed

Submitted into Contest #273 in response to: Write a story with the line “Don’t tell anyone.”... view prompt


Mystery Fiction Crime

Shades was running through the alley, being chased by a very well-built man who was carrying a gun. This time, he had bitten off more than he could chew. Perhaps I should back up a bit… 

This, like most good stories, is one of intricacy, mystery, secrets, arguments, plot twists, and fights. How would I know? I’ll get to that later. For now, let’s just call me your narrator. This story begins with a guy, and not just any random guy, but one surrounded by hardships and struggles, yet shrouded with secrets and mystery. This guy went by the name Shades, and was always wearing a black hood, and black shades covering his eyes. Nobody ever saw him take them off. Nevertheless, enough description. Let the story begin…

                  It was an ordinary day, just like any other, at least for Shades. He was walking down the alleys, like he owned the place. His countenance was never one of fear, but more one of overconfidence. He walked over to the place he usually stayed, which was a house that had wooden boards covering the windows and the door. One of the windows was half covered by one of the wooden boards, and that was the way he would enter the house. The place was really old and broken down, and the grey color of the house made it look even creepier. It was a building that nobody dared go near, since most thought it was too creepy. This did not bother Shades though, rather it made it ideal for him. He went inside and gathered up his gun, his knife, some cash he had from his last “job”, and crept back out into the night. He crept from alley to alley quietly on his way to see his current “boss”. Technically though, whatever he did he did for himself, and not for others, so he always did whatever was best for himself. He walked up to the eerie building that his boss worked at. One of his jobs or at least one he had tasked himself with, was being a shadow, remaining practically invisible. He suddenly stepped out of the shadows and stood in front of the two goons who were standing guard at the entrance. 

“You sure gave us a fright this time,” One of the goons remarked. 

“Yeah, you always appear out of nowhere,” The other goon added.

“That’s what happens when you live alone for too long,” Shades chuckled. 

“That’s funny, but what is your business here?” The main goon asked him.

“I came here to see if Maverick had another job for me to do,” Shades said casually. 

“He is always glad to see you, I will let him know you are here,” The one goon said, as they lead Shades to a chair inside, where he could wait. As Shades sat there, he did a lot more than wait. He did exactly what he always would do, when he sat in this room. He scanned the goons, their weapons, the exits, and any other possible factors necessary in case he had to escape. As he glanced about the room, the goon returned. 

“He is ready for you, I just hope you are ready for him,” The goon smirked. 

“Of course I am ready, was pretty much born that way,” Shades remarked pridefully. He walked over to Maverick’s office, still acting very overconfidently on the outside, while inwardly glancing about the hall and the office. He took a moment to pause and glance at some blood stains on the wall. He silently wondered if working for Maverick really was such a good idea, but none the less he needed something that only Maverick had. 

“Well, well, well, look who’s back,” Maverick said with a smirk on his face, “I knew you would be back, people in your condition always come back,” He chuckled. 

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s cut to the chase. You know what I need, so, what do I need to do to get it?” Shades asked. 

“I was hoping you would ask. There is this big job I was needing to have done, and you are the perfect person for it. The clock is ticking though, as you know, so you better hurry. It is the big jewelry store called ‘Jewelers Incorporated.’ Casing a job like that would normally take weeks for most, but not you. I know you are in need of what I have, and quite urgently, so I would hurry up and get it done fast if I were you,” Maverick said as he smirked.

“That is a huge job! You know I need that stuff much sooner! Please at least give me half now and half after!” Shades begged of him. 

“What you say is true, but if I gave you half now, you would not do the job with as much urgency,” Maverick replied. 

“Fine! I will do the job! At least give me one now though!” Shades said angrily. 

“No, get hurrying if you want to last long enough to get back in time,” Maverick said sinisterly. Shades shuffled out the door and into the streets, now feeling anxious. He went back to his broken-down house and tried to rest for the night. As he lay on the hard wooden floor though, he tossed and turned as he thought about how much work this job would be, and how long it would take. 

“What if I don’t get it done in time… what if I don’t make it long enough… my head… it… hurts…” Shades thought to himself before getting up and beginning to plan the robbery. He stayed up all night drawing plans, but knew as soon as morning came, he would have to go to the jewelry store to scout it himself. The hours dragged by, till it was six in the morning, and Shades realized that he would need some coffee in order to be properly awake and aware of his surroundings. He snuck about the shadows, and picked someone’s pocket, getting some cash. He then walked over to the coffee shop. When he finally got up to the counter, the barista and him spoke. 

“Hello, what can I get for you today?” The girl asked him. She was a young girl of about 18 years old, and she wore a pair of ripped jeans, and a t-shirt. However, despite her casual outfit, she wore the most beautiful diamond necklace. 

“Can I please have the strongest coffee you have,” Shades asked her. 

“Didn’t sleep much, huh?” She asked him. 

“No… I slept fine, just a busy day ahead,” He lied. 

 “I get that, what is the name for the order?” She asked him. 

“Uhh… Shades…” He replied unsurely. 

“You expect me to believe your name is Shades?” She asked him, while looking him in the eyes. 

“Well… that’s what everyone calls me, plus I don’t even know your name,” He replied slyly. 

“Fine… my name is Jenn,” She replied smiling. 

“Nice to meet you,” He smiled. He then paid and waited for the coffee. Once he had gotten it, he drank it quickly and left for the jewelry store. He walked around the outside of the store analyzing every detail. By the time he was done he had memorized every entrance, exit, ac vent, crack, and crevice that the building had. He realized that it was already afternoon, and the store had just closed. Checking out the inside of the store had to wait. Shane went and sat on a bench, and as he sat, he felt his head begin to pain. 

“Aughh,” he cringed in pain as he did his best to maintain a straight face while he bit down hard with his teeth and clenched his fists. He then put his hand to his forehead and sat there in agony, letting out a long sigh. 

“You can do this… you can do this… just finish the job…then everything will be fine…” he mumbled to himself. He looked up, just as Jenn, the girl from the coffee shop exited the jewelry store and locked the door behind her.  

“Curious… she has a key…” Shades thought to himself. Jenn came up to him. 

“Mind if I join you?” She asked with a smile. 

“Sure,” Shades replied, shocked that she was not too nervous to be around him. Afterall, he did look intimidating. He was glad though, since maybe he could snatch the key from her without her noticing while they spoke. 

“Is everything ok? I couldn’t help but notice that you appeared to be holding your head,” She asked him. 

“Yep, no problems here, just need more coffee,” He chuckled, even though he was in absolute agony. He did not want to show it though. He had a thing about opening-up to other people. He was not good at trust, but who could blame him. Nobody should have to experience what he did. 

“Uh huh…” She replied, almost positive he was lying. She was partially annoyed, since his shades caused her to not be able to look him in the eyes. 

“Really! Now, since we are both here, we might as well get along, right? If you want to get along with me, I have one rule. Absolutely no personal questions,” Shades said to her rather harshly. 

“Why not?” She asked, super puzzled. 

“That is a personal question,” Shades replied annoyed. 

“Fine, no personal questions, just a favor. If I am going to speak with you, I want to look into your eyes, and not those shades, I mean, it’s not even light out!” Jenn replied cleverly. 

“I have to go…” Shades replied as he “accidentally” knocked her bag onto the floor. 

“I am so sorry, let me help you pick up all your stuff,” Shades said as he bent over and put everything back in her bag, except the key, which he snuck into his pocket. 

“It’s ok, thanks for helping,” Jenn said while smiling. 

“Yeah, anytime,” He replied as he began to walk away. That day had been the first time Shades had genuinely smiled in a long time. Before that, he had possessed no true joy or happiness, not since that one day long ago… that day when everything had gone wrong…

“Wait! My keys! Their… gone…” Jenn shouted, as she realized that Shades had vanished into the night. 

“He… he… took them… what am I gonna tell mom,” Jenn said under her breath. 

Shades ran, staying in all the darkest alleyways, amongst the heavy fog, he surely would not be spotted. He then realized through the pitter patter of the rain, that he was being followed. He glanced about the alley, but the fog was too thick, and he could not see anything. The fog was so thick that he couldn’t even see the ground in front of his feet. He knew he couldn’t run, since he would not be able to see any obstacles that could be in front of or behind him. He glanced about nervously, but kept his composure. His head began to hurt again. 

“No no no… now is not the time for this!” He thought to himself. He felt the world begin to spin as the dizziness took over, and he fainted. He lay unconscious in the fog, as whoever or whatever was following him approached. When he regained consciousness again, he found himself lying on a couch, underneath a blanket, with an ice pack on his head, and his shades off. He got up startled and looked around the room. He saw Jenn sitting on a chair, with his shades, and her key in her hands. 

“Sooo… You don’t take off the shades so nobody can figure out who you are… you are a wanted criminal! Shane! You killed Braden Derby, the other criminal who was robbing the bank with you so you could keep the cash! You even stole my key! I can’t believe I was stupid enough to like you!” Jenn sighed. 

“You liked me? Nobody does… not anymore… that story, it’s not true. It’s not what really happened that night!” Shades said.

“Really!? You have lied so much; how will I know the truth?” Jenn said as she picked up her phone. 

“Don’t call the police, not yet, at least here me out first!” Shades exclaimed. 

“Fine, I am listening,” Jenn replied as she crossed her arms and sat on a chair. 

“DON’T TELL ANYONE this, but that night…” Shades began as real emotion began to show on his face, “Braden and I became friends one day, and did a few small-scale robberies together, since we both lived on the street, and needed the money to survive. By this time, you could say we were best friends. One day though, he lied to me, and told me that he had a sister, and that she was in the hospital, and in need of more treatment that he could not afford. He convinced me to help him rob a bank. The two of us cased the building together and went to rob it the next day. We broke in late at night, after disabling the alarms, and went inside. We bagged all the money, and a getaway was assured. We left to the alley, when suddenly, he turned to me and told me that he had lied, and now that he had the money, he didn’t need me anymore. He hit me in the head with a bat, and I don’t remember what happened after that. Somebody framed me for his death, if he even died at all. Ever since that night, I have suffered with headaches and fainting. The only way to get rid of them, is a special medication, that only one person I know of possesses, and he asked me to rob the jewelry store in order to get it. I am sorry, but without the medicine, I am in big trouble. Please, don’t call the cops, and help me. I am sorry that I didn’t trust you, but since he turned on my I have always told myself I will never trust again. If I don’t give anyone my trust, they cant break it, you know,” Shades said honestly. 

“I understand and believe you. We can’t rob my mom though! Why don’t we steal your medicine from this person you know? I will help!” Jenn said. The two of them planned everything out, and Shades went to Maverick’s place, and into his office. 

“So, do you have the jewels?” Maverick asked. 

“Sure, I do, but you will have to catch me first!” Shades said as he ran outside into the alleys. Maverick and one of his goons chased Shades.


Shades was running through the alley, being chased by a very well-built man who was carrying a gun. This time, he may have bitten off more than he could chew. The guy chased him and eventually had him cornered. 

“Give me the jewels,” He demanded. Just then, the cops showed up and arrested the goons, and Maverick. It had been the plan all along. Shades got his medicine from Maverick’s office and was good to go now. When they were done, He asked Jenn to be his girlfriend, and she said yes!

Now to reveal what I told you in the start. How would I know this story so well? I will tell you how, I am Shades! Well, technically my real name is Shane, but, you get the point. I learned a lesson that day. Sometimes you have to trust people, so you don't stay lonely your whole life. Not everybody will betray you, the good friends will stay by your side forever, like Jenn.I am 22 and she is 20! It is quite some time later, and we are now officially married.

October 26, 2024 03:13

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VJ Hamilton
23:22 Nov 03, 2024

Haha, that is a nice reveal in the end! I liked how you used lots of dialog to move the story along.


Stacy Parker
16:20 Nov 29, 2024

Thank you so much!


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